My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 838: Accommodating
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Chapter 838: Accommodating

Chapter 838: Accommodating

Without changing his expression, he responded to Sienna's words and walked up to Ayan, extending

his hand for a handshake. He said, "Mr. Simpson, it wouldn't be right not to welcome you to Flento. I

want to thank Mr. Simpson and Camille for taking care of Sienna in Hance City."

Ayan also raised his hand and shook it with Mario, his face calm and composed. His tone remained

unaffected as he said, "No need to be so polite. Sienna is Cami's good friend, and naturally, she's my

friend too. Friends don't need such formalities and politeness."

Though Ayan's words were merely courteous, they served to create distance between him and Mario.

Implicitly, he was telling Mario that they didn't need his gratitude for taking care of Sienna. It had

nothing to do with him; their connection was solely based on their relationship with Sienna, and they

didn't require the thanks of outsiders.

Mario, being an intelligent person, naturally understood the meaning behind Ayan's words.

However, he continued to smile and didn't reveal any of his emotions. He continued, "That's true, but I

still want to thank Mr. Simpson and Camille for taking care of Sienna. Sienna is from the King family,

and that can't be changed. If Mr. Simpson and Camille don't mind, let's have lunch together tomorrow.

I'll make the arrangements, consider it a welcoming dinner."

Camille looked at Sienna's expressionless face. She didn't originally intend to respond to Mario's

words. Her relationship with Mario was relatively okay, without any conflicts or unpleasant experiences.

It was only because of Sienna that their relationship naturally became distant.

Upon hearing his words, Camille smiled lightly and spoke, "Mario, did you forget? I'm also half a

resident of Flento, so I'm quite familiar with it. There's no need for that. This time, I came to Flento City

to accompany Sienna for a couple of days. There's no need for excessive politeness. Mario shouldn't

mind it, right?"

Camille's face displayed a polite smile. She looked at Mario, waiting for his response. She was polite

and courteous, showing no disrespect, but she gave off a sense of deliberately keeping her distance.

Mario spoke slowly, "Of course, I wouldn't mind. It's just that you've come all this way, and you could at

least call me Mario, so why refuse me? Otherwise, after you leave, Sienna might give me a hard time

and blame me for not hosting you properly."

Mario insisted on inviting Camille and Ayan to dinner, wanting to extend his hospitality. However,

Camille and the others didn't want to have this meal with him.

He persisted, and no one could figure out what he was up to.

Then, he turned to Sienna and said, "Sienna, Camille is your best friend, and it's her first time bringing

her husband along. We should treat them to a meal, don't you agree?"

Although Mario's words didn't sound unusual or threatening, they caused Sienna to pause briefly and

then reluctantly nod her head.

After Sienna nodded, Mario revealed a satisfied smile and said, "That's settled then. We'll have lunch

together tomorrow. I won't disturb you now as I have other guests to attend to. See you tomorrow


After Mario left, the three of them also left the restaurant and got into the car.

However, the atmosphere was unusually quiet. Sienna had remained silent the whole time, her

expression cold and indifferent. Her mood didn't seem very good.

Ayan glanced at Sienna out of the corner of his eye and then quietly spoke to Camille, "If you feel

uncomfortable, we can leave Flento City tomorrow and smoothly decline the meal. But if we leave, will

it cause any trouble for you?"

He was referring to whether Mario would give her a hard time because of it.

Sienna naturally understood and quickly said, "I'm not uncomfortable. I'm just worried that you might

feel uneasy. So if you don't want to go, I'll call him later to explain. You should stick to your original

plans. You shouldn't cancel your schedule ahead of time because of some insignificant person, right?"

Sienna didn't want Camille and Ayan to worry, so she maintained a smile on her face to assure them

that everything was fine. However, Camille might not have been able to read the underlying meaning

behind her smile, but Ayan had met countless people and couldn't possibly miss any subtle emotions.

He squinted his eyes, recalling the moment Sienna agreed to Mario's request after he mentioned it was

Camille's first time bringing her husband to Flento City.

This made him wonder, is Sienna's agreement related to Camille and himself?

But he and Sienna didn't have a deep connection, so Sienna wouldn't do something for his sake.

Therefore, the root of it all must lie with Camille.

Did Mario use Camille to threaten her?

As this thought emerged in his mind, he instantly narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but wonder, how

could Mario use Camille for to threaten Sienna?

Her personal safety? Well, that alone wouldn't be sufficient because he wasn't one to be trifled with. If

Mario wanted to use Camille's safety as leverage against Sienna, it would also be a threat to him. Once

he found out, he definitely wouldn't let Mario off easily. So he wouldn't put himself in trouble willingly.

Although their two companies didn't have any conflicts since they operated in different business areas,

there was no direct conflict. Moreover, the Simpson Group's status was not to be underestimated. He

wouldn't jeopardize his interests by offending the Simpson Group without good reason.

After ruling out Camille's safety, other thoughts gradually emerged in his mind. He squinted his eyes,

pondering Mario's words repeatedly, and new conjectures started to form in his mind.

If it's really as he thought, then it would make sense.

He made a soft snort, a hint of coldness flickering in his eyes, but his expression remained unchanged,

devoid of any unnecessary changes or emotions.

Back at the hotel, Sienna insisted on not staying there any longer. She said, "I'm really happy that you

both came. I caught up with Cami last night, so it's better to maintain a safe distance tonight. If we get

too close, I'm afraid I won't be able to control the urge to keep you here as my company. So let's take

care of ourselves respectively tonight."

Sienna's words seemed lighthearted, but deep down, she felt a tinge of reluctance to leave Camille.

Ayan suggested, "Since you don't want to stay, how about Cami goes back with you?"

Camille nodded, her heart pounding with anticipation, as she looked at Sienna, waiting for her


But Sienna shook her head and said, "I appreciate Mr. Simpson's kind offer, but if Cami goes back withnovelbin

me, I'm afraid she'll wake up in the middle of the night and take a taxi back to the hotel to find you. So

it's better not to."

Camille said somewhat displeased, "Why do you keep rejecting me? Have our feelings changed after

spending time together, and you're trying to distance yourself from me?"

Sienna pursed her lips and smiled, saying, "You have quite an imagination. No, I haven't changed at

all, so don't overthink it. I promise I'll be in front of you by the time you open your eyes tomorrow,


Then she quickly turned to Ayan and said, "Mr. Simpson, please help me persuade your wife. She's

clinging to me too much."

Camille grumbled, and Ayan smiled helplessly, raising his hand to gently rest on her waist as he softly

advised, "Sienna has already said that. Are you going to grant her wish? Besides, she has been with

us all day, and she probably has work to handle at night, right?"

Camille fell silent at that, and Sienna couldn't help but sigh, "It seems Mr. Simpson's words have more


Camille rolled her eyes but didn't say anything.

After seeing Sienna off in the car, Camille and Ayan entered the hotel and took the elevator upstairs.

Once they were back in their room, Camille said to Ayan, "I'm not really clingy to her. It's just that I'm

worried about her mood after meeting Mario."

Ayan gently caressed her hair and replied in a low voice, "I know, but since Sienna has been in Flento

for so long, she knows how to handle Mario. So there's no need to worry, okay?"

Camille nodded and then went to take a shower.

During Camille's shower, Ayan dialed Sienna's number directly.

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