My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 829: Business Trip
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Chapter 829: Business Trip

Chapter 829: Business Trip

After thinking it over, Camille said seriously, "I'll decide on the day in the next two days. Ayan is

preparing for a business trip to Dane, so we can go to Flento first and spend a few days with you

before heading to Dane."

"So, you're bringing him along to torture me? Can't we have our own alone time without him?" Sienna

complained, feeling displeased with Camille's behavior. It seemed like she had completely forgotten

about their friendship now that she had a man in her life, and the thought made Sienna unhappy.

Camille sensed it in Sienna's tone and understood that she was just venting without truly meaning it.

Camille knew that Sienna didn't actually think that way or get angry because of it.

However, Camille also recognized Sienna's current state and knew that she must be feeling down. She

had returned to Flento City alone because of certain reasons, and there were many pressures weighing

on her that she couldn't share directly with others.

There were probably a lot of things they needed to talk about, so Camille suggested, "I'll probably be

going to Flento with him, but I can assure you that I'll give you all of my time. As for him, well, he can

entertain himself!"

"Can you really do that?"

"Hmm, I believe I can. So, can you trust me?"

"Alright, I can trust you, but if you can't keep your promise, I'll be angry!" Sienna said lightly.

"Okay, I won't let you down."

The topic circled back to when she could truly start going to Flento City.

Camille sighed silently and asked in a low voice, "Should I ask Ayan tomorrow? It's late now, and after

what just happened, I don't really feel like talking to him."

"That's fine. If he doesn't agree, then you can use your charms!" Sienna suggested.

"I see that you're in a better mood now. So, let's leave it at that." After saying that, Camille hung up the

phone without any hesitation.

She tossed her phone aside and felt like it was a hot potato. Especially when Sienna mentioned using

charms, the image that came to mind... tsk tsk tsk, it was something she definitely couldn't do.

But then she suddenly thought of something. Did Ayan also think she was using her charms earlier?

Camille spent the whole night with that thought in her mind, which resulted in her waking up the next

day with dark circles under her eyes when she had breakfast with Ayan.

Seeing her tired appearance, Ayan asked, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Camille shook her head, "Just a bit sleepy."

Ayan peeled a boiled egg for her and handed it to her, a gentle smile on his lips. "Is it because I'm not

by your side, so you didn't sleep well?"

Camille hesitated for a moment but quickly denied, "No, it's not because of that. You're overthinking."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I didn't... You're thinking too much. I'm not a child. I'm just thinking about some things."

Her seemingly genuine response made Ayan sigh with a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Well,

that's a shame. I'm a little sad now. It hurts when you're so indifferent and won't even comfort me. It

really makes me feel sad."

Camille had gotten used to his playful side when he was in front of her, so she didn't take it too

seriously. Without changing her expression, she smoothly shifted the topic to the next one, asking,

"When are you going on your business trip to Dane City?"

"Me? Aren't we going together?"

"So, when are you leaving then?"

Ayan glanced at her, slightly puzzled, and asked, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Because I want to visit Flento before we go to Dane. I want to see Sienna. I feel like her mood hasn't

been great lately, and she's been in Flento City for a while now. I've never visited her, so I'm a bit

worried about her," Camille explained honestly, her face and eyes showing her concern.

Ayan nodded slightly, not stopping or refusing Camille's request. He responded in a casual tone, "We'll

leave for Dane after Kian returns. If you want to accompany Sienna for two days before that, we can

leave in these two days. We can meet Kian directly in Dane City then."

"These two days?" Camille's eyes flickered, and she continued, "Then let's go tomorrow. Today, I'll go

to the museum to coordinate some work. I need to submit the design drawings. Also, because of the

previous incident, even though everyone has resumed work, we're still in a slow-paced state. After we

come back from Dane City, we'll probably be really busy. I'll call my mom tonight to let her know, and I'll

ask her to take care of Timmy."

Camille hadn't seen Timmy in a while. After he went on vacation, he had been having a blast there.

During their video calls, he would mostly be sleeping as their schedules didn't align. So, she hadn't

seen much of him on video.

Talia had told Camille in their video calls that Timmy, despite his young age, was already well-behaved.

He had learned many words and would insist on taking walks with Old Simpson every day. Even when

Old Simpson went fishing, Timmy would sit quietly by his side for a long time without getting fussy.

It was not easy for such a young child to be able to calm down like that.

Talia had sent Camille many videos, some privately and some in their group chat. They were so

heartwarming and adorable to watch.

The responsible and mature side of this little boy made Camille feel immensely relieved and proud.

So, whenever she thought of Timmy, Camille couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt and self-blame.

Her face drooped, and her voice sounded a bit down as she asked Ayan, "Am I not fit to be a mother at

all? Since I started working, it feels like I've had less and less contact with Timmy. I haven't been giving

him enough care and companionship. When I think about it, I'm really irresponsible."

Ayan's brow immediately furrowed, and his handsome face momentarily stiffened. His voice deepened

as he said, "Of course not. You're doing great. Even though Timmy is our child, we can't give up our

work and everything else just to be with him every day. Your job now is to provide him with a better life,

right? And you haven't been completely absent either. You stay in touch with him every day, and you're

fully involved in his growth. So, you're responsible, and you shouldn't have any guilt or self-blame.

You're doing great."

Ayan earnestly tried to reassure Camille with every word, particularly not wanting her to feel any guilt or

self-blame when it came to Timmy.

If there was anyone who should feel guilty, it would probably be him, right?

After all, it was his obstruction and firm threats that prevented Camille from leaving the Simpson family

with Timmy. When he thought about it, he was the real culprit, wasn't he?

Ayan looked at Camille with a deep gaze, and a hint of worry emerged in his heart. Would Camille

blame him?

Even if he could go back in time, he would probably make the same decision again.

If she had really left with Timmy back then, would their relationship be different from what it is now?

The thought of her never returning to his side made Ayan's expression turn solemn and uneasy.

He reached out and held Camille's hand on the table, squeezing it in his palm. His voice became

somewhat hoarse as he said, "Don't have such thoughts anymore. Timmy has you as a mother, and we

trust you to take care of him. He can play around and have fun everywhere. After he starts school, wenovelbin

can pick him up and be with him outside. Alright?"

Camille nodded slightly and explained, "I'm not complaining. I just thought about it suddenly, so I

wanted to talk about it."

"I understand."

Ayan stared at her intently, his eyes filled with tenderness.

After having breakfast, Camille and Ayan set off together. Camille went to the museum, and Ayan

headed to the Simpson Group.

During the drive, Camille suddenly asked, "Where did Kian go?"

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