My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 827: Mistreatment
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Chapter 827: Mistreatment

Chapter 827: Mistreatment

Right after Austin contacted Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya respectively, Kian arrived in Campole.

Kian didn't even take a plane to get here. He drove with another driver, just like Austin.

They reached Campole at ten o'clock at night.

Following Ayan's instructions, Kian arranged a meeting with Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya.

It wasn't easy to set up the meeting because Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya weren't too keen on meeting

Kian once they found out he was associated with Ayan.

However, Ayan had already contacted the former chairman of the Campole Chamber of Commerce.

Although he had retired, the former chairman still had some connections within the chamber. Over the

years, he had gained considerable respect and was highly regarded. Now in his seventies, everyonenovelbin

held him in great esteem.

With the help the former chairman, Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya agreed to meet. Since the former

chairman had no vested interests with the Norman Group and had no ties to Ayan, there wouldn't be

any troublesome issues arising.

Kian met they two under the name of the former chairman.

Both of them came alone, without their drivers or secretaries. That was the specific instruction given by

the former chairman.

Upon seeing Kian, Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya were cautious and distant. They asked Kian, "What can

we do for you, Kian? We were working with Mr. Norman on the Simpson Group's project, but now that

Mr. Norman has stepped down and handed over to another person in charge, we're not sure why

you're here."

Kian remained calm and spoke in a subdued voice, "Mr. Dávalos, Mr. Moya, please don't

misunderstand. I made all this effort to meet you today not for any other reason, and it's certainly not

because of the collaboration between Simpson Group and Norman Group."

"If it's not for collaboration, then is there something else between us?"

"In theory, there shouldn't be." Kian glanced at the two and asked in a low voice, "Besides being work

partners, you two are good friends, right?"

Both of them nodded, saying, "Naturally."

"Since you are good friends, there should be no secrets between you, right?" Kian continued.

After a few seconds of hesitation, both of them nodded in unison and said, "Of course."

Upon hearing their response, Kian couldn't help but smile.

His smile made both of them feel slightly uneasy and awkward. Mr. Dávalos was the first to speak up,

asking, "Kian, what do you mean by that smile? We don't understand your intentions."

Kian calmly looked at them and asked, "So, there really is nothing you're hiding from each other?"

This time, Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya fell silent completely.

Their expressions turned slightly stiff, and they didn't answer the question.

Kian didn't press them further and simply said, "Since you are good friends, you should know that

honesty is crucial between friends. Don't let others' words and schemes harm your friendship. In the

end, you won't achieve your goals, but instead dig your own grave and fall into a trap!"

A faint smile appeared on Kian's face. His words were clear enough, and he believed they understood.

After a brief moment of silence, Kian continued, "Mr. Simpson specifically asked me to come to

Campole and meet you in person, not wanting you to be deceived or manipulated. Of course, it would

be a lie to say there are no ulterior motives from us, but you two have no grudges with Mr. Simpson. He

won't scheme against you. On the contrary, Mr. Simpson and you are on the same side now. We have

a common enemy. If you keep protecting him, Norman Group won't get a favorable outcome. Do you

really want Norman Group to end like this? The current situation seems to have settled down due to the

Norman Group's statement, but both of you must know deep down if he really did those things which

have been exposed, right? If he did, do you think he can truly wash away his guilt and escape


Kian's words gradually broke through the defenses in their hearts, and he continued while maintaining

a composed demeanor.

Kian said, "In fact, considering your positions and prestige, it wouldn't be difficult to find a new leader

within the Norman Group. This is also Mr. Simpson's assurance to both of you. Of course, Mr. Simpson

has a condition."

"A condition? What condition?" Mr. Moya asked anxiously.

Kian responded, "If the Norman Group changes ownership and one of you becomes the new leader,

then the other should assist to the best of their ability. This ensures the longevity of the Norman Group,

and there will also be a secret collaboration between the Norman Group and Simpson Group. Mr.

Simpson won't treat either of you unfairly."

Both of them fell into complete silence, without any response for a long time.

Their inner turmoil and complexity were intense because these matters were full of unknowns and

numerous risks. Success would be the best outcome, but what if they failed?

If they failed, based on Austin's character, he would never let them off.

Then, where would they go from there?

At this moment, their eyes met, and they both understood deep down that Austin had approached the

other as well.

Austin wanted them to fight each other and reap the benefits.

However, their concerns didn't diminish. Although tempted, they were still hesitant.

Kian timely continued, "Let me tell you the truth. This time, Austin kidnapped Mr. Simpson's wife in

Hance City to threaten him. Although she was rescued unharmed, Mr. Simpson won't let Austin get

away with it."

"So even if Austin remains unscathed from this incident, he won't be able to escape Mr. Simpson's


Therefore, even if they managed to save Austin, he wouldn't be able to live worry-free. He would face


So, what would become of the Norman Group then?

The answer was clear.

Both of their faces turned grave. Whether they had the answer deep in their hearts or not, only they


Kian didn't press further to force an answer because Ayan had instructed not to push too hard, as it

might backfire. It was better to give them enough space and time to think.

Kian didn't stay any longer since it was getting late, and he didn't want to arouse Austin's suspicion by

returning too late.

Kian got up proactively, looked at them, and said, "It's best if you give me your answer by tomorrow

morning. You can send someone here to inform me. That way, I'll know you've made your decision. If

you still insist on siding with Austin, there's no need for any response. But time is of the essence,

before tomorrow morning. Once that time passes, even if Mr. Simpson wants to help you, it will be too


After giving his instructions, Kian left the private room, leaving the two of them alone.

As for what they would discuss, Kian wasn't curious because everything was within Ayan's


The details didn't matter anymore; only the result was important.

After leaving, Kian first expressed his gratitude to the former chairman and presented him with a gift

that Ayan had prepared-a unique set of white jade tea ware of considerable value.

With his tasks completed, Kian returned to the residence in Campole that Ayan had purchased before

called Ayan.

He informed Ayan that everything had been taken care of, and now they were waiting for Mr. Dávalos

and Mr. Moya's response.

Kian asked with some concern, "Mr. Simpson, will they really agree?"

"It's not about agreeing; they will definitely agree. At their age, they won't just sit idly by and watch the

Norman Group be destroyed by Austin. The only way is for them to take control themselves. They want

to help; otherwise, they won't be able to secure their position as the leaders of the Norman Group."

"I understand. So, what should I do next? Just wait?"

"Arrange the things you need to do next and start implementing them once they give you their answer."

"Alright, I got it."

After hanging up the phone, Ayan put it down and went to the room to find Camille.

Camille had just finished taking a shower and hadn't even picked up her clothes because she knew he

had been busy outside.

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