My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 825: Intuition
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Chapter 825: Intuition

Chapter 825: Intuition

Austin didn't have any spare time to think about confronting Preston right now. With such a big incident

happening at Norman Group, he had to rush back immediately.

But Norman Group was in chaos like ants on a hot pan, and even if Austin returned, it wouldn't make

much of a difference.

The Norman family had the largest share in Norman Group and was the ultimate authority. However,

Norman Group was not solely owned by the Norman family. Apart from Norman Group, there were Mr.

Dávalos and Mr. Moya, who had worked together with Austin's father to build Norman Group. Both of

them were the second-largest directors of Norman Group. However, even if their shares were

combined, they only accounted for fifteen percent of Norman Group. That was why the Norman family

had maintained their position in Norman Group all these years.

But whether it was Mr. Dávalos or Mr. Moya, they were extremely dissatisfied with the Norman family

behind closed doors, especially after Austin's father retired and handed over the management of

Norman Group to Austin. Austin didn't hold them or the senior-level executives in high regard and was

extremely dismissive of them.

So, from the beginning, everyone resisted Austin's management of Norman Group. However, over the

years, Norman Group had been profitable and showed an increasingly positive momentum. That's why

everyone had silently endured their dissatisfaction. After all, getting their share of the profits was real

money. Who wouldn't be happy about that?

But now, everyone knew that the reason why Norman Group could operate so smoothly was because

of money with an unclear origin. And they only received a small portion of that money, while Austin and

the Norman family took the lion's share.

Who could tolerate such a huge disparity?

After arriving at Campole, Austin immediately held an emergency meeting at Norman Group.

His phone had been lost when Ayan's men were chasing him, so no one could contact him now. All

communication was being handled by Jeremiah.

He finally had some peace and quiet.

Jeremiah drove him back to Norman Group. The entrance was crowded with reporters and media, so it

was impossible to enter directly. Fortunately, the car he was driving today was not the one he usually

used, so it didn't attract too much attention.

The two of them entered through the back door of the basement and took a dedicated elevator up to

the office.

When the employees saw Austin, they immediately spread the news in the internal group chat, "Mr.

Norman is here!"

"Mr. Norman has been silent all this time, and it's making me nervous. Usually, if he hasn't done

something, he would have had Jeremiah issue a clarification. Why is there no movement this time?

What should we do? I feel like I'm going to lose my job!"

"Me too. I feel like Mr. Norman is afraid to make a statement. Is Mr. Norman feeling guilty?"

"Shhh!!! Let's not discuss it. It wouldn't be good if it reached Mr. Norman's ears. Let's focus on finding a

new job as quickly as possible, or we won't be able to pay off our credit cards if we become


Everyone works at Norman Group, so naturally, they hope that Norman Group will continue to thrive. If

it's just the usual small matters or less influential gossip, everyone stands by Norman Group. But now,

the revealed evidence is completely a violation of the law. It's simply unbearable.

It's all been confirmed now. Unless Austin presents more compelling evidence, this matter will be

attributed to Norman Group.

The employees' hearts are starting to waver, and the high-level executives who Austin never took

seriously are expressing their discontent one by one.

After the meeting began, the time spent on discussing this matter alone lasted nearly half an hour.

Austin sat there without saying much because he hadn't been resting well lately and had been

travelling all day. He was now exhausted.

These voices buzzed in his ears like bees, making him extremely irritable and emotionally drained.

He slammed the table heavily, his face icy cold. He narrowed his eyes and scanned the crowd, saying

indifferently, "Did I gather you here to accuse me of doing something? No, I gathered you here to tell

me what we should do now. Come up with a reasonable solution. Let me be honest with all of you here.

If something happens to me, if the Norman family gets in trouble, none of you will be able to escape.

The money in you earn comes from Norman Group. Do you think you can walk away unscathed?"

Although Austin didn't directly admit to the online allegations, his words were an implicit


He did it, but now, to find a solution, if he really gets into trouble, everyone will be in trouble together.

Mr. Dávalos said somewhat helplessly, "Mr. Norman, we were completely unaware of these matters.

Now you're forcing us to knowingly do wrong. In my opinion, if Norman Group really did such things, it's

time to cut our losses. Mr. Norman should apologize to the public, there's still a chance to resolve this."

"Huh, so you're not willing to find a solution, nor are you willing to bear the responsibility together? Are

you planning to take the money and push all the blame onto me and the Norman family?"

Austin let out a cold laugh, his expression extremely ugly.

He stared at Mr. Dávalos and then glanced at the others. Everyone exchanged looks but didn't say a


It was evident that they agreed with Mr. Dávalos, after all, they would benefit from it together. But when

trouble arises, they won't face it together.

Mr. Dávalos continued, "Mr. Norman, you're still young, and most of us here are older. We've seen

more of the world than you. So listen to me. Hold a press conference and apologize now. This matter is

already a violation of the law. If you don't apologize and show your attitude, the media and the public

won't let it go."

"I agree with Mr. Dávalos. At this point, Mr. Norman, please don't act on impulse anymore. We're all in

the same boat, and we don't expect you to shoulder all the responsibility alone. But now, as the person

in power at Norman Group, with the largest stake in the Norman family, it's more convincing if Mr.

Norman takes the leading role in this matter."

Mr. Moya spoke these words. Both he and Mr. Dávalos were around the same age as Austin's father.

Before Austin took over Norman Group completely, he used to address them respectfully as uncles.

But since Austin took full control of Norman Group, his respect for them vanished.

The two of them combined had over a century of experience. How could they willingly be oppressed by

this younger Austin all the time?

So over the years, they maintained a cooperative relationship. Compared to theirs with Austin's father,novelbin

it was the two of them who were tightly connected.

After this matter came to light, the two of them immediately discussed it. They couldn't possibly let

themselves take the blame, nor could they let Austin get away unscathed. After all, Austin is

responsible for what he did. He should pay the price.

Therefore, when Mr. Moya finished speaking, Mr. Dávalos and several close associates of Norman

Group all nodded along.

In addition to Mr. Dávalos and Mr. Moya, there were around ten people who were close confidants of

Austin's father, apart from their own people. The remaining five high-level executives were loyal to

Austin's father and had stood by Austin all these years.

But this time, they were unsure of what to do, so they remained silent without expressing any opinions.

They also contacted Austin's father, but he kept saying that he was unwell and couldn't get involved.

He left everything to Austin to handle.

The power struggle among everyone around the conference table made Austin coldly laugh. Austin

retorted to everyone present, "So, you took the benefits and pushed all the responsibility onto me, is

that it?"

Mr. Moya glanced at Austin and smiled awkwardly, saying, "Austin, aside from our positions at the

company, we are also your uncles. I have worked with your father for so many years, and there has

never been anything that let down you or the Norman family. If you claim that we only turned our backs

on you because we received benefits, then I don't acknowledge that."

"Yes, Austin, you know very well how your Uncle Dávalos and I have worked at Norman Group under

your leadership. So, what you said about us, we don't acknowledge it!"

"What does it matter if you acknowledge it or not? These are facts, aren't they? Don't tell me you

haven't benefited from Norman Group? Now that the truth has come out, you're all trying to shift the


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