My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 821: Soft-Hearted
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Chapter 821: Soft-Hearted

Chapter 821: Soft-hearted

"Yessica. Have you met Yessica? Do you think she's suitable for you?" Camille asked again.

Kian involuntarily pictured Yessica's face in his mind, and his expression froze for a moment because

he hadn't considered this at all.

However, Camille said, "I think you two would be a good match. I'll talk to her when I get home later.

You two can exchange contact information to get in touch."

"Is that okay, Kian?" Camille fixed her gaze on him, waiting for an answer.

Ayan chimed in, "If you think it's a good fit, give it a try."

Only then did Kian nod and reply, "Alright, thank you for your kindness, Mrs. Simpson and Mr. Simpson.

I'll get to know Yessica better."

Camille felt pleased because Kian was a good guy, and she felt that he would be compatible with


After all, Yessica had been working for her for quite some time, and she felt some responsibility

towards her. Besides, Kian was Ayan's secretary, so bringing him into her circle would be a win-win


As Camille thought about this, a smile involuntarily crept onto her face, which stayed with her even

after returning to Maple Leaves Mansion.

After getting out of the car, she turned to Kian and said, "I'll have Yessica contact you later, and then

you can take the initiative to get to know each other, alright?"

Kian nodded, "Alright, Mrs. Simpson, I got it."

Camille furrowed her brow slightly, feeling a bit strange, and immediately clarified, "Kian, I'm not

ordering you to date Yessica. I just want to give you both an opportunity to connect. Maybe you'll be a

good match, but even if you're not, it's okay. Don't feel too pressured, and there's no need to feel

obligated just because I introduced her to you."

Camille made it clear that she didn't want to force anyone's hand. It wouldn't be beneficial for Yessica

or Kian if they got married solely due to her influence. After all, a marriage without love wouldn't last,

and she was a prime example of that.

The feeling and experience were something she would never forget in her lifetime.

Of course, she didn't blame Ayan for it. Just because she loved him didn't mean he had to love her in

return. That would be unreasonable, wouldn't it?

Camille sighed silently, her smile gradually fading as she thought about the past. She couldn't put it into

words, but it wasn't sadness she felt, but rather a sense of indescribable melancholy.

She had experienced that feeling before and didn't want others to go through it again.

Thinking of the past, she gently pursed her lips. There was an indescribable feeling deep in her heart.

But she was very clear that it wasn't sadness, but probably an indescribable sense of loneliness!

After all, that kind of experience is unforgettable for a lifetime.

Of course, she doesn't blame Ayan, because she loves him, but it doesn't mean that he must love her.

Isn't this too much?

Camille sighed silently, and the smile on the corner of her mouth gradually dissipated.

After confessing to Kian, he nodded and replied sincerely, "Madam, rest assured, I know what to do."

Camille glanced at Kian, and since he claimed to know, she didn't need to say anything more.

Ayan, who had been silent all along, finally spoke when the conversation between the two seemed to

be wrapping up. He said calmly, "If you think it's a good match, you can continue to develop the

relationship. If it doesn't work out, that's alright, but don't hurt Yessica."

Since Camille introduced Yessica to Kian, Yessica held a different meaning for Camille. Ayan didn't

want to be caught in the middle, nor did he want Camille to feel sad or upset. So, the best approach

was to lay everything out from the beginning.novelbin

Kian agreed with a nod, and then Ayan held Camille's hand as they walked toward the door of their


Entering the elevator, Camille asked softly, "Was it wrong for me to do this?"

"Don't overthink. If you want to do it, then do it. Besides, you're not doing anything wrong. What you're

doing is a good thing, helping to create a possible connection. It's a great thing," Ayan patiently

explained, his response genuine and devoid of any pretense.

Camille's inner doubts gradually dissipated as she listened. She looked up at Ayan and asked, "Do you

think what I'm doing is good?"

"Yes, very good."

"Will you support me too?"

"Yes, I will support you."

"Do you think Yessica is suitable for Kian?" The elevator doors opened, and Ayan had the keys, so it

was his turn to open the door. They entered the apartment, and Camille took the laptop bag Ayan was

carrying for her and walked inside. After setting down the bag, she continued, "Although I think Kian is

outstanding and handsome, Yessica is also cute. Most importantly, Yessica is straightforward and

doesn't have any hidden agendas. I think Kian, who has seen the harsh side of society, would

appreciate that."

Ayan squinted his eyes, took off his coat, and hung it on the nearby coat rack before speaking in a

casual tone, "You think Kian is handsome? You're well aware of his excellence. It seems like you care

about him and pay a lot of attention to him."

Camille couldn't help but sense that something was off in his words, but she responded naturally, "Well,

it's not that I care about him. It's just that he's always by your side, so I didn't notice his good qualities

all at once. It's something that accumulated over time."

Camille didn't realize that her response might push Kian closer to the edge of being laid off.

Ayan snorted lightly and said indifferently, "You seem to be advocating for Kian quite well!"

Tsk tsk tsk!!!

Camille finally caught on.

She couldn't help but laugh, her eyes fixed on Ayan without blinking. She picked up a glass of water

and walked over to him, but he didn't make any move to take it. He just glanced at her lightly, as if his

gaze was saying, "Are you trying to please me by slapping and then giving me something sweet?"

Well, he was quite temperamental.

Standing there motionless, waiting for Camille to coax him!

His indifferent and unresponsive attitude made Camille unable to resist saying, "You clearly know that's

not what I meant. Kian is your secretary, and his excellence reflects well on you. And if he wasn't

handsome, should I say that you work with an ugly monster every day? Wouldn't that be off-putting?"

Camille didn't deny what she had said before. Instead, she used a different approach to tell Ayan that

she praised Kian's excellence because of him, which indirectly meant that he was discerning and found

himself a good secretary.

But Ayan wished she would immediately deny that Kian was the ugliest person in the world, even

though he knew her words were just meant to placate him. It would still make him feel better.

But now that she said that, if he continued to be angry, it would seem like he was in the wrong.

Ayan looked at Camille expressionlessly, clearly enjoying the fact that she was at his mercy. His deep

eyes slightly narrowed, displaying a hint of indifference, and his voice was calm as he said, "I actually

wish he was an ugly monster!"

Camille burst into laughter and held the glass of water out to him, saying, "Have some water. Look at

how ugly you've become when you were just angry."

"Heh, I'm ugly, and others are good-looking, right?"

"Oh, no, that's not what I meant. Please don't misunderstand me," she held the glass of water, but he

didn't seem to have any intention of taking it. Camille's face showed a bit of aggrievement as she said,

"Ayan, my hand is getting tired."

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