My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 810: Repetition
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Chapter 810: Repetition

Chapter 810: Repetition

Austin believed that Ayan was no match for him, considering that everyone here belonged to him.

Naturally, he didn't worry about Ayan and didn't even pay him any attention.

For Austin, Ayan was nothing more than a lamb to be slaughtered at this moment.

A coldness overflowed from the depths of Ayan's eyes, and Austin's eyelids twitched lightly. He asked

nonchalantly, "Why are you looking at me? Are you displeased? But what can you do? Mr. Simpson,

this is my territory. Both you and your wife are in my hands, and your people wouldn't dare to come in."

Though Austin spoke like this, he still turned to his assistant at the side and said, "Check the

surveillance and show Mr. Simpson how useless his people are."

Originally, he had some worries when Ayan came to him, but now he realized that Ayan was even more

useful when controlled by him.

A triumphant smile emerged on his lips, filling his eyes with satisfaction, completely occupying his


Ayan, on the other hand, remained silent. Naturally, no one knew that when Austin handed him the

phone to unlock, he glanced at the time. Since then, he had been counting the seconds, estimating the

time it took for them to gather here, whether by car or on foot.

So he waited.

Waited until the time was about right.

His voice suddenly rang out, "Austin, do you want to know where Cora is?"

Ayan's sudden interruption startled Austin, but he didn't show it. He just looked at Ayan with a calm

face and said, "It's not that I want to know, it's that you must tell me. Otherwise, you won't leave here

today. It's dark now, and the place Camille is held isn't lit up like here. No one knows what could

happen to her in the pitch-black room. So think carefully."

Austin's words made Ayan instinctively think of the conversation he overheard from the two men before

coming here, and his expression immediately turned cold.

Austin noticed the change in his face and revealed a smile in an instant. He said, "Mr. Simpson, don't

waste any more time. I can wait, but I'm not sure if Mrs. Simpson can?"

Austin's face was filled with a cold smirk. After speaking, he beckoned to his assistant again. "Go and

check if there's anything unusual on the surveillance. Mr. Simpson is here with us, and it wouldn't be

good if his people, who are too concerned and clueless, come looking for him."

The assistant quickly complied, thoroughly inspecting the surveillance footage, and then promptly

informed Austin, "Mr. Norman, everything is normal. Rest assured!"

Austin smiled lightly, gazing at Ayan. "It seems Mr. Simpson has reached an agreement with your

people. When do you plan on bringing your people over? Or do you think you alone can take your wife

away from me, Ayan? You're a bit too confident, aren't you?"

Ayan stared coldly at Austin, his voice equally icy. He questioned, "Austin, why involve innocent people

in our matter? If you have any grievances against me, you can take them out on me directly. It's rather

unmanly of you to harm my family."

"Ayan, do you have the qualifications to make demands of me? You have no right to negotiate

conditions with me. Just listen to what I tell you to do. If you don't want to cooperate, then simply say it


"So, you insist on involving my family as well? Even if we can directly resolve our issues, you still want

to drag innocent people into it, right?"

"What of it? As long as I achieve my goal, I can do whatever I want."

"Fine. Since you've made your choice, don't regret it!"

Ayan calmly finished speaking, but his tone made Austin feel extremely dissatisfied. Austin walked up

to him, glaring at Ayan with a ferocious expression.

Austin asked, "What do you mean?"

Ayan stared at him unblinkingly, his voice clear and precise. "Can't you understand? I'm just reminding

you to make your choice carefully and not to regret it. Since you insist on involving my family because

of the problem between us, then you should be prepared. Unless you can trap me here forever at this

door and make it impossible for the Simpson Group and the Simpson family to survive in Hance City,

otherwise, as long as I can leave, and as long as the Simpson Group and the Simpson family still exist,

you and the Norman Group behind you will have to pay the price for your actions today. So, are you

truly prepared?"

Austin's eyes flickered for a moment, a trace of fear slipping through, but he quickly concealed it with

different expressions and emotions. He stared at Ayan with a fierce gaze. "Huh, of course, I'm

prepared. But are you prepared? Can you accept your wife being..."


Austin didn't even finish his words when he suddenly saw a dark figure rushing towards him, and a

heavy fist landed directly on the center of his face.

He felt a sharp pain and realized that someone had tightly grabbed his neck, preventing him from

breathing. The whole process was swift and brutal. It took him a few seconds to regain his senses, and

he saw that the person in front of him was none other than Ayan.

Ayan clenched Austin's neck tightly, denying him any chance to speak. He cast a cold gaze at the three

people standing by the side, two of them who had just restrained Austin, and the other being Austin's


The three of them were dumbfounded, looking at Ayan in disbelief. Their gazes then shifted towards

Austin as they exclaimed, "Mr. Norman!!!"

They were worried and somewhat fearful, not daring to approach.

Ayan coldly stated, "If you don't want him to die, get out."

The three guys exchanged glances but didn't actually leave. They wore guarded expressions, ready to

rush in at any moment. This stalemate lasted for almost ten seconds, while Ayan squinted his eyes,

emanating a chilling aura that permeated the entire room. He sternly addressed Austin, "Tell your

people to leave. I don't want to repeat myself, understood?"

He slightly loosened his grip, giving Austin a chance to catch his breath. Austin wanted to resist and

retaliate, but Ayan firmly held his neck, challenging him to see who would be quicker-Austin's attempt

to resist or Ayan's move.

Austin dared not move recklessly and could only vent his anger at his own people. "Get out! Can't you

hear me? Get out!"

The three men looked at each other, feeling aggrieved, but eventually, they exited the room.

Ayan glanced around the room and then spoke indifferently, "Let's go. Take me to find Camille."

Austin murmured, "Mr. Simpson, there are no lights outside. I can have my men bring Mrs. Simpson


"No more talking. Do as I say."

Ayan dismissed his suggestion and instead instructed Austin to lead the way.

As for Austin's three men, they naturally walked ahead since it was dark, and even a slight glimmer of

light was enough to see.

Ayan surveyed his surroundings, and everything was eerily silent with no signs of activity.

He questioned Austin coldly, "Where are they?"

Austin's assistant immediately replied, "They're just ahead."

It wasn't a single villa, matching Ayan's initial speculation, but rather a few houses separated from each


Because of the light and the sound of footsteps approaching, the two men responsible for watching

Camille also heard the noise as they neared. One of them quickly turned on a flashlight and aimed it in

their direction, demanding sharply, "Who's there?"

Austin's assistant promptly responded, "It's Mr. Norman."

Upon hearing that it was Austin, the person quickly exclaimed, "Why did Mr. Norman come over? It's

troublesome without a light. If there's something, just call us over."

Austin's assistant glanced at Austin, who was trapped behind, and didn't dare to say anything that

could potentially implicate him.

However, the path at night was not easy. Just as they reached the corner, Austin suddenly staggered,

struggling and shaking, determined to break free from Ayan's control even if it meant bumping into the


Austin dashed away, shouting, "Ayan, you won't catch me! Ayan, just wait for me!"

His men quickly reacted and chased after him, shouting, "Run, run! Ayan's people are here!"

Their screams immediately shattered the once quiet air.novelbin

Ayan was the only one left standing in place.

He had no intention to pursue them. The commotion quickly alerted Kian, who hurriedly rushed over

upon hearing the noise. Seeing Ayan standing there, he immediately asked, "Mr. Simpson, are you


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