My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 808: Silver Tongue
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Chapter 808: Silver Tongue

Chapter 808: Silver Tongue

He followed the direction of his gaze and saw the man standing there, motionless with an

expressionless face, mocking him with cold indifference in his eyes. Austin's face instantly froze, and

he sat up straight, his voice slightly stiff, "Mr. Simpson, you're quite fast."

Glancing at his watch, his tone was much calmer than before, with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Mr. Simpson is punctual, right on time. It seems Mr. Simpson loves Mrs. Simpson very much, and your

feelings for her are genuine. So why can't you let go of someone else's wife?"

Ayan's face changed slightly. Although he was standing alone, with Austin and three of his men

present, it didn't diminish Ayan's confidence. Wherever he stood was his domain. Even though Austin

constantly provoked him, he didn't feel the slightest bit inferior.

Facing Austin's question, he remained expressionless. "Are you prepared for the consequences if you

want Cora back?"

"What consequences? She's my wife. Why would I need any consequences to have my own wife

back? What do you mean, Mr. Simpson?"

"Does Mr. Norman have a memory of only seven seconds? Did you forget in the blink of an eye? Do

you not remember what your wife Cora has done?"

Ayan squinted his eyes, a hint of coldness flickering in them. Every word he said reminded Austin of

Cora's crazy behavior.

But he refused to admit it and didn't want to face the fact that his wife was a psycho.

His eyes glimmered with coldness, and he snorted, "Doesn't Mr. Simpson know about her condition?

Isn't it clear who caused her to become like this? So, Mr. Simpson, are you trying to completely remove

yourself from the picture?"

Ayan looked at Austin indifferently and asked, "Does Mr. Norman believe that resorting to elaborate

revenge is the right thing to do?"

"I can't just let myself be bullied, can I?"

"Do you think the Simpson family is bullying her or bullying you as a couple?"

"Can Mr. Simpson honestly say that your grandfather and parents haven't done anything to wrong

her?" Austin questioned. He stood up from his chair, his gaze cold and distant. He continued, "Does Mr.

Simpson think you bear no responsibility?"

"That's not for you to ask, so I don't need to tell you my answer. But since you brought up whether I've

wronged her or not, I can assure you that I haven't. If she willingly took the money and left, it means

she was mentally prepared for all the consequences and chose to treat everything as if it never

happened. Do you think such good fortune exists in this world?"

Moreover, she could have refused or directly told him and left everything for him to handle.

All those excuses about being afraid of causing a rift between him and his family and affecting their

relationship were just excuses.

Ayan's narrowed eyes became even colder, and his words made Austin feel his dignity harmed even

more. Especially with his people present, his dignity as a man was continuously mocked and

questioned by Ayan. Austin sneered, "Mr. Simpson, you're quite silver-tongued."

Ayan glanced at him calmly, showing no emotional response to his remark. His gaze was like that of

someone looking at an utterly ordinary person. This kind of indifference, in Austin's eyes, was Ayan's

lack of respect for him.

Because only by not regarding someone highly would one not have any emotional reactions.

Just an insignificant person, nothing more.

Austin's face turned solemn, and his eyes burned with intense emotions. He said, "Since you think this

way, why bother coming here today? After all, Mr. Simpson and the people from the Simpson family

have done nothing wrong. The ones who are at fault are us, the innocent people. Mr. Simpson has a

good case, so why not just call the police and have me arrested? Oh, unless you're afraid? Afraid of

what I might do to your wife?"

Austin slowly approached Ayan, a disgustingly smug smile on his face, his eyes filled with mocking

scorn. He deliberately provoked Ayan in this manner, saying, "To be honest, Mr. Simpson, my men

haven't had a woman in a long time. They all light up at the sight of Mrs. Simpson. If it weren't for me

holding them back, they probably would have devoured Mrs. Simpson, bones and all. So, Mr. Simpson,

it's best not to look at me like that, and definitely not pretend you can't hear what I'm saying. Otherwise,

I might get angry. And when I get angry, I can't guarantee what I might do. What do you say, Mr.


He chuckled coldly, watching Ayan's expression gradually turn sour and stiff. His mood became

exceptionally delightful.

Austin smiled with a curled lip in front of Ayan and said, "Mr. Simpson, have you figured out why you

came here today?"

Ayan's dark eyes remained calm and composed as he met Austin's gaze head-on. He asked, "So, what

do you want?""I want Mr. Simpson to issue a statement on behalf of the Simpson family, telling

everyone that the Simpson family has wronged Cora. Furthermore, you should let everyone know that

all these events were orchestrated by the Simpson family using their influence. And I demand an

official apology from you for six months, pinned at the top of your social media."

Austin's smile filled his features, a hint of satisfaction evident. He smirked, "Come on, Mr. Simpson,

time is running out. My patience is limited."

"Austin, if I do as you say, are you sure you can let Camille and me leave here safely?"

"Of course, after all, what goes around comes around. Since you were able to come here alone, there

must be people outside with you. I have no intention of breaking the law. As long as Mr. Simpson

cooperates, we can both come out on top. So, Mr. Simpson, will you cooperate or not?"

"You claim not to break the law?"

"Of course!"

Ayan chuckled coldly.

Annoyed, Austin asked, "What do you mean by that, Mr. Simpson?"

"Nothing much, I just want to know if you're certain that these are your only conditions?"

Ayan never displayed any emotions throughout the entire interaction, making his intentions hard to


Naturally, Austin had his doubts, but he didn't plan on asking. He couldn't show any curiosity in front of

Ayan, as it might make Ayan think he was scared.

Austin repeated Ayan's words over and over in his mind, feeling more uncertain each time. What did

Ayan really mean?

Did he think Austin's demands were too excessive?

Or did he have other thoughts and intentions?

Austin furrowed his brow slightly, a trace of probing on his face. He said, "What do you mean by that,

Mr. Simpson? Do you think my demands are too much? Compared to what you have done to us, what

I'm asking is only a fraction. Mr. Simpson, if you are willing to come here alone for the sake of your

wife, I can do the same."

Austin believed he could be bad to Cora, but not others, especially Ayan.

Because Ayan surpassed him in every way, stronger and more capable. Austin's heart harbored

feelings of inferiority and jealousy towards Ayan. He wanted to see Ayan fall and show everyone who

was truly powerful.

And he wanted Cora to realize that he, Austin, was the most formidable one.

And Ayan was nothing in comparison.

Austin's thoughts were extreme, and his emotions were highly agitated. Without waiting for Ayan's

response, he continued, "If you're not willing, Mr. Simpson, then please leave!"

"You're thinking too much. I just need some clarification. What if I do as you say, but you change your

mind? Since you've made up your mind, I can inform the people at Simpson Group to release the

statement. How about that?"

"No need for Simpson Group's people to release it. Mr. Simpson should do it personally. I have paper

and pen here. It'll be more sincere if you write it yourself."

Austin beckoned to someone nearby to bring paper and pen and handed them to Ayan. His coercion

had left Ayan with no way out.

Of course, Ayan never intended to back down, nor did he consider retreating. He reached out and

accepted the paper and pen, then wrote according to Austin's instructions, ultimately signing it with his

own name.

Watching Ayan's handwritten words, Austin smiled with satisfaction. He glanced at the two men who

had been standing behind Ayan all along and gave them a nod. Ayan was immediately held down bynovelbin


Austin looked at Ayan and smiled, saying, "Ayan, I've had enough of your antics. Since you willingly

came to me, I won't be polite anymore."

"So, you're planning to back out?" Ayan questioned with indifference.

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