My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 785 Bet
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Chapter 785 Bet

Chapter 785 Bet

"Um, I think that's fine. So it's settled then?" Ayan continued to go along with this topic without

changing his expression, and then said steadily, "In order to get into the role of being a dad stay at

home earlier, I'm going to stay over tonight. I want to adapt early to taking care of Timmy at night.


He spoke so righteously that if Camille hadn't started the conversation just now, she would probably

have thought that every word from him was just a prelude for what he had just said.

After finishing his dinner, Ayan picked up a tissue and wiped his hands before saying, "I'll go feed

Timmy. You finish eating and I'll come wash the dishes later."

Ayan was really good at taking care of things around the house. What should she do? Camille felt like

picking up her phone and recording this scene before selling it to gossip media outlets - it would

definitely cause quite a stir.

Who would have thought that Simpson Group's CEO who handles billion-dollar orders and partnerships

could actually be so proficient in feeding his child and washing dishes?

Camille was stunned for several seconds before slowly recovering herself and continuing to eat.

But she didn't need to be polite with Ayan - after all, they were still in the stage where he was pursuing

her so naturally she should enjoy herself.

Camille smiled as she watched him feed Timmy and then finish household chores together.

And all she needed to do now was relaxation.

After they finished playing with Timmy for awhile once he fell asleep (which usually happened around

10 pm), only the two of them remained awake.

It wasn't early anymore even though Ayan had just mentioned staying here overnight - did he really

need to stay here?

Although they had done everything they needed or wanted to do together already... staying overnight

seemed kind of... well... awkward.

Yes... a little awkward...

Because they hadn't lived together for such a long time, there seemed like there were feelings between

them which couldn't be expressed clearly. Therefore Camille felt particularly uneasy about everything

while sitting on edge next to him on sofa, scrolling through her phone screen absentmindedly .

The TV played an indie movie which had recently been released; watching movies this late often made

people feel drowsy easily. And Camille kept yawning repeatedly instead .

Ayan also noticed this and asked in a low voice, "Are you tired?"

"Um, a little bit."

"Then go take a shower and rest, hmm?"

Camille nodded gently, but she didn't move.

He asked, "What's wrong?"

Camille glanced at him and asked, "Do you really want to stay overnight?"

"Timmy is here, and I'm afraid you'll be tired, so I stayed to take care of him. You wouldn't refuse my

request, would you? If I really wanted to take advantage of the situation, why would I wait for Timmy to

come? Think about it yourself - how many times I could ask to stay but didn't? Tonight Timmy is here

and I'm worried he might have trouble sleeping at night. With me around, I can share the burden with

you. Is that okay?"

His tone was soft and his every word was filled with irresistible seduction, which gave Camille no

reason to say no.

She nodded unconsciously, which meant that she had agreed.

So when Ayan took her hand and walked towards the bedroom, she was still in a daze and hadn't really

reacted yet.

It wasn't until she was standing under the shower head, taking a shower, that she realized Ayan had

brainwashed her.

This man's way of speaking was just a series of excuses, making it impossible for her to find any

reason or excuse to refuse him.

In hindsight, it seems a bit too scary. If he were really plotting against her, she clearly wouldn't be a

match for Ayan.

On this night, with Timmy here, nothing could possibly happen. Timmy slept on the left side, Camille in

the middle, and Ayan naturally slept on the right side.

His reason was that he was worried about crushing Timmy, so he felt more at ease with her sleeping in

the middle. However, this contradicted what he just said about taking care of Timmy.

But they were already lying down, what else could she do?

Couldn't she just drive him away, right?

Camille was probably really tired, after all she had been busy at the museum all day, so she fell asleep

pretty quickly.

Ayan heard the steady breathing beside him, and slowed down his movements to sit up gently, leaning

against the headboard. He wasn't particularly tired, especially in this atmosphere and moment. It had

been the first time like this ever since Timmy was born - the three of them sleeping together in one bed.

This moment stirred up a ripple in his heart, leaving him unable to calm down for a long time.

He reached for the phone beside him, took a picture of the woman and child next to him, and made it

his phone wallpaper.

His gaze and expression became gentle, something that had never been shown to anyone before.

The satisfaction was only temporary, as the issue between him and Camille had not been resolved yet.

The night was beautiful, and Camille slept well.

Timmy didn't wake up in the middle of the night either because his mother was beside him. He slept

well too. However, he woke up a little early the next morning. Ayan was worried that he would wake up

Camille, so he took him to the living room to play.

Ayan made milk for Timmy and sat with him while he ate breakfast until Camille woke up.

Camille saw Ayan sitting in the living room with Timmy and felt a little embarrassed when she faced

Ayan. "Did you get up early? Why didn't you call me?" she asked.

"Not long ago. I can handle it without calling you," Ayan pointed to breakfast on the table and said, "You

eat first. Later I'll have my driver take you to the museum while I wait at home for Mom to come pick up

Timmy before going to work."

"Okay," Camille nodded.

After eating breakfast quickly and tidying herself a bit, Camille went straight to work at her company.

Around 9 o'clock, Talia arrived to pick up Timmy, so Ayan was a little late going to the office today.

However, Kian arrived nearly an hour early and waited downstairs at Maple Leaves Mansion.

Once Ayan got in the car, Kian drove towards Simpson Group. During the ride, Kian gave a brief

summary of his day's work and then things quieted down.

About halfway through their journey, Kian's phone suddenly rang. They happened to be at a red light so

he stopped the car before answering: "Hello!"

It's unclear what was said on the other end of the line but Kian's face changed slightly: "Okay, I

understand. We'll talk when Mr. Simpson gets back to the office."

After ending the call, Kian turned his head towards Mr. Simpson in the back seat and said: "Mr.

Simpson, something is wrong!"

Kian told Ayan about what he had just learned but there wasn't much reaction from him; his face just

turned slightly indifferent with a hint of furrowed brows - no other emotions were shown.

Kian asked: "Mr. Simpson, do you think it could be on us?"

Ayan narrowed his eyes without saying anything, which left Kain feeling uncertain.

At that same time...

In Hance City Museum conference room...

Everyone was working diligently with their heads down; even though they weren't working in their

company offices, they still had projects that needed completing within regular business hours - they just

didn't have to clock-in or out.

So after working for quite some time someone noticed that Louise wasn't there today, which was

unusual, since people were rarely absent for more than an hour or two during work hours.

Everyone exchanged glances while silently guessing why she might not be here today as their eyes fellnovelbin

upon Amber who sat where Louise usually did.

However, Amber didn?? t seem too concerned about it as if she didn?? t care at all, which made

Camille suspicious especially considering what Amber had said yesterday:

Was Louise fired? Or she just retreated from this project?

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