My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 783 Good Enough
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Chapter 783 Good Enough

Fletcher was very unpleasant, and he glared angrily at Ayan. "You don?? t know when to stop such

nonsense? What do you mean by 'anything shady'? Your grandfather and I have been running

Simpson Group properly for so many years. Don't tarnish our reputation with baseless accusations."

Ayan smiled lightly. "I was just asking. You and Grandpa have managed Simpson Group for so long

without ever doing anything to harm others?"

Fletcher furrowed his brow tightly, still not looking happy.

"Simpson Group is a business, not a place for violence," Fletcher said. "What do you mean by harm?"

Ayan felt helpless; both his father and grandfather seemed very strict in their speech, making it difficult

to get through to them.

So he changed tactics and said calmly, "Has the Simpson family ever done anything wrong to anyone


Although his tone sounded light-hearted, he gave off an extremely serious vibe.

This made Fletcher also become serious instantly; his displeased expression gradually became calm

as he silently pondered before speaking slowly: "Anything wrong?"


'Did something happen?

"Now I'm not sure, I just guess, so I need you to give me an answer. I have tried to ask Grandpa. I don't

know it is really no or Grandpa disguised too well."

Fletcher looked at Ayan with a stern face and shook his head gently: "Our family has not wronged

anyone. Even after all these years, I can tell you with certainty, no."

"Do you know Elijah? The former secretary of Armstrong Corp? Besides knowing that he was

Armstrong Corp's secretary, do you have any other impressions of him?" Ayan asked.

"What other impressions are there?" Fletcher asked back. "Are you saying this matter is related to


"Sort of," Ayan replied vaguely.

Ayan, of course, was not as tight-lipped with Fletcher as he had been with Old Simpson.

Fletcher still needs to know some things. As for the old Simpson, it is naturally because he is old, so it

is inconvenient to let the old Simpson know and worry about many things.

Fletcher furrowed his brow and thought carefully before saying, "It's definitely a lie if I say I have no

impression of him. But my impression of him is only related to the Armstrong family. Although we do

run into each other somewhere else, his attitude has always been that of a secretary."

Ayan nodded slightly and spoke in a lukewarm tone, "Is there anything else besides that?"

"Not at the moment."

"Dad, I suspect that Preston knows Elijah and their relationship runs deep. And Preston is not just

Camille's friend; perhaps what he's doing is directly aimed at our Simpson family."

Ayan revealed more information in order to make Fletcher feel more suspicious and conflicted. If

Fletcher was hiding something, then this was the only way to get him to tell the truth.

They locked eyes with each other. Fletcher's emotions were quite flat; there wasn't much emotion

displayed on his face as he said, "Do you think I would be like your grandfather who tells you half-


"I never thought that," Ayan replied.

Fletcher continued speaking: "The Simpson family hasn't done anything wrong towards anyone else

but it doesn't mean others won't have their own thoughts or opinions about us. Everyone only considers

things from their own perspective instead of others', so if you want to find out what exactly happened

with Preston and Elijah, you'll have to start by investigating them."

"Okay, I know what to do now. But if it's convenient for you grandpa-wise... you could try probing

around for me too!" Ayan suggested.

"I won't probe around because even if I did ask your grandfather about something he didn't want to

say... not even the entire Simpson family could force him into talking," Fletcher explained calmly before

adding reassuringly: "But don?? t worry. Your grandfather wouldn?? t do anything wrong towards

anyone else anyway, so put your mind at ease."

Those words from Fletcher shutting down Ayan?? s thoughts completely on this matter--he didn?? t

push any further.

It was still early when Ayan left the Simpsons' mansion with Timmy.

He drove while Timmy sat securely strapped into his safety seat for a child in Talia?? s car since

Ayan?? s car didn?? t have one installed yet.

They arrived directly at the museum without notifying Camille beforehand since she was still working.

Only after they reached did Ayan call her.

Upon receiving his call, Camille was surprised and asked, "Why are you calling at this time? Is

everything okay?"

"Come downstairs, I'm at the museum entrance."

"You're here?"

Camille was taken aback and stood up from her chair.

As she walked outside, she asked, "Why so sudden?"

"Just come down. I'm just the driver," he replied.

Who could he be driving for? novelbin

Camille looked puzzled and thought he must be joking around.

It wasn't until she saw Ayan driving Talia's car that she had a slight suspicion that Timmy might be with


She walked over quickly and opened the back door to see Timmy sitting in his child safety seat. She

exclaimed, "Timmy!"

Timmy also saw Camille and clapped his hands asking for a hug while shouting "Mommy! Mommy!"

Camille was thrilled. She quickly unbuckled Timmy's safety belt and took him out of the car with a big

smile on her face. She said happily, "How did you get here? Did you miss Mommy?"

Timmy hugged Camille closely. Ayan also showed an envious expression on his face.

Ayan cleared his throat lightly and said calmly, "Can you two get in the car now? Don't forget there is

still a driver here."

Camille laughed before opening the door to sit inside with Timmy by her side. She said to Timmy:

"Quickly thank daddy! If daddy didn?? t bring you to find mommy today then mommy wouldn?? t have

seen you."

Timothy didn't have many words but simply said: "Daddy... thank you!"

Ayan finally felt satisfied as he gently pinched Timothy?? s cheek.

While holding Timothy in her arms looking towards, Camille asked "Why did you suddenly bring him

over from the Simpson Mansion?"

"Don't tell me that it wasn?? t what you wanted? Bring him over tonight so we can all stay together at

Maple Leaves Mansion."

"Really?" Camile nodded excitedly while kissing Timothy?? s hand full of joy!

However, she was still working during office hours; there were still some time left before work ended.

So after spending some time with Timothy, she had to go back upstairs again .

She turned towards Ayan asking:"But I haven't finished work yet. So can I trouble you to take care of

him for a while?"

"Sure, I'll take him out nearby to a children's park for a while. When it gets closer to your off-work hour,

I will come pick both of u up. How about that?"

Ayan's arrangements were well thought out, the epitome of a perfect dad. Camille had never seen this

side of him before and found it refreshing.

Camille smiled lightly, nodding in agreement. "Thank you for this," she said.

Ayan was quick to reply, "If you really think I'm doing all the work here, then maybe you should be a

little nicer to me."

"I'm not nice enough?" Camille asked.

"You're nice enough but have yet to give me a title," Ayan replied coolly. This wasn't the first time he

had brought up the subject.

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