My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 773: Unique
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Chapter 773: Unique

Camille was slightly taken aback, watching Ayan's gaze soften and her brow instinctively furrow. She

asked, "So I guessed right, you really have something you're hiding from me?"

Ayan didn't answer, he just stared at her without blinking. His voice was low and hoarse as he said,

"You haven't answered the question I just asked. If there's something I'm hiding from you or if I did

something that would make you unhappy, would you be angry with me?"

"Since you know I will be unhappy, why do it anyway?"

She countered with a question, making Ayan burst out laughing.

He said, "You won't even take a little loss. How am I supposed to answer this question? If I say that I

knew you were unhappy but still did something to make you unhappy, then wouldn't I be intentionally

committing a mistake? It's even worse. But if I say that I didn't know you would be unhappy, then it's

obviously a lie. So how should I answer? Can you teach me, Miss Armstrong?"

His voice was with a low laugh, and his deep eyes were fixed on Camille without wavering. There was

a faint smile in the depths of his eyes, as if asking her what he should do with her.

Camille gave a light hum of displeasure and said, "You made a mistake and now you want me to teach

you how to appease me? Mr. Simpson, where in the world does that happen? We've been talking about

this for so long and yet you haven't mentioned what exactly you did. Are you afraid I'll get angry if you

tell me or are you planning on using some excuse to brush it off?"

After she finished speaking, she stared at Ayan and waited for his response, without any intention of

letting him go.

Ayan's smile deepened as she looked straight at him. He reached over and gently pinched her chin,

then leaned in for a kiss. But Camille avoided it, so a warm kiss landed on her cheek.

Ayan said, "You didn't want my kiss?"

"Are you going to say it or not? If not, I'm going to bed. You should rest early too!"

"Does this mean you want me to leave?"

He pretended to look very pitiful.

But Camille showed no pity towards him, only nodding indifferently and saying, "Hmm, you go."

"Are you really that cruel?"

He asked even more pitifully.

Camille still had no extra emotions. Her face was cold and indifferent. She simply asked: "So are you

going to say it or not?"

This man is really annoying.

A faint smile crossed his cheek, and he whispered, "I told you I had Sean under my control,


Camille nodded, "I remember. You also said that those attacks on me online were all orchestrated by


"Mhmm." Ayan nodded, his gaze soft as he stared at Camille. He said, "I let Sean go. I promised you I

would handle him, but for now, I need to use him to get more information about Preston. I need to

understand what Preston wants from the Simpson family. It's been weighing on my mind and until I

figure it out, I can't rest easy. So for now, please bear with me. But I promise you that once we know

what Preston's intentions are, you can do whatever you want with Sean."

"Is this what you wanted to talk about?"


Their eyes met and Camille didn't show much emotion as she calmly looked at him before saying, "I

understand the situation and its importance, but you being honest with me means a lot, so thank you

for telling me. Forgiveness is too heavy of a word right now, because there was no deception or hiding

involved in this situation. I it doesn't bother me much, so you don't need to worry."

Camille's response was clear and concise- not that her situation wasn't important, but rather because it

had already happened and punishing Sean was just one way of dealing with it, and there wasn't much

else they could do.

Even if they took legal action against Sean after everything was over, it would only serve as a lesson or

compensation claim; in severe cases he might be sentenced to jail time which wouldn't change the fact

that Camille had already been hurt.

So whether they dealt with Sean sooner or later didn't make much difference. Ayan's attitude towards

her mattered more than anything else.

Camille's response was sincere without any hint of resentment or blame despite having suffered

herself. She expressed nothing but understanding and generosity towards Ayan.

Her words made Ayan feel powerless instead of forgiven. He still couldn't bring himself up to discuss

certain things even till now. He didn't know how to start talking about them?

Especially when she said she hated being deceived, dishonesty, and concealment, but he had done

those all.

He sighed silently, feeling a bit lost in his heart. He didn't know how to make her forgive him.

His lack of response made Camille frown. She asked, "Why aren't you saying anything? Isn't my

answer enough? I'm not angry or holding it against you. Whatever you do now, I can accept and

understand. Is this still not good enough?"

Camille felt a bit frustrated that she had to explain herself to Sean when he was the one who let her go

in the first place.

She snorted lightly and said, "Okay then, we're done talking. You can leave now. I'm tired."

Seeing her displeasure made Ayan snap out of it immediately. He quickly reached out and held onto

her hand, so she couldn't leave.

He said, "I wasn't speaking because I felt guilty for what happened. Even though you understand me, I

still feel bad about it all. So thank you Miss Armstrong for your generosity and understanding towards

me today."

"If there's something that makes you angry in the future," he continued, with a smile on his face, "I hope

that you'll be as generous as today with me too."

"You're trying to trap me into something, aren't you?" Camille retorted back,"I won't agree with anything

like this! Who knows what kind of things will make me angry at some point? If someday you sell me to

a trafficker, would I have to count money for you, too?" novelbin

"What are even thinking about?" Ayan replied back,"How could I sell someone like yourself off?"

"I won't agree no matter what!" Camille declared firmly,"You better not do anything that will make me

mad either! When I'm mad, things get really scary." She put on an intimidating expression which made

Ayan laugh.

"How scary are we talking here?" he asked playfully.

Camille chuckled softly,"You'll find out if ever happens!"

Ayan didn't dare test his luck yet since their relationship wasn't stable yet. He couldn't afford any

mistakes or misunderstandings right now, otherwise Camille wouldn't talk to him anymore.

If she really decided not to care anymore, then she would become really indifferent towards him, which

was quite terrifying upon reflection.

After spending some time together downstairs, Ayan went upstairs again; it had become a habit by now

where only sleep would take him upstairs. He was always spending all other moments around Camille.

At night after taking a shower before going bed while chatting with Sienna over phone, Camile

mentioned about Ayan's behavior, making fun of him, but Sienna couldn't help sighing, "Mrs. Simpson,

you're completely immersed in sweet love right now. Even though your words are full of complaints,

didn't you think these complaints were actually sweet?"

Camille immediately fell silent, blinking softly as she denied, "I didn't. Don't you think he used pursuing

me as an excuse to make my home his own territory?"

"But you two were going to remarry sooner or later, so there's no difference between yours and his,"

Sienna pointed out.

"But we bought this house after our divorce. It belongs solely to me," Camille retorted.

"Mrs. Simpson, are you more concerned about him treating your house like his own territory or feeling

the sweet pressure of him constantly sticking by your side and taking away your personal space? Or

maybe you're just tired of him? Seeing him makes you annoyed?"

Sienna began giving examples for each question, causing Camille to deeply ponder over them. But

honestly... she didn't feel pressured or tired of it all. She wasn't annoyed either.

So what was wrong with her?

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