My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 747 Disintegration
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Chapter 747 Disintegration

Molly returned to the elevator, looking at the floor the girls went to is the floor where Preston lives,

although it is not Preston alone, but something once the questioning began to have a myriad of reverie

in the mind open so she could not control.

Preston is occupied?

This idea troubled Molly endlessly, but she simply did not know what to do, and did not even have the

courage to go straight to it.

She could only walk out of the building again as if nothing had happened. She pursed her lips and

controlled her inner emotions, telling herself silently over and over again that it's okay, what does it

matter, he's just playing around, they're going to get married sooner or later anyway, and his wife can

only be her in this life.

But all this calmness and control all but disintegrated even after returning to the hotel.

She cried bitterly and swallowed all the hard feelings and grievances in her stomach and carried them


But this is her choice, to this point, she has no other way but to continue to walk.

The night was dreamless and the next day was bright and sunny.

No one needs to go to the museum today. We will take a day off and wait for the museum to see the

design before deciding if there are any changes or other suggestions.

Although people do not have to work, but everyone's gossip heart is not idle.

Early in the morning, architects were constantly logging on to major websites to see if Louise had

posted an apology video, but no action was seen for so long.

Summer couldn't resist asking carefully in the group without Louise, "Did she apologize?"

Everyone was curious and wanted to know if there was an apology or not.

Just no one speaks up has been silent, and now after hearing someone speak up naturally will not just

remain silent.

Others followed suit and asked, "No, right? Has anyone seen it? If so, give a link or video to see!"

Everyone sits and waits to eat the melon.

What is Louise doing at this moment as the person in question?

Louise woke up early in the morning to the ringing of her cell phone.

It was from her company, and her immediate supervisor told her, "Louise, from now on I will arrange for

another architect from the company to be in charge of that museum project, and you will cooperate fully

on your side, handing over all the work to her without any disclosure or concealment."

Louise didn't know what this meant: "I'm in charge of this project, aren't I? Why do we need to arrange

other architects?"

"This is the owner of the company personally arranged, you ask me I do not know what is going on,

you are the company's contracted architect, all things are at the company's disposal, as for what you

should not know do not ask more."

Faced with such a response from her boss, Louise could not accept it in any way.

Louise said: "This time to add an extra person into the project, the museum and the project leader side

will not agree, if the boss insists on this way, what problems arise I do not dare to be responsible, I am

afraid that in the end even the company will be taken out of this project!"

"Louise, you should stop cursing the company, the company is now concerned with you signed a five-

year contract did not put some words to say, since you said to this point, then I will also tell you straight,

you do not think that the company does not know what you do in this project, the museum side said

very dissatisfied, so we have agreed to arrange for a new architect to join. If you still want to continue

to mix, you will cooperate with the new architect to stay well, if you do not want to continue to say


Not waiting for Louise to make any response and explanation, the other party finished this statement

and then directly cut off the phone.

Louise's whole body was like being hammered hard on the head with a muffled stick, and it hurt so

much that she didn't catch her breath for a long time.

But she simply had no choice, not only did she have no choice, she also had to record her own apology

video and post it online, watching the time pass, she had dragged it out until there was no time for her

to continue to delay.

She tightened her face and didn't want to pay any more attention to anything.

Compared to other things, she is more reluctant to offend Ayan, offend Ayan not to mention the project,

even the circle is probably not mixed down.

As Louise set out to start recording the video, the supervisor who had just called her also rushed to

contact Kian the first time she got off the phone with her.

While Louise's superior is arrogant and commanding, Ayan's secretary is humble and polite to Kian.

He said to Kian, "Kian, please tell Mr. Simpson that I have made arrangements, and I will arrange for

another architect to work with Louise on the museum project from tomorrow. How about I fire Louise in

the name of the company? This will also help Mrs. Simpson to relieve her grievances."

"Manager Hill, how Mr. Simpson arranged you to do, your boss did not talk to you clearly?" Kian did not

have any joy because of this Manager Hill's words, instead, he asked back with a displeased face.

Manager Hill listened and immediately said, "Said ..... To be clear, I went AWOL, I thought it would

make Mrs. Simpson happier."

"This is not something you should worry about, you just arrange your work, as for other Mr. Simpson

has its own plans, how to deal with Louise is not up to you and me, so you do not do something

superfluous." Kian tone indifferent.

Manager Hill was also thankful: "Thank you Kian for the reminder."

Otherwise he is again doing a bad thing with good intentions.

After Kian talked to Manager Hill on the phone, he returned to his office and reported the progress of

the matter to Ayan, who just nodded and didn't respond much. novelbin

Kian gave him a look, a little unsure of what he was thinking?

A short silence for a few seconds, Kian whispered: "Mr. Simpson, just received news, last night Molly

and Preston had an argument, online those things are Sean and Molly in partnership, Preston know

some angry, forced Molly to take the initiative to admit it. "

Ayan's deep eyes narrowed slightly as he swept lightly to Kian, his voice warm and indifferent: "She's in

Hance City, I should have thought of something to do with her."

Ayan is also this moment of realization, these two days he has always felt that Sean can not really be a

person, originally put all the points of suspicion on Preston, the meal last night, the reason why he

showed up, in addition to Camille to sort out those messy weeds in addition to want to see what the

reaction of Preston?

Preston's reaction was too plain, almost imperceptible to any difference, as if he did not know Sean

was in his hands, that reaction was not like pretending to come out, and it was impossible to pretend to

come out, so at that moment Ayan had given up the idea of returning to Preston.

At this moment, after hearing Kian's words, all the doubts were solved.

He said expressionlessly, "Send the photo to Molly."

Kian immediately understood what photo Ayan was talking about?

He nodded his head, "Okay, I'll arrange it."

"You watch carefully to see what Molly's reaction is? After all, like Molly's character who can't tolerate

sand in her eyes is unlikely to allow Preston to take her money to be with other women, but if she held

back, I'm sure Preston also ate her this, so even if you know she is in Hance City, there is no restraint

at all."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, the corners of his thin lips followed his words with a faint sneer, he made

assumptions about how Molly would likely react, either the former or the latter, he could not let Preston

get away with it.

After his words, Kian then asked, "Mr. Simpson, if Molly goes directly to Preston for a showdown, will

that involve us as well?"

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