My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 745 Contact
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Chapter 745 Contact

He knocked on the door for a long time without any response, and the expression on his face only then

became grave and gloomy.

Back in the car, Preston called Molly again.

When the call was answered, Molly asked with some surprise, "Preston, are you done?"

Instead of answering, he asked directly, "Has Sean been in touch with you?"

Molly flinched slightly and said faintly, "No, what's wrong?"

"Really?" He seemed a little unconvinced.

Molly said, "Really, I'll lie to you. Is there something wrong with Secretary Wu that's why you can't get in


Preston did not speak, only slightly narrowed his eyes, the indifference that shone under his eyes was

covered by a thick layer of thick fog, really just because there are things that can not be contacted?

But Sean had never been in such a situation before. What could have happened to make even the

connection go away?

Suddenly, he remembered that when he saw Camille at the museum today, Camille asked him, where

is Secretary Wu?

Why is Camille suddenly so concerned about Sean's presence or absence?

At once, an unbelievable thought popped up in his mind.

His eyes widened at once with a look of surprise and disbelief.

He was silent for a while without any sound or response, the call continued, Molly called down to him

several times without any response, Molly asked, "Preston, what's wrong with you?"

"Molly, has Sean contacted you or not? I'm asking you now for the last time."

Preston's tone was very serious and his tone was full of rawness as he questioned Molly while also

reminding her that this was the only chance she would get.

Molly was briefly silent for a few minutes before she hurriedly responded, "No, really, I promise you,

Preston, I won't lie to you, he really hasn't had any contact with me in the last two days, if you don't

believe me, you can check my phone."

"Apart from these two days did you have any contact in private without my knowledge?"

"I do not understand what you mean, he is your secretary, I can not find you naturally is to find him, this

also belongs to the bottom of the connection?"

"Molly, all that stuff online about Camille, did it have something to do with you and Sean?"

Preston did not bother to respond to Molly's words, and did not want to continue to beat around the

bush with her, he directly pressed the tone of his inner suspicion to ask out.

His attitude could not be denied and ignored by Molly, and the atmosphere could not help but follow to

become grave.

Molly's emotions were a little agitated as she said, "Are you questioning me?"

Preston: "Think what you want, but right now, you have to give me an answer, and I want to hear the


Molly bit her lip hard, she was stubborn, and she said, "You think what happened to Camille had

something to do with me? What makes you think that? Did I do everything that happened at Camille? If

I was that good, why would I be alone in a hotel when I'm already in Hance City? What does this have

to do with me?"

Molly felt very aggrieved, and her heart could not accept Preston's wrongful accusation and put all the

suspicions on her head without any evidence.

She felt wronged to death.

She didn't want to ask, but was eager to know the answer, "Preston, do you still have Camille in your


Naturally, Preston did not respond to her boring questions, and his face remained cold as he said, "So

you deny having anything to do with you, right?"


"Okay, your words, I believe, but Molly, you know my temper, I hate it when people lie to me and hide

things from me, if I know you are lying, then you go back to Flento City!"

His words were not half-hearted, especially the last one, if he knew she was lying, then she would go

back to Flento City.

No chance is given, and there is no room for negotiation.

Molly's eyelids fluttered and her heart creaked. She knew Preston's temperament well and knew that

he wasn't just saying these words to her.

If he really knows ...

Molly pursed her lips, briefly silent for a few seconds, then said very firmly: "I did not lie, if you do not

believe me, I can not help, I know that no matter how long in your heart is Camille more important, I

thought I could cover your heart, but I did not think that it has been so long, she and other people's

children can play soy sauce, and you are still so nostalgic. If that's the case, why did you agree to be

with me, is it just because I love you? I can do anything for you unconditionally, that's why you


Molly started again with the questioning that comes out every time there is an argument or conflict, and

such questioning has made Preston used to it.

The first time the second time Preston will also patiently explain, comfort her, let her not think too much,

but also repeatedly assured that he has long forgotten Camille, Camille is only a little bit of love

between friends.

But more times than not, he seems to have stopped explaining, just silent and let her question and


Now too, no matter what she says, he consistently does not reply with a single word.

The lack of any response to the questioning made Molly feel close to collapse, she came to Hance City

so many days, she and Preston time together, I'm afraid only half a day, she spent most of the time

alone in the hotel, or around the hotel, she has no friends here, she was bored to become an autistic.

The accumulation of such emotions, as well as the atmosphere of this moment, let Molly completely


Molly asked, "Why don't you say anything? Preston, if you find it so hard to get along with me, why do

you still want to be with me? Is it true that if I say a word to break up now, you will immediately say

yes?" novelbin

"Have you thought it over?" Preston said coldly, without any warmth, and without any half-heartedness

or hesitation.

This made Molly freeze.

Of course she didn't think it through, she just blurted out that she wanted to force Preston to coax her

or say a couple of nice things in this way.

But who knew that Preston wouldn't go along with her idea at all.

She was dumbfounded.

Incredulous, she asked, "What do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything by it, I'm just satisfying you, if you really think about it then split it!" Preston said,

no longer giving Molly any chance to speak and cut the call off directly.

That's right, a direct pinch off.

Molly was not given any chance to backtrack or explain.

This straightforward act of hanging up the phone undoubtedly tells Molly again that he promised to

split, can split, it doesn't matter.

Molly was flustered by the carefree attitude.

Molly's hand holding the phone was trembling, her eyes were instantly wrapped in tears, she pursed

her lips, as if she had been lost in the mountains, the deer could not find anything north or south

without any calm.

Her lips kept trembling and her voice trailed off as she said, "He's breaking up?"

Molly shook her head, she wouldn't allow it, she would never let it come true.

She immediately took the phone and called Preston again, but Preston hung up straight away, and

when she called again it was already switched off.

Is this Preston giving her a hard time, telling her she knows what to do if she doesn't want to break up?

Molly's entire body was frozen motionless without any reaction, and she couldn't just sit there and wait

for death, so she hurriedly changed her clothes and left the hotel room to take a taxi to Preston's place

to find him.

On the way, Molly also called Sean numerous times, but naturally no one answered, and in the end

simply turned off the phone.

Sean can't be reached, she has no idea where Preston is today?

We can only go directly to where he lives to see if we can run into each other?

Half an hour or so, Molly arrived at Preston's place downstairs, she walked into the building, waiting for

the elevator, her heart thumping, she now has no trace of just hardness, all that remains is how to

retain Preston, let Preston not break up.

Molly took the elevator to the floor where Preston lived, she rang the doorbell, but there was no

response, but where would Preston be at this point if he wasn't home?

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