My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 742 Defeat
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Chapter 742 Defeat

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"I haven't forgotten a word of what Representative Holland said to smear me in front of the media,

doesn't Representative Holland have anything to explain?"

Camille naturally will not give Louise easy to go away, she blocked Louise's way, her face is flooded

with cold, the pair of bright eyes are also full of indifferent persecution, so Louise simply dare not


Camille looked at Louise with such a faint look, and their gazes confronted each other, and naturally

Louise was the first to lose in the end.

Louise looked at Camille, a little flustered that she didn't want to spend any more time, and she said

faintly, "What are you trying to do? Did I say the wrong thing in the interview? If I'm wrong, you can get

your lawyer to sue me. Anyway, Mr. Simpson is very capable, and all the news on the Internet was

withdrawn by Mr. Simpson. "

Louise felt that Camille would not let her go anyway, and that she and Camille would not be able to

repair their relationship, so there was no need to show any kindness or other signs of weakness to


Louise was totally kind of tough-necked going forward, but Camille didn't care about any of her

thoughts and just asked blandly, "Who told you to do that?"

Camille's suspicions of Louise are not unfounded. Although Louise has always targeted her, she has

always thought straight and would never have thought of such a damaging move.

To put it bluntly, Louise's brain is not that good.

Louise averted her eyes and stopped looking at Camille as she said, "I don't understand you."

Camille laughed: "You do not understand or do not understand do not want to say? If I were you, I

would not have any more to hide, after all, you also said, since I can make all the smear me is instantly

clean, then a mere you, is not as simple as stepping on an ant as easy?"

"You ..." Louise, with a faint look of fear in her eyes but continuing to persist, said, "While you can

trample me to death like an ant, you can't turn it upside down and frame me for something I didn't do,

can you? Is Mrs. Simpson going to force everything on me that I haven't done?"

Camille no longer continued to press the issue, just a light smile, "Then we'll see!"

Camille has always believed that there is no impermeable wall under the sky.

Some things will be cleared up sooner or later.

She actually had a vague answer in her heart, because Ayan said that everything she found out

pointed to Sean, and it was not far from the truth that the person who was in contact with Louise was

probably also Sean.

Camille stopped blocking Louise and offered to give her a way out so she could go.

Louise naturally won't stay much longer and immediately lifted her feet and walked away as fast as she


Camille watched her back and as she was about to walk to the door of the conference room, she

suddenly spoke out, "Representative Holland doesn't want to do something stupid and be used as an

ambush without knowing who they are?"

Louise's entire body stiffened and stopped, but only for a brief moment before she stepped into the

conference room.

Camille is actually just a guess, from what I just heard her talking to herself, as to whether it is true or

not probably only she knows.

Half an hour later, we had results from Jenson's side.

Jenson and Preston personally reviewed the design drawings, there is no problem, and then by Jenson

directly submitted to the museum to review, and after the National Museum side of the draft can begin

to continue the next round of design.

In the evening, Jenson was the host and invited everyone to have a meal together.

It just so happened that everyone was also at the museum, so the restaurant location chosen was not

too far away, a fine dining restaurant right near the museum.

We all went to the restaurant together, Jenson booked a private room, and the food was ordered in

advance, so we could serve it directly after we arrived.

Jenson was the first to speak: "Everyone has worked hard, everyone has cooperated and put in their

best efforts for so many days, I feel honored to work with you all."

Jenson raised his glass, and everyone also picked up their glasses and stood up. After a simple clink of

glasses, Jenson immediately said, "Everyone sit down, don't be polite, let's eat this meal today, don't

have any scruples, and wish us a smoother cooperation next."

The crowd also nodded their heads immediately to express their gratitude.

Jenson looked to Preston at his side and asked, "Mr. Baxter, do you have anything to say?"

Preston gaze warm light swept a circle, voice low: "hard work, also hope that everyone in the next

cooperation a heart, do not have any disputes and conflicts, this project we are one, do not have any

problems arise, not to mention infighting, no matter who, I do not forgive lightly."

Preston words are a little too heavy, everyone has been silent no sound.

Jenson saw the situation is also hurried to ease the atmosphere said: "Mr. Baxter means to hope that

we cooperate well, come on, everyone start, do not be formal, just a simple get-together."

After Jenson's words, everyone has been active, while everyone is eating, Jenson came to Preston's

side and said in a low voice: "Mr. Baxter, today is also the first good news since we set up the project

team, we are busy these days is also considered hard work, why do you have to be so serious to make

everyone's heart Why do you have to be so serious to make everyone feel timid?"

Preston's face is cold, he slightly narrowed his eyes, sweeping towards the people who are eating, his

voice is not warm and indifferent: "Mr. Evans' meaning I understand, but no rules do not make a circle

this truth Mr. Evans should also understand, right? Since it is a project team, this is just the beginning,

even if it is considered good news, but also because of the grace and power, but also to make them

clear, this is a project is not a place for petty fights, not to mention the internal strife thing."

Jenson also nodded with a compensating smile, "Mr. Baxter is right, do you want to remind Camille not

to have such news and public opinion as the last two days? Then I'll talk to Camille alone after the

dinner later?"

"It's her personal business, all I care about is what happens during our project, and as far as personal

business has nothing to do with our project, it has even less to do with me."

Jenson immediately understood.

Jenson hurriedly said, "I understand what Mr. Baxter means, don't worry, I will remind them."

Two people are talking, outside the door of the private room suddenly sounded a knock, the next

second the restaurant manager pushed open the door and came in, but the manager is not the main

character, the man behind the manager is the main character.

The man's gaze gently swept towards the people in the room, and his voice was low and warm: "I've

taken the liberty of disturbing you all, you don't mind one more person, do you?"

Everyone present froze at the sight of the man, Camille was the first to react, she immediately got up

and walked towards him, asking with some surprise, "What are you doing here?"

The man stared tenderly at Camille, his voice also stirred up gentle said: "just a dinner party over here,

saw your car, let the restaurant manager check the surveillance, do not take me to meet your


The man raised his hand and gently held her waist, his dark eyes revealed a light smile and stared at

her momentarily.

Camille was also slightly stunned, and then naturally did as she was told.

She faced the crowd and spoke: "These are my colleagues, this is Mr. Evans, who is the head of Wind

Construction Company, the museum's partner, and this is Mr. Baxter, who is no stranger to you and

who is also involved in Mr. and Mrs. Bell's project. "

Jenson immediately got up: "Mr. Simpson has heard a lot about you, and it's an honor to work with Mrs.

Simpson on a project." novelbin

Ayan's expression was light, with polite courtesy: "I hope Mr. Evans will take care of you."

"Mr. Simpson is very kind. Mrs. Simpson's talent does not need any excessive care from us at all, Mr.

Baxter, don't you think?"

Benjamin from the moment he entered the face of the expression has been in a state of gravity, at this

moment by Jenson named, his dark eyes flooded with a vague cold, but still faintly um, other than that

there is no other response.

Jenson hastily asked the waiter to add a chair and dishes, which naturally were arranged next to


Ayan obediently took her hand and led her to her seat by her, his voice was not too soft, "You don't

introduce who I am to everyone?"

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