My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 734 Thank You
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Chapter 734 Thank You

Chapter 734 Thank you

Talia finally could not pretend, because she was taking Camille's headphones, also when she heard the

knock on the door this was hurried to put on.

Now that Ayan said so, she didn't bother to continue acting.

She took off the phone and put it aside, with an unhappy face, "You knew I wasn't connected why did

you say that now? I think you are deliberately embarrassing me, right?"

"I already knocked on the door, you were the one who ignored it in the first place." Ayan laughed


Talia grunted lightly, "I shouldn't have let you in and let you not surprise Camille, I'll see if she cares

about you?"

"Can't you wish me any better?"

"Let's see how you behave." Talia got up from her chair, her face following the gossip, and she said,

"Well, was Cami touched badly? Did she immediately agree to your request for remarriage?"

"What are you thinking about?" Ayan felt helpless, although know Talia brain is always very big, in front

of outsiders she is always a dignified atmosphere atmosphere excellent noble wife, but only in front of

the most familiar people she is a very ordinary person, only occasionally will be calculated to their own

son, can pit a son will also be happy for a long time, the best in the witness to see their son fell that will

be even happier.

Talia felt that Ayan was hiding something and glanced at him with a look of his lack of righteousness: "I

won't help you next time, even I won't tell the truth."

"What truth do you want to hear? "

"Why don't you take the opportunity to ask for a remarriage? What a rare opportunity, what do you have

to wait for? You want to be my son-in-law when Cami really becomes my daughter?"

"Do you think it's appropriate to take advantage of someone to ask for a remarriage? She's smart and

sensible, surely she wouldn't make a decision that wasn't sober enough in her own moved emotions,

and you'd love to see her embarrassed?"

Ayan is right, he knows Camille well enough, so naturally he doesn't want to see Camille embarrassed.

As for the decision on Camille, he was bound to get it, it was just a matter of time.

Since he had already told Camille that he was going to pursue her, it was natural that he could not take

advantage of this matter to force her to agree to any demands or conditions.

Ayan's response made Talia nod along with her face revealing a few moments of reflection after the

situation, she said, "You did the right thing, I was the one who thought too vainly, fortunately you didn't

do that, otherwise Cami definitely wouldn't have hitched a ride with you, so when you think about it, you

are still more thoughtful, I thought too directly and simply."

Listen to this, is this still the words of the real mother?

But Ayan is used to it and just laughed lightly before following Talia to the restaurant.

Camille had already served the noodles on the table. It was the first time Talia had eaten here, and the

simple noodles with eggs and ham with greens made for a delicious breakfast.

The aroma of noodles with eggs wafted through the air, and Talia praised from the bottom of her heart,

"Cami, you're amazing, is your cooking so good? Why is this the first time I've had it?"

Camille smiled lightly, "Mom, how do you know it's ready when you haven't even eaten it yet?"

"I'm a professional, the color and aroma alone have established the answer to the taste, there is no

need to have any hesitation at all, it's just delicious and I love it."

Talia has always been warm-hearted, and she gives the impression that she is not the kind of person

who pretends to be false, but a genuine sense of sincerity.

Talia's praise made Camille nod happily as well, and she quickly said, "You should taste it, Mom!"

Talia rushed to pick up the cutlery and started, and immediately gave a thumbs up after one bite,

saying it was great and good.

Camille was relieved, she was afraid that Talia did not find it appetizing, and now she got a reassuring

answer and followed the start.

Ayan, sitting on the sidelines like a redundant, tilted his head closer to Camille and asked faintly, "Why

don't you ask me?"

"Ask you?"


Talia said, "Don't pay any attention to him." This was said to Camille, and then to Ayan: "What else do

you have to say? Cami worked so hard to make it, and you didn't even say thank you?"

Hear, hear, pro-mother mode is back.

Without any bafflement, Ayan, long accustomed to such a pattern, took his chopsticks and said in anovelbin

gentle voice, "Thank you, Miss Armstrong."

Miss Armstrong three words from his mouth, low voice reveals a very thick magnetic, let people listen

to very pleasant.

Camille couldn't help but laugh at the way he was dumbfounded by Talia's return dislike and

responded, "You're welcome, Mr. Simpson."

This breakfast was more pleasant than a proper meal of tens of thousands of dollars.

After breakfast, Talia dragged Camille to the living room to chat, and then the job of washing dishes

was left to Ayan, who cooperated without any complaints.

Talia and Camille were talking in the living room, Talia said, "Since Ayan is back, with him you don't

need to think about anything, leave anything you want to do to him, and I'll go back to the Simpson's

mansion, I'm worried that your dad can't handle Timmy, the little guy is learning to walk and is addicted

to Very."

Camille and Ayan accompany Timmy's time, although not less, but compared to Talia and Fletcher or a

lot less.

Camille knew there was no sincerity in saying thank you, but she didn't know what to say except thank


Camille said to Ayan, "Thank you for worrying about me and coming all the way over here to be with

me. Thank you mom, thank you and dad for what you've done for me, I don't know who I would have

left Timmy with without you and dad."

"Silly boy, Timmy is also our the Simpson family, not you alone, even if you really want to say thank you

also have to Ayan thank you, you do not say, we do not need to say this between us."

Talia is a perfect example of a contemporary mother-in-law, and if she were to be awarded the number

one spot, probably the whole of Hance City would have no problem with it.

Talia said she was leaving and went back to her room to pack her things and leave without sitting down

for more than a moment.

Ayan was still doing the dishes and only knew that Camille was talking to Talia and heard the door

close, so he probably guessed that Talia had left too.

He washed the dishes and came out of the living room and Camille was the only one left, he wiped his

hands and walked over to Camille with a smile: "Mr. Simpson has worked hard, come sit down and rest

for a while!"

Ayan sat next to her and asked in a low voice, "Mom's gone?"

"Well, Mommy went home to be with Timmy."

"Not to make separate space for us?"

"You're overthinking it." Camille said indifferently, she glanced at the time, it was already ready for nine

o'clock, but her phone hadn't moved all night, she couldn't help but ask in a strange way, "Is my phone

broken? Will you give me a call to try?"

Ayan did not move, but reached out and took her hand in a ten-finger hold as he said, "Let's talk?"

The corners of his mouth rose slightly with a light smile, and his deep eyes just stared at her without


She asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Talk about the last two days, huh?"


"Armstrong Corp wrongly accused of plagiarism has the results."

"You found out?" Camille was a little surprised because she didn't have any clue until now, so she didn't

even know who it was?

Ayan nods his head.

She hurriedly asked, "Who is it?"

He didn't respond, but simply continued, "Something else happened last night, you were on the Twitter

hot seat with Preston, and he came to you, right?"

Camille's expression was suddenly stunned as she stared at Ayan with vacant eyes and she said, "I'm

on Twitter with him?"

"Hmm." Ayan took out the video and showed it to her, the original intention was to let her know nothing

and just deal with the matter, but such a possibility is simply unlikely, because even if he did not say,

other people will sooner or later reveal the wind, this matter is impossible to do impervious to the wind.

Camille watched the video and her eyes were shocked and her reaction was a bit emotional as she

said, "It's all gibberish, I don't even have it."

She eagerly tried to explain to Ayan, but before she could speak, Ayan spoke first, "I know it's all

gibberish, I didn't believe it, otherwise how could I still be sitting here talking to you?"

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