My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 728 Abandonment
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Chapter 728 Abandonment

Chapter 728 Abandonment

The Camille incident was almost overwhelmingly rumored, but Camille, as the person in question, had

no idea.

Her cell phone was also transferred by Ayan through special means in the first time after this incident,

so no one will contact Camille, for all the things Camille naturally does not know.

Although it was already late at night, the Armstrong family was still lit up without any intention of


Camille incident the Armstrong family was affected by the natural is very big, with Armstrong Corp have

cooperation or with the Armstrong family relationship closer to the world friends will call to ask Brody

and Page, Camille is not really betrayed Ayan?

Because the Simpson Group and the Simpson family were involved, no one dared to offend, so

naturally they kept asking the Armstrong family for the results.

BrodyPage was annoyed to death, simply is directly shut down, the home phone also directly put off

the line.

Brody heavily smashed the glass of water in his hand and said with anger, "What does Camille mean

by that? Does she want to ruin the Armstrong family before she stops?"

Grace sat on the side is also silent, she is also completely not slowed down, do not understand what is


Camille's divorce from Ayan was only known that day, so it's not really betrayal, right?

But the two did not disclose, so in the eyes of the outside world Camille and Ayan is still a couple, so

the burst of the video directly let Camille sat on the charge of betrayal, everyone dare not to laugh or

talk about Ayan, only to blame Camille.

Grace thought of these is also gripped a heart worried, she has more than once to Camille called, but

no one answered, the message also did not reply, so she also do not know how Camille is now?

Looking at Brody's shocked look, Grace also kept silent, she thought carefully and finally contacted


She asked, "Sienna, do you know how Cami is doing now? I can't reach her and I'm worried."

Sienna replied quickly: "I can not contact, but you do not have to worry, can not contact should be good

news, first wait and see, such a big thing Mr. Simpson will certainly deal with."

"But Mr. Simpson talked to her ..."

Grace didn't know if Sienna knew, so she didn't dare to say it directly, but responded in a different way:

"Mr. Simpson will be angry when he sees something like this, right? He will believe Cami, right?"

Sienna: "Don't worry, Mr. Simpson won't believe it."

Although this is said, but Grace is still uneasy, after all, Ayan's mind who can guess it?

What if you believe it?

Brody's blame continues, Page is also a hard face, Page said: "at the beginning should not have picked

her up, and do not know why the Simpson family insisted on letting her marry Ayan, now well, this the

Simpson family is also responsible, can not let us the Armstrong family take all the responsibility,


Brody lightly grunted: "Now the Simpson family simply did not put us in the eyes, if the Simpson family

but have a little bit of importance would not have not given any hint of response, but let others how to

speculate abuse, I think she is enough of a good life before agreeing to divorce with Ayan divorce, we

the Armstrong family simply do not have such a person exist."

"She would have ..."

Page subconsciously wanted to respond, but Brody just heard the first few words and immediately

interrupted: "Now is not the time to talk about this, and at this time not to mention these topics, now we

have to think about how to let the Simpson family side does not involve us the Armstrong family ."

Page immediately nodded and stopped mentioning what he had just said, but asked tentatively: "How

about we the Armstrong family send a statement? Break off all ties with Camille? This will also make

people think that the Armstrong family is helping reason but not relatives, so that Armstrong Corp will

not be involved."

Brody didn't say anything, so Grace didn't know if he was a yes or no?

Grace immediately said: "Mom and Dad, we can't do this, the Armstrong family has already issued a

similar statement last time, if we continue this way this time, not only will we not get a good reputation,

but it will also make people think that the Armstrong family is unfeeling and abandon their family when

things go wrong. Whether or not we issue a statement to break off the relationship, Cami and we are

one, we can never break off all relations because of a statement, Cami is the Armstrongs, she is also

the child of her parents, we can not abandon her."

Grace's emotions gradually agitated, she did not have such feelings when she did not have contact

with Camille, but now that she has more contact with Camille, she found that Camille is a cold person

with a warm heart, seemingly cold without any enthusiasm on the outside, but her heart is very kind,

otherwise she would not have done her best to help Armstrong Corp at that time. The

It's just that everything Camille does she doesn't tell the other person, which is what leads BrodyPage

to think that Camille has done nothing and won't do anything.

Grace's words were expected to shake Brody and Page to their cores with guilt, but she completely

overthought it.

Brody frowned with a displeased look on his face as he said, "Grace, what's with you lately? Why do

you always manage to help Camille? Did she put you in some kind of a trance? Or did she say

something misleading to you? Don't follow her example of disrespecting your elders and doing things

that bring shame to the family. Grace, we expect a lot from you, all our hopes are on you, you have to

know which is more important!"

Page was afraid that Brody would transfer his dissatisfaction to Grace, so he hurriedly took over and

said: "Grace, your father is right, you are the Armstrong family's behavior, from childhood mom and dad

to your cultivation have poured all our hearts and souls, the future Armstrong Corp is also taken over

by you, you Don't get too close to Camille, you are the future successor of the Armstrong family, you

have to know what to do and what not to do, I see that you have been in contact with Horace for some

time, now Horace is also the second largest shareholder of Armstrong Corp, you are working hard, as

long as you and Horace come together, Armstrong Corp can be more solid. Armstrong Corp can be

more solid, you know?"

Grace was also very overwhelmed by the response from Brody and Page.novelbin

She stood up from the sofa with pursed lips and a cold, warm expression on her face as she said, "So

you still refuse to admit your bias? Cami and I are both your children, why can't you trust her? Maybe

she didn't do these things at all!"

Grace thinks they are being unfair to Camille, and in fact to her as well, because they want her to be

the future successor of Armstrong Corp and want to marry whoever they think is right for them.

In fact, she is just a person who can't decide her own choice.

After Grace finished, she left the living room and went to her room without waiting for Brody and Page

to respond.

She was also in a very bad mood. The matter had evolved from plagiarism to Camille's betrayal, what

was going on?

Grace didn't know what to do, so she didn't care that it was late at night and chose to call Horace.

Since Horace talked to Camille alone that day, he didn't mention the plagiarism, so Grace didn't know

what Horace talked to Camille about?

When the call was answered, Grace hurriedly said, "Mr. Burris sorry to disturb you at this late hour, are

you already rested?"

"Not yet, what's the matter?" Horace's voice sounded a little low.

Grace said, "Mr. Burris, I would like to know what you have talked to Camille about individually?"

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