My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 719 - Holding Back
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Chapter 719 - Holding Back

Chapter 719 - Holding Back

Camille's face stiffened slightly, and for a moment the whole person froze along.

She immediately opened her phone and took a look at the video and the comments below it, all of them

were now blaming her and the Armstrong family, accusing her of being selfish and having only profit in

her eyes, accusing the Armstrong family of not handling their family affairs well and affecting Mr. and

Mrs. Bell's project, both Camille and the Neither Camille nor the Armstrong family has been able to

escape the abuse and accusations.

It was as if someone was deliberately taking the lead, otherwise how could it have become two voices

in such a neat and tidy manner?

The news instantly hit the news. The reason why it was so fast is partly because Camille is Ayan's wife,

now the Simpsons, and partly because of the money spent on the heat, naturally.

Louise and others on this side of the museum also saw it and instantly knew Camille's identity.

Jealousy arose in their hearts, but at the same time, gloating bubbled up.

Louise held up her phone to greet the others as she said grimly, "You guys help me see, is this Camille

our Camille? Why do I feel so much alike, but I can't quite believe it either."

Everyone was unaware of the meaning, and they all padded over to take a look at her phone screen.

Louise's phone screen shows the very video that the gossip account just posted. The video shows

Camille and Brody's appearance in HD cameras, so it's clear to see.

But everyone's attention was not quite the same as Louise's. Summer's first reaction was: "Camille is

actually the Armstrongs, so her husband is Mr. Simpson, isn't he? No wonder Darkmoor's manager

treated her with such respect and politeness, and invited us over for dinner, so it was all because of

Camille's identity as Mrs. Simpson.

Sophie was also busy responding, "Yes, yes, Camille is Mrs. Simpson, but she is too low-key, right?

She's behind the Simpson Group, but she doesn't have any attitude at all, she's just mingling with us,

she doesn't look down on us ordinary people at all."

"I think so."

"But what if I'm getting nervous? This before is do not know her identity, but now know, later get along

will not be a little scared ah?"

"What are you afraid of, Camille doesn't eat people?" Summer helped Camille speak, not because

Camille is Ayan's wife, but because Camille is nice, and because Camille is low-key, and of course,

naturally, she does not want to offend her, especially after knowing Camille's identity.

Seeing that everyone's impression of Camille is getting better and better, which is completely contrary

to the image Louise expected, Louise's face is gloomy to the extreme, smoothly pulling her hand back,

her voice is not cold and said: "So what if she is Ayan's wife? And you can also give you a share of the

benefits? We have been working for so many days, and she does not mean to tell you the truth, right?

If you want to kiss ass, you have to look at the right person, if you kiss the wrong place, it is also in


Louise's words instantly silenced the entire conference room, and everyone exchanged glances as

they each stepped back to their work positions.

But Louise's words did not mean to stop, she did not care about the silence of everyone, but continued:

"You do not think my words are hard to hear, I'm just telling the truth, although I am more severe to you,

but I as an architect on behalf of my birth in this position must make an example, but I am the same as

you, we are ordinary people, I do not want to I don't want to sign someone else's name at the end of

the work that I have worked so hard to design."

This is a hint of Camille's identity, but also to tell everyone that later, when the museum building is

completed, will she be the only one to sign her name?

This belongs to everyone's interest, so it is impossible for everyone not to care. Seeing everyone's

reaction, Louise then continued, "If you want me to say, before it starts, it is better to let her leave the

project early, and save such trouble in the future."

"Representative Holland, that's not very nice of you to say, is it?"

"Sophie, do you think that just because you talk to her more often means you have a good

relationship? I advise you to look at it clearly, don't treat others as friends, they don't treat you as

friends, just leave this project, try it, will she still take care of you? What is their status? What is your


Louise hummed lightly and began to convince the others little by little. She did not feel that her words

were in any way wrong, on the contrary, she felt that she must take advantage of this juncture to

squeeze Camille out, as long as Camille walked away from this project, then who among all those

present could compete with her?

Even the signature is headed by her.

With this in mind, Louise kept provoking Camille's image, she clicked on the video and played it over

and over again for everyone to see, saying, "Camille can do this to her biological parents and the

Armstrong family, you think she can be true to those of us who are just colleagues? I think you are still

too naive, if you really want to get a foothold in this industry, you should plan ahead!"

I don't know if Louise's words hit home, everyone did not have any response, she then showed a light

smile of satisfaction, and then said several words of chicken soup, followed by the phone out of the

conference room.

Louise was in typical good spirits. To reward herself, she went downstairs to the cafe next door and

bought a cup of coffee, then added an extra piece of cake for herself, and the smile at the corner of her

mouth appeared on her face, which could not be concealed.

Just the thought of Camille planting her head this time makes her whole person feel better.

Suddenly, a man's voice came to my ears: "Hello, Representative Holland!"

Louise looked up smoothly, only to see a man with a mask and hat walking to sit down opposite

himself, he had a cup of coffee in his hand, only his dark eyes could be seen, Louise asked with some

confusion, "Hello, may I ask you?"

The man didn't say anything, just smiled lightly and said, "Representative Holland doesn't need to know

who I am, but I know who Representative Holland hates?"

Louise's eyes fluttered and her face became very unnatural as she immediately denied, "I don't know

what you're talking about?"

The man's smile was still there, his dark eyes staring at Louise for an instant as he said,novelbin

"Representative Holland doesn't need to refute my words, because I know exactly who Representative

Holland hates in her heart? Now there is a very good opportunity, so does Representative Holland want

to get his wish?"

The man's words made Louise's heart stirred not a bit, but she was trying to control her emotions, after

all, now that Camille's identity is out, behind Camille is the Simpson family and the Armstrong family, if

only the Armstrong family alone seems to be good to solve The Simpson family and Ayan, she is just a

minion, there is no strength and power to confront Ayan.

She pursed her lips slightly and pretended to be calm, "Sir, who the hell are you? If you know me and

know what's in my heart, then why don't you dare to take off your mask and face me?"

She didn't want to leave any leverage, what if Camille caught her in the act and gave her little shoes?

The man did not look to really remove the mask, but those eyes were still watching her, and he said,

"Since Representative Holland does not have this idea then forget it, just pretend that I just said


The man had stood up when he finished, and he intended to leave directly without any hesitation.

Louise saw the situation and quickly blocked: "Sir, who the hell are you? How are we going to work

together if you don't tell us anything? If you know who I hate, then you know how difficult it is to deal

with this person I hate, right? Can you ensure that you can succeed in one go?"

The man looked at Louise from a high position, surrounded by people coming and going people not

very convenient, so he said, "Let's talk somewhere else?"

Louise nodded, and the two rolled over to Louise's car.

The man still has no intention to show Louise his face, he also did not give Louise any opportunity to

ask, straight to the point and said: "Representative Holland in this project is very suffocating, right?

Obviously the position are above people but also subject to popularity, instead of this it is better to

remove this person from the project, how?"

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