My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 717 Trust
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Chapter 717 Trust

Chapter 717 Trust

Horace looked faintly, his eyes looked at Grace for a moment, he narrowed his eyes slightly and asked

faintly, "Does Miss Armstrong have any opinion on this matter?"

Grace doesn't understand what Horace's question means.

She just wrinkled her brows slightly, her face a little stiff as she asked, "What does Mr. Burris mean by


"Don't think too much, it's just that nowadays Armstrong Corp is more in charge of you and me,

although Mr. Armstrong is the chairman of Armstrong Corp, but Armstrong Corp now all the matters are

handled by you and me to execute, so I think it's necessary for us to communicate with each other,

especially this matter in front of us. What do you think?"

Horace's expression is cold and his words are without any temperature or ripple, just like a machine

that has no feelings.

Horace's eyes did not leave Grace's face for half a second from beginning to end, he kept watching her

as if trying to see something in her eyes and in every word and action?

Grace did not notice this, she is simple-minded, and can not see through Horace's mind and the city, so

at this moment after hearing Horace's question, she is also serious thinking, followed by the voice:

"plagiarism of this matter my personal opinion is naturally like Mr. Burris said, since Mr. Burris believe in

the designer I am not without personal opinions and ideas, I just simply believe in Mr. Burris, so I am

willing to choose to believe in the people Mr. Burris believes in."

"Does Miss Armstrong mean that you believe who I believe?"

Grace didn't understand why he asked that question, but nodded in response, "Hmm."

Horace took out his phone and opened the album and clicked on the first picture and handed it to

Grace, who was flabbergasted for a moment before she looked down at the picture displayed on her

phone screen.

Her eyes followed suit and her face stiffened incredulously as she said, "Mr. Burris, this can't be, there

must be a misunderstanding."

"Miss Armstrong, you just said you'd believe it if I believed it, and you're changing your mind so soon?"

Horace's face was faintly pale, his dark eyes overflowing with a few moments of faint coldness as he

said, "Do you think I would have come to you if there wasn't enough definitive proof?"

Grace had no more sound, her face stiffened in silence and she just froze motionless.

Horace's low voice rang out again as he said, "This is about you the Armstrongs, so are you going to

handle it yourself or will I?"

Grace pursed her lips for a long time before saying, "I'll do it, I'll handle it."

She seems to have gathered a lot of courage, her voice has little emotion, low and soft.

Horace didn't stay much longer, but just told Grace that the sooner the better, the better, and that it was

important to get it sorted out this morning.

Because he can wait, Armstrong Corp can't.

Armstrong Corp wait one more second, the loss is money, the original suffered a heavy blow Armstrong

Corp has not yet fully recovered, if another heavy blow after the consequences can not be predicted,

this Grace even an amateur also clearly know.

After Horace left the office, Grace's entire body sat down smoothly on a side chair, the expression on

her face was almost indifferent, the bottom of her eyes were also dull, she just kept a posture stiff for a

long time.

At the same time, Camille arrived at the museum.

Because the computer has not yet been returned, it is still only paper drawing, but Camille's basic skills

are very resistant, so this is not difficult for her.

Her speed with the pen is no slower than others with the computer, so there is no delay in the progress

of work, but a person does a good job, someone who is not used to it will still be the same nitpick.

Louise has been unhappy with Camille because of the leave of absence, and she has been thinking

about how to find something wrong with Camille and how to take advantage of it.

But after a long time there was no chance, until Camille put down her pen and picked up a glass of

water to drink, she suddenly came to feel.

She said, not too gently, "Camille, why don't you bring your computer with you? It's not convenient for

you like this!"

"I think it's quite convenient." Camille said lightly, blocking the words instantly and leaving Louise


But dumbfounded does not mean there is no more to say, after a short silence of half a second,

Louise's voice again, she said: "Camille, you use paper is really easy to get dirty, like you just drink

water this way, if the water spilled on top of the paper is not a foregone conclusion?"

Camille expressionlessly met Louise's gaze, she took two sips of water and put the glass down before

speaking unhurriedly: "Thank you for your concern Representative Holland, but I don't think anyone

here would be so careless as to purposely get my drawings wet, but even if they do, it doesn't matter,

my paper is waterproof for special sketches."

There is one more thing Camille did not tell her, since all the things are drawn, the brain naturally


Even without the drawings, she couldn't forget them.

Louise didn't say anything, and Camille's phone came with a message, so she stopped paying attention

to Louise and reached for her phone to read the message.

It was from Grace, asking her to meet her for lunch at a restaurant not far from the museum.

After finishing work at noon, Camille rushed to pack up her things and rush to the restaurant.

When she arrived, Grace arrived as well.

After Camille sat down, Grace followed suit and asked, "I ordered a few random dishes, see if there's

anything else you'd like to eat?"

"That's it, I'm not picky." She didn't really want to eat for lunch either, so whatever she ate was fine. She

was more concerned about Grace asking her to meet her at this time, what was the matter, right?

Grace was trying her best to hide her heavy heart, but Camille still sensed something different about


Camille asked, "Is there something wrong with you asking me to dinner out of the blue?"

Grace followed and bowed her head, she hesitated a bit as she said, "It's not much."

Camille: "No really?"

"I ..."

"If it's really okay, you should be at Armstrong Corp right now dealing with the plagiarism, even if you

don't have any clue, you won't come out to have dinner with me at this time, if you are photographed by

gossip reporters, you will definitely think Armstrong Corp poses badly or bummed out, so are you sure

it's okay? " Camille shallow voice finished, the corners of her mouth also followed a smile, that smile is

telling Grace, she saw through the mind.novelbin

Grace sighed silently as she whispered, "I have a rather conflicting matter, and I want you to give me

an idea."

"You tell me."

"What do you think I should do if this one has something to do with the person I trust the most?" Grace

watched Camille's gaze, her face also revealing an overwhelming hesitation, as if she had a powerless

helplessness about the matter.

Camille also subconsciously frowned and subconsciously asked, "Checked it out?"

Grace did not answer, but simply said, "You tell me first, what should I do?"

Her brow was still furrowed, the expression on her face did not change in the slightest, her bright eyes

gave a slight beat and thought very seriously before saying, "If it is related to the person you trust most,

then the premise is that you have to ask yourself, do you believe that this person you trust did it?"

"What if one believes? So what if you don't believe?" Grace asked.

Camille seriously thought: "If you believe in the natural will not feel related to this person, if you do not

believe in the natural will be related, if you are very conflicted do not know what to do, then ask clearly,

only ask to understand to answer the questions in your heart? If you trust this person, then it means

that this is worthy of your trust, in that case I think it will not let you down."

Grace nodded gently as the waiter came up with the food and interrupted the two, so Grace didn't

respond in any way, just lowered her eyes and kept silent.

Grace waited until the food was served, the soup was finished, and the waiter had left before she

raised her eyes to stare at Camille again, her voice not slowing down as she asked, "Cami, you leaked

the Armstrong Corp design, didn't you?"

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