My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 713 Want To Meet
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Chapter 713 Want To Meet

Chapter 713 Want to meet

"It's whatever has nothing to do with the Simpson Group, finish this side of things back in Hance City as

soon as possible, I'm afraid some people are about to sit down."

Ayan's words did not say too much, so Kian is also some did not understand, but he did not dare to

easily ask Ayan words, just nodded and did not speak.

Ayan took the time to call Camille during lunch. He didn't care about anyone but Camille.

He said to Camille, "Do you need me to arrange for someone to assist with the investigation from the


"No, Horace should be able to find out!"

Camille replied in a light and very casual manner.

Ayan hummed lightly, his words filled with displeasure: "You do believe in his ability!"

She frowned slightly, hearing it as an afterthought.

She laughed, "If he doesn't even have that ability you can allow him to join the program?"

Now the question is given to Ayan's side.

I have to say, Camille is now getting better at asking Ayan questions back.

Ayan laughed, "If I have to answer no ability does that mean I don't have any vision?"

"Oh, I didn't say that, Mr. Simpson, you really misunderstood me."

"You did not say so, but you think so in your heart, I will not know your mind?"

"You've really wronged me." Camille pretended to be pitiful, but naturally Ayan was able to guess her

mind at a glance.

He said: "What does Horace say? This matter has so far fermented to a high level, if Armstrong Corp

can not get a sufficient convincing public evidence is afraid that not only to bear the charge of

plagiarism, the subsequent have to stare at the word plagiarism in the circle is difficult to mix down."

Camille pursed her lips slightly and said faintly, "Horace said he would look into it, and I am also the

subject of suspicion."

Ayan furrowed his eyebrows, "You? What did you do behind my back?"

Camille told the truth about Ayan's contact with Horace in the days before he was hospitalized, and the

request Horace made, she sighed silently, "There are just six people to suspect, I should have the least

number of points of suspicion, right?"

"Not clear before your suspicions are the same as much, if it really is in your place to go wrong have

you thought about what to do?"

"I didn't do it, so how can the problem be with me?"


"I don't want to think about such unrealistic what-ifs."

Although Camille said so, but in her heart she couldn't help thinking along with Ayan's words, if all the

problems pointed to her ... She immediately shook her head and rejected the idea, she had not done

anything wrong with the project, so she could not be wrong.

But Ayan didn't think so, but Ayan didn't say anything else, just said to Camille: "I'll be back in Hance

City tomorrow night at the latest, you'll come with the driver and pick me up?"

Camille said lightly, "Isn't it good that you came back on your own?"

"You come and get me." He reiterated again.

Camille hummed lightly and raised her eyebrows slightly, "You're that anxious to see me?"

"Yes, I'd love to see you, so come pick me up, okay?"

"Okay then!" She responded condescendingly, but a smile spilled out of the corner of her mouth.

The two talked for a long time before ending the call.

Because Camille's computer was taken by Horace for investigation, she could only draw on paper for

the time being after she went to the museum in the afternoon.

In response to the morning she left without saying anything to Louise, who also contacted Preston and

Jenson immediately after finishing work at noon.

Preston, on his side, didn't know about it, but had little patience for her and simply told her, "You think I

have to manage everything?"

Louise was instantly speechless and ended up apologizing over and over again until Preston simply cut

the call off.

Louise did not land any good with Preston, she naturally will not just stop, she called Jenson again,

after the phone call, she began to report on the progress of work, and then this began to step by step to

beat Camille's little report.

After her words, Jenson then said, "Representative Holland, I forgot to tell you that Camille called me

this morning and I was the one who approved her leave of absence."

Louise had a lot of things to say, but now she couldn't get them out of her mouth.

She froze in a daze, and her face was very stiff, she said somewhat unnaturally, "This way? Okay, I

see, because she didn't tell me, so I thought she didn't take time off, so she told Mr. Evans, so it'snovelbin


Jenson did not say anything more, but only praised her attitude towards her work. Despite this, Louise

was not much happier, because neither did anything to Camille, which is the most unfortunate point.

Hanging up the phone, Louise some indignantly put the phone on the desk in front of her, the

expression on her face is difficult to see the extreme.

Several other architects also noticed her face, we exchanged a look and continued to work with their

heads down, no one would take the initiative to go up as this out of the blue.

On the other hand, Preston, who had finished talking to Louise on the phone, was heading to the


Sean drove the car, he looked at Preston through the rearview mirror, said in a light voice: "Mr. Walker,

Miss Armstrong did not go to the museum probably went to Armstrong Corp, after all, Armstrong Corp

happened so big things, Miss Armstrong can not It is possible that Miss Armstrong is indifferent."

"She has a good heart, even if the Armstrong family treats her badly, but she is still as tolerant as ever

towards the Armstrong family, and now that something has happened to Armstrong Corp, there is

nothing wrong with her rushing over there." Preston looked sideways out of the window, a handsome

face look mild, but the coldness between the eyebrows seems to reveal a few high and profound.

Camille was so tolerant of her bad the Armstrong family, but why was she so cruel to him?

Thinking about this, the expression on his face had become as cold as ice.

Sean also scanned his reaction and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Walker, after we receive Miss Walker,

will we arrange to go to your current place or arrange to stay in a hotel?"

"Stay in a hotel." He responded indifferently, and then followed up with more: "The place I'm staying

now is where Austin lived, and it's fine for single occupancy and office, it's not appropriate after Molly


"Yes, I understand, and I will clear it with Miss Walker."

Sean immediately responded, and it didn't matter what he really meant in those words, because Molly

wouldn't even know what he had in mind.

The car continues to drive on the inner ring highway straight to the airport direction, the car is fast, but

very smooth.

The atmosphere in the car was briefly quiet for nearly half a minute before Preston suddenly spoke

again, "After what happened to Armstrong Corp, Ayan didn't have any intention of coming back?"

"I asked Ayan's assistant about his schedule on account of the project, but the assistant's mouth was

very strict and could not ask anything at all, but the words still revealed the progress of Ayan's work in

Dane City, Ayan's business trip is to attend a bidding meeting, he can personally go to certainly not a

small project, I guess compared to Armstrong Corp he The Simpson Group's own interests are more

important to him than Armstrong Corp, and he will not come back immediately because Armstrong

Corp has problems."

Sean's words were justified, and they fell on Preston's ears, but he hooked his lips into a faint smile.

Preston said, "Since he has his eye on Simpson Group, let everyone know that Armstrong Corp is

nothing in his eyes, and make the Armstrong Corp fiasco bigger. If he can't, it'll show Camille what kind

of man he is and whether he's worthy of her single-mindedness."

Sean had a look of calculation in his eyes and immediately followed Preston's words, "Mr. Walker, do

you mean we should add fire to Armstrong Corp to make them take the blame of plagiarism?"

Preston did not respond to his words, deep eyes looked at him faintly, Sean also read this look,

understand Preston's meaning.

When the two arrived at the airport, Sean got out of the car to meet the plane and Preston sat in the car


His cell phone also rang at this time, glancing at the string of numbers displayed on the phone screen,

the expression on his face was cold and indifferent, he casually pressed answer, and a gentle woman's

voice immediately came from there: "Aren't you home?"

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