My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 704 Expensive
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Chapter 704 Expensive

Chapter 704 Expensive

Camille's expression is warm and bland without any obvious emotion, and her voice is also a whisper:

"I don't know yet!"

Sophie more helpless, after all, this kind of high consumption place tea fee is naturally not low, and

people good service, tea and pre-dinner snacks are also free supply, these are naturally also counted

in the tea fee inside.

But they are not the ones who pay the bill, so they can only slander in the heart mouth but do not dare

to make a sound.

Because Louise's tone really sounded like she was arguing, a manager was quickly contacted by the

waiter's side.

Because the people who come to Darkmoor to eat are rich or noble, basically are also Hance City

dignitaries, the manager naturally is impossible to allow any damage to Darkmoor's face to happen, but

also will not directly to Louise and other people out, but very good attitude to apologize first, and then

repeat the situation.

Louise repeated what she had just said, but before she could finish her sentence, Camille spoke softly,

"Manager Reed."

Camille's voice made Manager Reed immediately cast a glance, because standing five or six people

present, Camille and at the end of the back, so he did not notice at first.

At this moment, when he saw Camille was also there, Manager Reed immediately went to Camille,

polite and respectful attitude, but also slightly hanging his head full of smiles and said: "Mrs. Simpson,

you came over for dinner why did not let anyone inform me, I also have to personally go over to make

arrangements for you."

Camille smiled lightly: "You're welcome, I just came over for dinner with some colleagues."

Manager Reed immediately understood: "These beautiful women are your colleagues?"

Camille nods her head.

Manager Reed hurriedly said, "I'm sorry I didn't know you were coming, but tonight's meal will be my

invitation to you and your colleagues to enjoy a casual meal."

"No, we're just having a normal get-together." Camille declined after expressing her apologies.

Louise saw this immediately walked to Camille's side and reached out to hold Camille's arm, she

smiled and looked at Camille with an intimate face: "Camille, people Manager Reed has said to invite

us, how can you refute Manager Reed's face? "

Louise heard from their conversation that the two must know each other, and Manager Reed called

Camille Mrs. Simpson, which is obviously Camille is a status, although she said she was married, but

Louise is not too convinced, think Camille may just be lying.

But she believes it now.

And because Manager Reed is polite and courteous to Camille, she also addresses Camille directly, so

that she appears to be higher than Camille's status.

Louise's behavior fell into Camille's eyes but incomparably harsh, especially the sentence Camille let

her subconsciously frown, Gracelynn is also called her Camille, but there is no difference, but a kind of

hate to meet the feeling of affection, but Louise called her but very uncomfortable.

Camille jerked Louise's hand away without giving any face, and her face was a bit bland as she said,

"Representative Holland, you're the one who's buying today, so how am I refusing Manager Reed's

kindness to refute his face? Or is it that Representative Holland doesn't want to buy? If that's the case it

doesn't matter, Representative Holland can just say so, so I can say hello to Manager Reed and we allnovelbin

don't need to stand here and keep waiting, don't you think?"

Camille's distancing makes Manager Reed immediately see that the two are not as close as Louise

shows, and instantly understand what to do?

Manager Reed looked at Louise with a smile on his face and he said, "So it's this lady's treat, then I

don't want to insist on a free bill, after all, it's this lady's intention for everyone, then for Mrs. Simpson's

sake I'll give you a minimum discount of 8. 80% with my right, next time you can come with Mrs.

Simpson at your convenience, and then I'll be your host for a casual dinner. Next time, you can come

with Mrs. Simpson, and I will treat you all to a casual dinner, and I hope you can come.

Once this is said, the order is bought.

Camille immediately took over and responded, "Then thank you Manager Reed for your kindness, and

please do the math to show this colleague of mine."

Camille looked at Louise with a light smile on her face, she said lightly, "Representative Holland, let's

all wait for you outside, standing here with too many people will also affect the others."

Louise face slightly frozen, but can not say a word, the face of the expression although always with a

smile, but the degree of stiffness than crying a few hundred times harder to see.

With Camille's relief, the awkwardness on everyone's face was instantly lifted, and after a casual

greeting with Louise, they hurriedly headed out.

Without the presence of others, Louise is also clenched teeth very reluctant, but in the face of Manager

Reed, who is good at dealing with all kinds of guests, she obviously has no aura.

Manager Reed also always smiled, both the expression on his face and his tone of voice to her attitude

remained very polite, made a please gesture towards her, and then watched her waiting for her


In the end, Louise bought the bill after the discount.

After swiping her card, she looked at Manager Reed and asked tentatively, "Does Manager Reed know

Camille well?"

Manager Reed just did not move a smile, but did not answer the question, but took out a coupon and

handed it to Louise: "Miss and Mrs. Simpson is a colleague, that is my friend, this Darkmoor coupon for

Miss also hope not to mind."

Louise was slightly stunned, and her eyes fell on the coupon in front of her, a coupon for a thousand

dollars of free food. Even though Darkmoor's food is expensive, a thousand dollars can be a good


Louise naturally reached out to take it, and with a smile on her face, she said, "Then I'll be glad to take


Manager Reed: "Then I won't see the lady off, take care and welcome to the next visit."

Louise nodded, and only then turned away, completely forgetting that Manager Reed had not yet

responded to her words.

It was only after she came out of Darkmoor that she remembered, and her mind kept wondering who

Camille was. Even the manager of Darkmoor treated her in such a polite manner, her husband's status

must be not low, but names Simpson of Hance City is only that one, of course she would not think that

there is a relationship with Ayan of Simpson Group, although Camille is beautiful, but she feels that she

and Camille have nothing The difference, so she does not want to think Camille so well.

While everyone was waiting for Louise, Sophie and Summer couldn't help but wonder about Camille's

identity, but Camille just smiled lightly and said, "Does my identity affect how everyone gets along with


"Of course not." Sophie said, "We're very fond of you."

"Yeah, we like you a lot." The others chimed in.

Camille said, "Well, that's fine. As long as we get along, we don't need to care too much about anything


Camille was not willing to tell the truth about her relationship with Ayan. Her concern was simple: she

was worried that people would behave too politely towards her for Ayan's sake, which would lead to the

next work to turn sour and not be too friendly to her to everyone.

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