My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 700 Getting Drunk
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Chapter 700 Getting Drunk

Chapter 700 Getting Drunk

Preston didn't wait for Camille to say no, because if he hung up fast enough Camille wouldn't say no.

But he waited for nearly half an hour and Camille did not appear, he kept silent and continued to wait,

with the intention that he would not leave until Camille appeared.

Camille still hadn't come until lunchtime, and an hour had passed since he called her.

He dialed Camille's cell phone again, and Camille didn't answer until it was about to hang up


He asked, "Cami, now you won't even meet me? I'm just downstairs from your office, and you're just

coming back, so I don't need to take up too much of your time.

"Is there something you can't talk about like this?" Camille of course knows Preston's nature, since he

called naturally he would not ask her if she would like to, I do not know since when, Preston's attitude is

too strong, as long as he decides something, he has to ask others to agree, which makes Camille feel

very tired, she does not like this, so just now Preston also does not say what the matter is directly let

She went to the trip, which made Camille rebellious thoughts, she did not want to go.

Her attitude showed insistence as well. Preston frowned tightly and said in a low voice: "As I said, it's

just a work thing, so it's not very convenient. If you don't feel at ease that I have another purpose, then

you can also bring Yessica along, I'll just say a few words, is that okay?"

"Preston, if you're trying to talk to me about Louise, then there's no need, because I don't care, it's just

irrelevant people, I don't have any emotions."

Camille thought carefully, what Preston was going to say had to do with the work, but the work was

only the project, the project had just started, and nothing else had happened except for the Louise


So she also probably guessed what Preston was trying to say?

After her words, Preston's face stiffened to the extreme, and his face froze in a daze. After nearly half a

minute of silence, he then spoke faintly: "Cami, I apologize for what happened to Louise, I didn't protect

you, so don't get angry with me, okay?"

His voice lowered, his attitude also lowered, in fact, he knew from the beginning that Louise did not

contact Camille, but he did not block, he wanted Camille to explain unclear, because only when Camille

is powerless to defend he will have the opportunity to step in, otherwise, with Camille's nature, she will

never take the initiative to seek his help.

This is Camille, usually look gentle, but the bones of the toughness is no one can change.

So many years together, Preston is naturally feel the right one or two points.

Otherwise, she would not have married Ayan, even if Ayan had no love for her, but she still insisted on

going to him, because she felt that she loved people or wanted to do things as long as they tried to love

to do, regardless of whether the other party also loved her, or whether the matter also succeeded, then

there will always be no regrets.

At this moment in the face of Preston's apology, Camille is also expressionless, slightly knitted brow

highlights the indifference of her heart, she said: "I am not angry with you, it is not something to be

angry, and the person who did something wrong is not you, so why should I be angry with you, what

does it have to do with you? "

"It's my fault, I gave Louise the false impression that she was entitled to target you, Cami, if you forgivenovelbin

me just come down and let's talk about it face to face, okay? We also haven't eaten for a long time, so

let's consider it a lunch together?"

"No, the company has other things to deal with, I have to be busy, you also go back to work, this matter

is not on my mind, so you should not think much about it."

Camille still refused, and her attitude was so indifferent that Preston could not feel the slightest bit of


Preston said, "Cami, you're afraid to even meet me alone now? Is it because Ayan won't allow you to

meet with me?"

"You think too much, Ayan did not ask me to do so, as for what you said about meeting alone I just

think there is no need, because it is not something important why need to meet alone? Besides, the

company is really something, so I think what can be said over the phone why bother with a special

opinion side?"

Camille's tone was a bit hard, she didn't understand why Preston could always blame Ayan for anything

she didn't want to see or do, thinking it must be Ayan's intention.

Is she a puppet?

Will only listen to the arrangement and not obey the inner thoughts and decisions?

Camille is not willing to say more, the heart of the idea also did not reveal a half, some things said too

understand each other only that a trace of face will be poked.

Her insistence made Preston also helpless, and eventually this side naturally did not see.

Even though they are close to each other, they are as far apart as a thousand miles.

Preston came out of the cafe and he drove back to his place alone.

Without his interruptions, Camille also gradually sighed with relief.

The day went by quickly, but everything was still going well.

Ayan was busy in Dane City until 10:00 at night before he finished socializing and went back to the

hotel. He came here mainly to attend the bidding meeting and wanted to take a piece of land on the

east side of Dane City, and the next project would be started on this piece of land, so he had to come in


The bidding will start tomorrow night, these two days just to prepare for the start of the bidding, tonight

and the bidding will be a few judges dinner, but there is no bribery things happen, just to familiarize with

each other as well as understand the requirements of this land bid and so on.

Back in the hotel room, Kian reported the information he had compiled to Ayan. Kian said, "Mr.

Simpson, based on what we've learned in the past two days, our success rate of taking this land is only

fifty-five percent."

Ayan slightly narrowed his eyes, his expression unchanged, his voice low and dull: "After two days

here, only fifty-five percent, do you think this result is what I want?"

He sat on the sofa, holding a cup of strong tea in his hand, the two days of irregular diet, most of the

time in social drinking, at the moment is a vague pain in the forehead, the expression on his face is

also expressionless to the extreme.

Kian also said with a serious expression: "Mr. Simpson, I followed your instructions to find out that the

company that has as much potential to bid for this land as we do is a local real estate company in Dane

City, Miss Rapace also mentioned today, the chairman of this company, names Cote, in Dane City's

status It is not to be underestimated."

Facing such a strong opponent, the only thing to do is to be prepared, but Ayan's only concern now is

that the Simpson Group is working on several projects at the same time and will probably be short of


He was deep in thought and Kian asked in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, do you need to contact Mr. Ward

for help?"

Rex had just finished the project and had a sum of money in hand to pull out, but this was only the last

intention. Before that Ayan needed to think of other ways, the best being to take the land he was most

satisfied with for the least amount of money.

After Ayan thought carefully, he said, "You go to Sophia to find out all the information about Cote

Group, I want to know not what you see on the surface, but what you don't see.

Kian asked with some confusion, "Mr. Simpson, what do you mean?"

"Check it out first, and we'll do it after we find out."

"Okay, I'm going to arrange it."

After Kian left the room, Ayan also followed and put down the tea in his hand.

With a silent sigh, he reached for the phone on the coffee table and called Camille directly on the video.

When he got through, he didn't speak, just stared unblinkingly at the woman in the video, she had just

taken a shower, people nestled on the sofa, her fair and clean face without any makeup covering it,

looking extraordinarily spirited and beautiful, she asked, "Why don't you say anything?"

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Camille said, "Watching TV, did you just finish?"

"So you don't know to reach out to me even when you're watching TV?" He asked unhappily.

She smiled, "I was afraid you'd be busy and I'd disturb you."

"I'm not busy right now, so you're bothering me!" He said the bitchy words with a straight face.

The smile on Camille's face deepened as she looked into the man's deep eyes and subconsciously

asked, "Are you drunk?"

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