My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 689 Preference
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Chapter 689 Preference

Chapter 689 Preference

Camille looked confused as she asked in a low voice, "Mom, did Ayan tell you all this?"

"Yeah, if he hadn't told me, you certainly wouldn't have told me anything, obviously did a lot but refused

to say a word to the family, his foot is getting better day by day, if you think he's annoying, get rid of

him, never show mercy, we all support you unconditionally."

Talia's words are full of preference for Camille, although she has always been very affectionate to

Camille, but every time she shows her preference for Camille is not the kind of false love mouth to say

but actually do not do, Talia's preference is not only from the heart to say, usually is also so true to do


Although it was not the first day that Talia and the Simpson family had been kind to her, Camille was

touched and reached out to hug Talia, "Mom, thank you."

Talia was all smiles: "Why are you so polite with your mother? You are my daughter just like Aria, as for

Ayan, he is half son-in-law and half son!"

Camille was laughing her ass off.

Then I heard Talia ask, "Cami, mommy asked you if you and Ayan are together?"

Talia's gossipy face and smiling eyes look like a mommy fan who is high on cp online.

Camille was caught by this question, her heart subconsciously reflected the scene of that night,

thinking of those, her cheeks instantly became hot, her eyes also some uncomfortable drooping, she

silently asked herself, Ayan even told Talia this?

She immediately dismissed that Ayan would not.

Could it be that Talia discovered something on her own?

Camille fluttered her eyelashes and Talia stared at her waiting for an answer. After several seconds of

no response, Talia asked in a low voice, "Cami?"

Camille looked back up, her eyes meeting Talia's again, and she said, "Mom, who are you listening to?"

Talia's eyes are gentle: "No one said, just my own guess, because Ayan went straight back to you after

he was discharged from the hospital, I thought since you promised to take him in, you must be willing to

give him a chance, so I wanted to ask how your current situation is? If you don't want to answer then

don't answer."

After Talia finished, she went back to talking to Camille about Timmy, not caring about this topic at all,

because she didn't want to put pressure on Camille, if they can be good she is happy to be a mother-

in-law and mother.

As for the question, in the end Camille didn't answer it because Talia didn't ask it again and urged her

to get in the car after she finished Timmy.

Leaving the Simpson's mansion, Camille drove straight to the office.

She had just arrived at the office on her front foot, followed by a call from Ayan, who acted as if he had

installed a monitor on her.

Camille grunted lightly and pressed "no" directly, after which Ayan did not call again, only as if she was

busy and did not bother her.

Camille and Yessica left the office around 6:00 p. m. Camille's car was parked in the parking lot directly

in front of the building when she came over in the afternoon, so the two of them came out of the

building and went straight towards the parking lot.

Before she could get to her car, though, Preston's call came in.

When Camille saw that it was him, she didn't even think about it and pressed mute and pretended she

didn't hear it.

Yessica thought it was Ayan calling, so she was a bit concerned, but also a bit booed, after all, during

the day Kian sent her a message asking her about Camille's evening schedule and she told the truth,

but when she thought about it, she thought it was nothing, after all, she was also worried about Camille,

and she still had a sense of what to say and what not to say.

Unaware of Yessica's thoughts, Camille simply responded to her words lightly, "No more answers."

Just as Camille's words fell, a polite man's voice was heard from the side: "Miss Armstrong."

It's Sean, Preston's secretary.

Camille and Yessica's eyes looked over together, Sean hung his head slightly, his voice was gentle and

polite: "Miss Armstrong, our Mr. Baxter is here to pick you up, Mr. Baxter said it's more convenient to go

together, and it's not too safe to drive at night, Miss Armstrong should come with us. Miss Armstrong

should take a car with us!"

Due to Yessica's presence, Sean's name for Preston was not Mr. Walker.

Camille's eyes were warm and light as she stared at Sean, who was respectful to her with every word,

but there was something indefinable about the indifference and inexplicable look under his eyes.

It was as if she was displeased, but full of respect and politeness, so for a while Camille looked a bit


It was only when Yessica gently tugged at her clothes that she came back to her senses and spoke

indifferently, "No, I'll drive myself."

"Miss Armstrong better take a car with Mr. Baxter, so that it is good for Miss Armstrong next project,

and Mr. Baxter has come to wait for a long time, Miss Armstrong with me a piece of it." Sean said, but

also forgot to indicate Camille look at the roadside parked the black business car, Preston stood next to

the car also has been watching this side.novelbin

Probably will Sean can't get Camille, he simply lifted his feet directly towards this side.

It was close to closing time, and people were coming and going. Camille didn't want to draw any

attention to herself, let alone bring Ayan and the Simpson family into the conversation because of the


So while Preston was still in front of her, she indifferently said to Sean, "No, since I am the architect

selected for this time, it is better to keep a little distance."

After saying that, she already took Yessica's hand and walked quickly to her car.

The two men got in the car and it immediately took off, and the car slid past Preston without stopping to


Preston had stopped standing still when he saw her leave, and at the moment he was not showing any

emotion, just saying indifferently, "Go!"

Sean angled his head and immediately followed Preston's lead.

After sitting in the car, Sean then spoke: "Mr. Walker, in fact, we can not deliberately come over, after

all, Miss Armstrong will not be for a cooperation to lose a huge amount of breach of contract, anyway,

this project Miss Armstrong is necessary to participate in, you simply do not need to take the initiative

to show her good. "

Preston's face was warm and indifferent, but the displeasure under his eyes was somewhat obvious.

He swept a glance at Sean, who immediately said, "Sorry, I'm the one who talked too much, and I just

don't want to see Miss Armstrong treat you like this, without giving you any face at all."

"That's enough!" Preston's face was cold, and a cold warning spilled out of his eyes, "It's not your turn

to tell me how she treats me, I told you, this is between me and her, no one else has the right to point

fingers at her but me."

"I'm sorry Mr. Walker, I overstepped my bounds."


Preston indifferent command, and then no more words, but the expression on his face is always

unpleasant, until he arrived at the hotel for dinner tonight he did not say a word.

When Preston arrived, all the selected architects were already there, and the remaining ones besides

the architects were the project team responsible for hosting the bidding session, and naturally, the

owner behind the project team was Preston.

The manager in charge of signing with Camille was the only one who knew that Camille had been

handpicked by Preston to join the project, so he naturally offered Camille a lot of attention: "Camille,

please sit down first, we'll be open when Mr. Baxter arrives. I'll go get it for you?"

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