My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 675 Help
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Chapter 675 Help

Chapter 675 Help

There was a small black car parked at the door, Mario was sitting in the back seat with the windows

down, so Camille and Sienna fell into his eyes as soon as they came out of the restaurant door.

Camille accompanied Sienna over to the car, Mario followed and got out of the car, seeing Camille he

offered a greeting, "Cami, long time no see."

"Mario, it's been a long time." Camille smiled lightly and teased, "When did Mario come to Hance City?

Camille smiled lightly and said flirtatiously, "When did Mario come to Hance City, why didn't you tell

me? Why didn't you tell me? I could have invited you to dinner."

"I came over for some business, and I plan to find you after I'm done. After all, Hance City is now your

home turf, and you can't escape this meal."

Mario's words are gentle, but the expression on his face is as indifferent as ever, and there is hardly the

slightest hint of gentleness to be seen.

But those who are familiar with him already know that his character is such that he is a few years older

than Camille and Sienna, so he has always given them the feeling of an elder who is not to be

provoked and majestic.

Camille still kept her polite smile, holding Sienna's hand without letting go, her voice low and shallow,

"Anytime, call me when you're done."

"Good." Mario nodded, his eyes swept over Sienna again, his tone still warm and light, and he said to

Camille, "I'm going to talk to Sienna about something, can you lend her to me for a while?"

Camille was just stunned, her eyes then looked at Sienna, she smiled lightly and said: "Of course you

can, but Mario you should not ask me, you should ask Sienna, after all, the only one who can make

decisions for her is herself!"

Camille smiled lightly, the hint between the words is extremely heavy flavor, Mario such a smart person

and how will not hear it?

But Camille doesn't care, she just wants Mario to hear.

Camille let go of Sienna and said to her, "I'll go back to Timmy then, call me when you're done!?"

Sienna nodded gently, "Well, you go ahead."

Camille drove herself over, so she got in the car and drove off straight away.

Watching the car disappear from sight, Mario's voice then sounded unenthusiastically, "Camille is the

one you got to save you?"

Sienna's gaze faded to Mario: "Why should I look for help?"

Mario's face was faint, his deep eyes fixed on Sienna unblinkingly, his voice low and dull: "Have

Camille and Ayan already divorced? If this news broke out in Hance City, how do you think the

Simpson Group and Ayan and Camille would be affected?"

Sienna's face changed instantly and she stared at Mario with a frown of disbelief, "What do you


"Sienna, isn't my meaning obvious enough? I've been coming to Hance City for so many days, there's

no way you can't guess my purpose, I dropped the King Group thing to make a special trip to Hance

City, how long do you want to continue to spend with me?"

Mario's face was as cold as ice, and the grim look under his eyes was flooded with commands that

could not be denied.

His words have always been unacceptable to any question or rebuttal, much less anyone wanting to

challenge against his will.

So he thinks he's got a good shot at Sienna.

He is more a person who never cares about the process, only the result.

He didn't want to know what would happen in the process and didn't mind who would be hurt in the

process? All he wants is an outcome that he is happy with.

Sienna pursed her lips to hold back her emotions, and at the moment, because he mentioned Camille

and tried to threaten her with Camille, this was something she couldn't bear.

Sienna's face was slightly cold as she met Mario's gaze and she said, "You know this is Hance City too,

do you think Ayan will let you off the hook for what you did to Camille in Hance City?"

"So what if I don't let go? It's just a truth being told to the public, so what if he suspects me? What proof

does he have that I did it? As far as I know, there are many people who are enemies of Ayan, and I can

use them to achieve what I want, so Sienna, do you really want me to go after Camille before you


Mario's face with a light smile, under the eyes but no smile, floating cold threat, the taste of threat

between the words is very thick, so that people simply do not dare to easily to confirm the truth of his


Sienna wrinkled her eyebrows, the gaze under her eyes was getting heavier and heavier, she was also

very angry about such threats, she said, "Why are you always like this? Obviously it has nothing to do

with others, but you have to drag innocent people into it, aren't you boring like this?"

"Sienna, I never consider the process, I want only the result, the purpose of my visit you know in your

heart, I have given you so many days of opportunity, hoping that you can take the initiative to break

clean with Rex, but until now I have not seen any indication from you, so I have no more patience."

"Your result is to build pain on others, right?"

"Going back to Campole with me is painful? Staying with Rex is not? Do you think Rex would still like

you as much as he does now if he really got to know you?"

Mario narrowed his eyes slightly, and his sorrowful threat made Sienna's emotions grow more and

more agitated.

She said, "What can you do by forcing me back to Campole with such a tactic? You've obviously made

your choice, why can't you stick to it?" Mario, you're really too selfish."

Mario's thin lips stained smile, reached out from his trouser pocket to take out a cigarette and light it, he

frowned slightly, the expression on his face seemed mild, but his eyes were especially cold, he said in

a word extremely thin: "Sienna, my choice does not mean that I want the result to be so, but you have

to think that I have made a choice, but I found that no matter how to choose others are not suitable for

me. You are the only one who has been right for me since the beginning, so come back to Campole

with me, huh?"

"Don't force me to do something you don't like so that you're not happy and I'm not happy, there's no

need, eh?"

His voice was low and dull, and his tall body was approaching Sienna. His approaching made Sienna

feel extremely oppressed and made him feel very uncomfortable, but when she tried to step back

subconsciously, Mario had already reached over.

He clutched her arm, a touch that caused Sienna to react so much that she lifted her hand and shook it

off directly, her eyes taking on a look of wide-eyed indifference as she said, "Don't touch me!"

Mario's eyes snapped shut, a starburst of anger flickered under his eyes, but he didn't snap, instead he

said gently, "I've said all I have to say, I'll give you two days to take care of your business, after two

days if you haven't decided, then I'll decide for you personally."

Mario finished these and left, his clear and elegant silhouette laying a thin layer of coldness, the bottom

of his eyes were also flooded with a thick chill.

His words were not just words, which Sienna knew very well.

Watching his car fade away, Sienna's heart could not calm down for a long time.

What is she going to do?

Rex, who had left the restaurant, had also arrived at Maple Leaves Mansion.

He arrived by elevator according to the address Ayan said, and the doors were opened by entering the

code himself.

When I walked in, I saw Ayan in the living room.

Ayan likewise saw him, and their eyes met the same, looking at each other with a warm look.

Rex carried the wine in his hand, walked to the sofa and sat down, sighed silently, and spoke

indifferently: "You don't even eat without Camille? If I hadn't come, you would have gone hungry?"

Ayan indifferently swept him, the expression on his face as cold as ice: "You talk so much Sienna is

how to put up with it?"

Rex frowned slightly and said indifferently, "Ayan, to tell you the truth, Camille was right in front of me

when you called just now."

Rex originally did not intend to say, but Ayan's words were too harsh, he could not bear.

His words fell, Ayan suddenly no sound, a face coldly staring at him, eyes flashing with disbelief, but

see him no response, Ayan had to believe again.

The two men stared at each other, Rex raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, his voice low and

dumb, "Just say, why do men have to make things difficult for men? Isn't it good to live in peace?"

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