My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 645 - Humble
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Chapter 645 - Humble

Chapter 645 - Humble

In the afternoon, Ayan returned to Simpson Group and was photographed by the media and posted on

the Internet. No one cares whether it was a deliberate arrangement or an unintentional coincidence,

except that Ayan, the president of Simpson Group, is intact.

It also dispelled rumors that Ayan had been involved in an accident and earned Simpson Group a big

wave of minor stock fluctuations.

As for the fire in the villa under Ayan's name, the media waiting downstairs at Simpson Group also

made inquiries.

But just before the reporter asked, "Mr. Simpson, there was a fire at the villa in your name, and Austin

mentioned that his wife Cora was at the villa, and wanted to ask if this had anything to do with Mr.

Simpson? Or is Austin talking nonsense?"

As the reporter's words fell, Ayan had stepped through the doors of Simpson Group.

But he suddenly stopped in his tracks, and then turned to look at the reporters and media cameras

outside, he faced the ten or so reporters, a handsome face expressionless, a faint warm indifference

between his eyebrows, his voice was not slow to say: "The villa on fire is a fact, but whether there is

anyone inside I think the police will soon give a result out, as for the question you just asked, you

should go ask the person who said What do you mean by that?"

Kian immediately took over and said, "Thank you all for your concern about Mr. Simpson, the Simpson

Group has prepared snacks and coffee, everyone is tired these two days, eat and drink some rest first!

After saying that, he has recruited his assistant to take the media reporters over to a side rest area.

The Simpson Group naturally prepares the best things, the coffee is the best, the snacks are also the

most luxurious hotel in Hance City, it is difficult to eat without advance booking, the people here have

only heard about it but never tasted it, today dragged the Simpson Group and Ayan's blessing to try it.

The reporters also said privately, "Mr. Simpson is still Mr. Simpson! We support the Simpson Group and

Mr. Simpson!"

Everyone has shouted slogans, fearing that one less word is not an expression of determination.

Ayan was sitting at his desk in the Simpson Group's top floor president's office when Kian walked in

with the file, "Mr. Simpson, the press and media side has been taken care of."

"Hmm." He responded faintly.

Kian added: "The police have also issued a response denying that Cora was at the villa and also

clarifying that the fire at the villa did not cause any injuries and that everything is under our control."

Ayan nodded, then Kian followed, "Mr. Bell and Mr. Burris and Mr. Tucker are back, Mr. Bell just called

and said to sit down this afternoon to talk about their idea of going to Fola this time."

Ayan wrinkled his eyebrows slightly and said indifferently, "Yes, you can arrange it, and notify them

when the time is confirmed." After saying that, after nearly half a minute, he added, "Doesn't Preston

want to meet with me alone? Then have him come to the office after the meeting this afternoon!"

He doesn't see Preston as an equal partner, but rather as a lowly boy who wants to climb on his

bandwagon with the Simpson Group. Then let's talk!

The news of Ayan's appearance at Simpson Group was known to Preston.

Sean told him when he was sitting at his desk reading a book with a cup of tea, Sean's words after the

words, he did not have much reaction, a face is also unperturbed to see the slightest emotion, but the

next second, the cup in his hand was directly crushed by him.

There wasn't much water in the cup, and it wasn't hot enough to burn easily, but the scene still startled

Sean, who immediately stepped forward: "Mr. Walker?"

"What's the panic? It's okay!" His face with a light smile, the bottom of his eyes surrounded by hostility,

the corners of his mouth flooded with a grim smile, look at the back of the people shivered some


But he has always been unhurried as if crushing the water cup hurt fingers and palms of people not him

but others, he is almost no reaction, as if not aware of any pain sitting there motionless.

Sean rushed to bring the medicine box to help disinfect the bandage, and then this just whispered: "Mr.

Walker, just Simpson GroupKian came to the message this afternoon to go to Simpson Group to talk

about work, Mr. Bell they are back."

"Well, I know, you go out!"

"Mr. Walker, your hand ..."

"It's not bandaged? Nothing is wrong, can not die." He said indifferent, slightly narrowed eyes under the

eyes of a calm can not see what he was thinking in his heart?

When Sean exited from the office, the expression on Preston's face then completely cold and sunken.

Preston's eyes were slightly cold, snorted a cold laugh, and then lit a cigarette and took a sharp puff, in

front of him or just watched the video, a video of Ayan making a response.

He did pick himself clean.

I'm afraid he didn't really stay at the villa at all, everything was just a deliberate act to fool Austin, right?

Preston understood what Austin did Ayan had already guessed, of course, he originally did not intend

to take Ayan down at once, just want to use this incident to create some public opinion to disgust Ayan.

Now it seems that Ayan is also not good to deal with, but he has also long been mentally prepared,

after all, if Ayan is really so easy to suppress him will not be forced to drive the car fell into the river.

But everything is not in a hurry, take your time, there is still a long time, can think of the last is not yet

known who will be?

Preston slightly narrowed his eyes, the calculating taste under his eyes is extremely heavy, and his

eyebrows are also darkly sarcastic cold.

The future is long ????????

In the afternoon, the group arrived at Simpson Group as scheduled.

Ayan was the last to appear, and upon entering the office, Mr. Bell couldn't stop asking with concern,

"Ayan, is everything okay?"

Ayan smiled gently: "I made you worry, but everything is fine."

"It's good that you're okay, but what exactly happened? How could a fire suddenly break out in a villa

under your name? Is this all directly related to Austin?"

Mr. Bell is in Fola, but his secretary and assistant and Preston also contacted him, so he is more ornovelbin

less aware of the incident, but exactly what has happened, he can only ask Ayan.

Ayan listened to just a helpless smile, and then said lightly: "What exactly happened police are still

investigating, as for the villa fire has been ruled out is the line and spontaneous combustion problems,

the preliminary judgment should be someone deliberately for, as for the time being who has not been


After Ayan, who is the person in question, made this response, everyone in the room fell into a short


Mrs. Bell said with some trepidation, "It's a good thing people are okay."

"Yes, fortunately people are fine, but the day of the incident I happened to go over a bit of business to

deal with, if I left a little late accident is not only the villa and me."

He said the breeze, but there is no other people that stunned, or even simply did not feel any

meaningful worry and fear.

Dan couldn't help but smile lightly and said: "Mr. Simpson is not much effect, if it were me I would not

be able to do so calmly and freely, but in my opinion, nothing can be taken lightly, or we must check the

specific situation to be clear, otherwise no one can guarantee that the same type of thing will not

happen in the future."

"Mr. Tucker's advice is good and I'll take it." Ayan responded in a warm voice.

And then Horace also followed and said: "Mr. Simpson, this is not a small matter, although this time

there is no accident, but also can not be a sum, after all, life is most important!"

"Well, Mr. Burris said yes, I also have this intention, so have communicated with the police side, this

matter will definitely be thoroughly investigated in the end who is behind it?" Ayan face gentle, the look

under the eyes has always been the same, in addition to Camille and Preston other people here have

spoken out, Ayan's gaze turned to look at Preston, he asked lightly: "Mr. Baxter on this matter have any

views? Any good suggestions?"

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