My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 600 Provocation
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Chapter 600 Provocation

Chapter 600 Provocation

He asked nonchalantly, "Cora went back to Campole?"

"No, Cora left her place with Austin yesterday to stay at a hotel, one near the Simpson Group."

"Where's Austin?"

"Austin hasn't been out of the house."

"I haven't left the house, but just because I've called and texted doesn't mean I haven't been in touch."

Ayan's eyes narrowed slightly, his words meaningful, his face as cold as ice: "No need to keep an eye

on who Norman Group is planning to put into the project."

"Wouldn't not paying attention allow Austin to do whatever he wants?"

"Instead of keeping them in the shadows it would be better to just open the cage and let them all in,

only under my watchful eye I can know their every move."

Originally, some things were just speculation, but at this moment, after listening to Austin's report, he

has completely confirmed.

After talking about this, Ayan told Kian again, "Starting tomorrow, pick her up from Maple Leaves

Mansion in the morning and pick her up from work in the afternoon at the end of the day on time."

It took Kian two or three seconds to realize who he was referring to.

He nodded his head in a hurry, "Good."

Because of Ayan's arrangement, Camille saw Kian waiting downstairs when she left the house the next

day, and he had prepared breakfast.

It's sandwiches and milk.

Kian said, "Ma'am, this is what Master Simpson asked me to prepare for you."

Camille took the breakfast handed to her by Kian and held it in her hand, her brow was slightly

furrowed and her eyes had a complicated look in them, she gave a low muffled sound and then she got

into the back seat this time.

Kian dropped her off at the office and then left after confirming the end of the evening again.

Contact Kian every day for three days, everything is also normal without any accidents, Camille heart

hanging stone also slowly fall down.

As for Austin's side, although he has left the project, the work he was responsible for and the part Cora

was responsible for needed to be done a handover.

So on the afternoon of the fourth day after the incident, Mr. Bell received a call from Austin and

contacted Ayan to set aside an hour for an impromptu handover meeting.

Camille came with Dan, and Austin was already sitting there when she entered the conference room,

but the seat next to him was still empty.

The others came one after another, and Ayan and Mr. Bell were the last to enter the conference room.

After everyone sat down, Austin sneered and said, "Master Simpson really went to great lengths to kick

me out of this program!"

Austin provoked Ayan directly without any regard for anyone, and since it had come to this point, there

was no need for him to continue to maintain that only a trace of politeness.

Compared to Austin's emotional outbursts, Ayan is much more calm and collected.

His face is warm and light, his thin lips pursed into a straight line, a pair of dark eyes faintly swept a

glance at Austin: "Master Norman think if I really have the intention to kick you out of the game and

why keep Norman Group?"

Austin's eyes were cold, the anger on his face suddenly showed up, he snorted: "Master Simpson if

this ability to try it, after all, Master Simpson is the head of the project, you want who is out of the game

is not a matter of words?"

Austin deliberately provoked, he did not want to let Ayan smoothly well even if he left the project.

After he finished his words, his eyes subconsciously looked at Mr. and Mrs. Bell and the others, and he

said, "Everyone here should not be like me who did not leave himself any way back, and should not

easily provoke Master Simpson, to save himself from getting involved."

Instead of stopping him, Ayan let him go on.

No one responded to Austin's words during this process, and he was alone the entire time, talking to

himself and stirring up trouble.

After he had finished without a sound, Ayan then spoke unhurriedly: "Master Norman if you have

finished then talk to us all about the work to be handed over!"

Ayan obviously didn't take his words just now to heart, so Austin's face suddenly went cold and sullen.

He stared at Ayan coldly for several seconds, then this faintly said: "Norman Group will arrange an

executive manager to come over to continue to be responsible for this project, but for the time being

has not arrived in Hance City need two days."

"Yes, you can ask the executive manager to contact Kian directly after he comes." Ayan responded in a

light voice.

Austin hooked his lips in a faint smile and said meaningfully, "Now that I'm out of the program as

expected Master Simpson must be very happy, right?"


"And why would Master Simpson be afraid to admit it? Who here doesn't know that Master Simpson

targeted me and caused me to leave the program? And who doesn't know that Master Simpson used a

woman to get what he wanted, not to mention that this woman is also your former girlfriend, don't you

think this is in bad taste?"

Ayan face does not change color, not affected in the slightest, he lightly smiled: "Thank you Master

Norman high regard, quality or not is not something Master Norman can decide, Master Norman has

now withdrawn from the project, then each good for themselves! "

Although he was wearing a smile, but the deep eyes did not have any hint of laughter, but with a lurid

indifference let people can not look straight for too long.

His words also silenced Austin for a moment, and the atmosphere in the room fell silent.

Mr. Bell saw this then spoke: "Since all the handover is done, then Norman Group arrange someone to

come as soon as possible, if there is no other business to disperse?"

Austin gave Ayan a cold glare before he simply got up and kicked his chair away from the conference


His movements were so large that the "ping-ping-ping" sound of the collision caused a loud clang.

After Austin left, Ayan said with a bland face, "We can take two days off before the people arranged by

Norman Group come over to Hance City, and how is the progress of the designer screening on

Armstrong Corp's side?"

"All the best!" Horace looked to Ayan in response, and then added, "Miss Armstrong's side can also

take two days to come to Armstrong Corp to do a reference for us if they have time."

Horace mentioned it to Camille privately, and Camille agreed, but he thought it would be better to make

it clear in front of everyone in order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Ayan's eyes also subconsciously looked at Camille, he did not say anything, just gave Camille the right

to answer.

Camille's words were light: "Yes, Master Burris can ask Manager Armstrong to contact me directly if he

needs help."

After that, several people talked about some other work arrangements and the meeting ended in less

than an hour.

Mr. Bell had other things to talk to Ayan about, so the others left first.

From the conference room, the group walked to the elevator. While waiting for the elevator, Horace

went to the bathroom, and then Camille, Dan and Grace were the only ones left.

Grace leaned close to Camille and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

The first two days of the incident she also held until now to dare to ask Camille face to face, mainly

because it is not possible to understand how Camille's mind, so do not dare to ask her directly.novelbin

Camille did not have any reaction at all and smiled lightly, "Nothing, why do you ask that?"

"I'm afraid you're in a bad mood because of what happened that day."


Grace nodded, then added: "Armstrong Corp side you have time to come over to help see, if not do not

have time to force yourself."

"Well, I know." Camille responded with the same attitude as usual and looked at Grace without seeing

the slightest hint of emotion as she said, "You and him ...."

Grace immediately understood who he was, and since Dan was right next to her, she interrupted

Camille: "It's okay, nothing's wrong."

Her quick response made Camille smile.

Grace faintly glared at her, then picked up her phone and sent her a message, "I've made it clear to

him that nothing will happen, it's all just wishful thinking on dad's part!"

"And Horace agrees?" Camille asked in a whisper, cocking her head to her ear.

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