My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 596 Suspicion
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Chapter 596 Suspicion

Chapter 596 Suspicion

"You're worried about Austin making a move on the people he's put in place?"

"It doesn't matter if he really arranges for Norman Group people to come over even if they really do

tamper." He responded indifferently, something in his eyes, like a thick fog on a rainy day shrouding the

invisible bottom.

He didn't worry about that, and he didn't care at all that Austin was putting people from the Norman

Group into the project. It would be better if it was someone from Norman Group, but maybe Austin

didn't plan to find a person from Norman.

After all, Austin was originally extreme and good at underhandedness, even if Austin was not kicked

out of the project, but after today's incident, Austin would definitely do everything to retaliate against

him. Although he didn't care, he was concerned that Austin would do something to thwart the project. If

he arranged for people who had nothing to do with Norman Group, then in the future Norman Group

and Austin would try to get rid of the responsibility for any problems that arise.

Ayan narrowed his deep and inexplicable eyes, his handsome face indifferent and colorless, his

eyebrows suddenly knitted. He asked, "Did you find out if Molly is in Hance City or Flento City?"

Kian did not know why Ayan suddenly asked this question, but still hurriedly replied: "I found that the

Walker family does not know that she has returned to the country. In case the Walker family have

another plan, I also had someone specifically contact the maids working in the Walker family. The

parents really do not know, Molly also has not appeared in Flento City, and has no contact with her

good friends. Everyone thinks she is still abroad."

Ayan did not respond, only his face grew colder and colder.

Kian continued: "I have asked people to reveal that Molly is not abroad to the Walker family, but her

parents have not had any move. I do not know if they believe it or have secretly arranged for people to

go abroad to confirm?"

"Then there is no need to continue to wait for the Walker family's response. Spread the news that Molly

is not abroad in the Flento City circle, and also the weird brother-sister love between Molly and

Preston, that is to say, Molly has been pursuing her brother adopted by the Walker family. Leak out the

evidence in our hands to make it believable."

Ayan originally planned to wait for the Walker family to make a move so that he wouldn't have to waste

his time and energy on Molly and Preston, but the Walker family was too slow and he didn't want to

wait any longer.

Kian nodded in response and then asked, "Master Simpson, this Molly thing doesn't conflict with the

Austin thing, does it? Should we do the two things together or separately?"

"Do it together." Ayan's face was grim.

His tone was unquestionable, and Kian naturally did not dare to ask any more questions.

Ayan had always been not to fight unprepared battles. Last time, while having dinner with Sophia and

Dan at a restaurant, Dan accidentally mentioned that he saw Austin having a serious dinner with

someone. Even the bodyguard was arranged, so it was no wonder that the identity of the person eating

with him was secret.

After that he also arranged for Kian to check, but the other party never showed up, so there was no

way to determine who it really was.

But Ayan had always been a person who did not believe in coincidences, so his heart had long planted

the seeds of suspicion. Of course, it was impossible to dispel the suspicion so easily.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression was emotionless and cold, and his tone became even

lower and huskier: "Remember, not only should you keep an eye on Austin, but also on everyone who

has had contact with the lady recently, I need a daily list of interactions."

If he made right guesses about everything, then maybe something would happen soon.

But it didn't matter if it was the former or the latter, as long as it's in Hance City then everything was

under his control.

Ayan's face was cold and gloomy, and the bottom of the eyes was flooded with coolness, which grew

deeper and deeper. He was silent for a long time and did not speak again.

Austin and Cora left the Simpson Group and went straight back to their place across the street from the

Simpson Group. Austin went straight back to his master bedroom with Cora in his arms because Lois

had recently arrived, so Cora had to move in together, but one of them slept on the floor and the other

on the bed.

Austin threw her down hard on the bed and slammed the door behind him with a bang.

Lois, who was also in the bedroom, heard the commotion and immediately opened the door. Lois went

to the master bedroom door and knocked: "Cora?

The people inside did not respond. Austin's eyes coldly stared at Cora, which were filled with chill, he

said unhurriedly: "Need me to open the door to let your mother see for herself what you look like at thenovelbin


Cora collapsed into motionless stiffness on the bed, her face pale and bloodless, her thoughts still

stuck in Ayan's office after being brought back by Austin on the way.

Her clothes should be pulled open in Ayan's office, the buttons fell off to reveal a white piece, and her

face also easily led to misunderstanding because of the wiping of lipstick and crying.

Just because she looked like this, Austin was angry. As soon as he saw her, he couldn't help thinking of

what she had said in Ayan's office. In order to please Ayan and let him get back together with her, she

was willing to go out of her way.

Austin was sullen. All his calmness and patience had completely broken into pieces at this moment. His

question did not receive Cora's reply, so he directly leaned down and grabbed Cora's jaw, coldly

questioning: "Answer my words, do you want your mother to see your current appearance?"

Cora's eyes were empty, and dullness floated beneath them.

His face was full of coldness and gloomy, and the anger under his eyes seemed to spill out of his eyes

as he said, "Talk? Answer me, do you want it?"

Cora pursed her lips without speaking, and Lois outside heard Austin's voice, then kept knocking on

the door: "Austin? Austin? Are you in there? What's going on?"

Cora did not say anything. Austin looked at her, his eyes flushed with a cool chill, then he released the

hand on her chin, stepped back and went straight to open the door.

Lois saw a slightly stiff expression on Austin's face, but kept a smile on her face and asked, "Austin, did

you and Cora have a fight?"

Austin didn't answer, just indifferently asked: "I'm sure you know more and better than I do about what

happened between her and Ayan, right?"

Lois was stunned, her eyes subconsciously looking at Cora in the bedroom. She saw Cora's

appearance and thought Austin was just trying to do something to her, so she hurriedly said in a warm

voice: "Austin, Cora and Ayan are the past. Don't hurt her because of irrelevant people. Cora only has

you in her heart now. She has already told me she would quit this project first and go back to Campole

with me to wait for you."

"Heh!" Austin sneered, "Do you think anyone will buy this story? Do you know what she did today? She

went to Ayan and begged him, and she was willing to not even take any name but to be Ayan's

mistress, and even said that her marriage with me was worthless, so you think she really has me in her


Austin directly told Lois what Cora had done word for word, and at the same time looked at Cora with a

sneer on his face, he said, "Do you think Ayan will really want to get back together with you? If he had

half a plan to do so, he would not have used the security cameras to spread what you said to him to the

others in the conference room. Do you know that you are nothing in his eyes, you are delusional!

"You're full of shit! You lied to me, you lied!" Cora's emotions flared up, her eyes lost control as she

stared at Austin, she said, "You're just talking nonsense, he wouldn't do that to me, he has me in mind."

"Cora, do you think Ayan would really pine for a psychopath?" Austin's eyes revealed scarlet red, his

face as cold as ice.

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