My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 584 - Currying Favor
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Chapter 584 - Currying Favor

Chapter 584 - Currying favor

Camille did not answer, just smiled lightly, then changed the subject and said, "I'll give you the word.

Guess if these people who were just there would think I made such a show because I wanted to please


"We are a family, there is nothing to please or not to please."

Grace frowned in disbelief until she heard the exact same thing Camille was saying in the women's

land for gossip, the bathroom.

But that was all a later story.

The group entered the conference room, Horace at the head and Camille at the back, and sat around

the rectangular conference table.

Grace introduced the theme and purpose of today's meeting, and also handed out copies of the

detailed information she had compiled last night.

She said, "This is the design of the first and second phases of the project, both from Miss Armstrong.

The second phase is already in progress, so we have to discuss the interior design and decoration with

Miss Armstrong's style as the main focus. You can mention any ideas and comments. "

Armstrong Corp's designers had been replaced by a group of newer and more avant-garde designers

after the last incident, so when they saw Camille's design, they started to challenge her.

"I don't think the outline of this diagram is very good. It doesn't feel like the interior design we want."

The one who said this is a young male designer. He came to Armstrong Corp a few months ago and

also made some achievements, so he was extremely above himself. But he also knew Camille's

identity, so he looked at Camille hurriedly and said, "Miss Armstrong, you don't mind what I will say,

right? Because Manager Armstrong said we can feel free to make suggestions and give ideas, so I am

also just sharing what is on my mind."

Camille just smiled lightly and said, "You go on."

The male designer immediately pointed out a lot of problems, and then the other two designers with his

partner also echoed the topic and joined him.

Except for the three of them, who were talking endlessly, the others kept silent and did not speak.

It also suddenly became quiet.

The male designer looked at the crowd and said, "Why isn't anyone talking? Do you think my opinion is

not bad?"

Horace's face was gloomy and cold, his deep eyes cold as he stared at the male designer and asked

indifferently, "So you mean to dismantle the first phase that has been completed and the second phase

that is in progress and start all over again according to your idea?"

"That is not necessary. You can just do a little remedy on it. Of course, if you want to pursue the current

fashion, in fact, I think it is best to dismantle and start over."

"Who do you think you are? Armstrong Corp is responsible for the interior design and decoration of this

project, not for you to question the appearance and architectural style, you are just a designer, don't

think of yourself as an architect, and don't be smart enough to think you have some talent to do

whatever you want! Don't think of yourself as an architect, and don't think you can do anything you

want just because you have some talent!"

Horace didn't try to be nice.

The male designer's face instantly reddened, and the two designers who were close to him were

likewise. And the three could not wait to find a hole in the ground to hide and not come out.

Horace's words at the same time also made Camille and Grace freeze, and they exchanged a look with

each other. In order to prevent Horace from opening his mouth again to hurt people's hearts, Grace

hurriedly said: "Today our purpose is to discuss the interior design, the exterior is not Armstrong Corp's

responsibility, which was decided unanimously by the partners, so it is better for everyone not to

discuss it as you wish. I believe in Miss Armstrong's design, so I hope everyone here is too."

All three designers nodded, their expression still particularly awkward because of Horace's words, and

everything that followed went so smoothly that no one dared make any more mistakes.

The meeting lasted more than an hour before it ended, and the theme was set for the moment, but

Horace had not yet decided on a lead designer, and his response was, "I need to think about it, and

before my answer comes out, I hope all the designers here will just do your job and what just happened

will not be repeated in the future."

Horace adjourned the meeting, but asked the three male designers to stay.

When the crowd left, he spoke up and demanded, "Apologize to Miss Armstrong for the arrogance of

unthoughtfully criticizing the efforts of others."

Camille looked at Horace with a bit of surprise, but his attitude was very insistent, so Camille did not

refute him at this time, just kept silent and said nothing.

The three men looked at Camille with a sincere attitude, "Miss Armstrong sorry, this is our bad, please

forgive us."

"Well, I accept your apology, and I hope you can make progress in your expertise."

Camille really didn't have much to explain, because she was not a young girl who would get hurt

because of others questioning, and she didn't care about other people's opinions. She just stuck to her

own bottom line and ideas.

After the three designers left the room, Camille, Grace and Horace were the only ones left.

Camille then said, "Master Burris, in fact, you could have avoided causing unwanted trouble. After the

meeting, just ask Manager Armstrong to remind them in private. This will make them feel dissatisfied

with you or other feelings against you, which may affect our work in the future."

Horace took a sip of water from his glass and said, "If I were worried about this, I wouldn't be sitting

here right now."

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly and just smiled, "I'm the one who's talking too much." She collected

her emotions and looked at Horace to change the subject. "Does Master Burris have a suitable

designer in mind?"novelbin

"I'm going to recruit someone else."

"Master Burris, you want to re-recruit designers? We don't have that much time, and it will delay the

whole project schedule. I don't agree." Grace was a bit emotional, for recruiting designers could not be

a matter of a day or two, this project simply could not afford to wait.

But Horace was insistent, saying, "I'm the design lead for this project, so it has to be me to make a


Camille pursed her lips and spoke indifferently: "Since Master Burris has already thought about it, then

I hope you will inform the partners and Mr. and Mrs. Bell as well that if there is a delay in the project,

Master Burris will take full responsibility. "


The two men's eyes locked for a moment before Camille got up from her seat and left the conference


Grace and Horace also disagreed afterwards, but in the end, naturally, there was no way to sway

Horace's decision, as he was the head of design.

Camille spent most of her time back at the Simpson's mansion with Timmy while Armstrong Corp was

recruiting designers.

That afternoon, Fletcher, who had been busy recently, happened to come back from outside.

Fletcher volunteered with Camille: "The Hance City Chamber of Commerce is holding a charity auction

ball, and I'd like to ask you to do me a favor."

"Dad you are too polite, what do you want me to do, you can just say it!"

Camille hugged Timmy and looked at Fletcher with a light smile on her face.

Fletcher also not in the corner, he said: "I want you to participate with Ayan, because just set, so his

side I have not said for the time being, I want to hear your ideas, you willing?"

"Of course!"

Their eyes locked for a moment before Camille got up from her seat and left the conference room.

Grace and Horace also disagreed with each other afterwards, but in the end, as it was, there was no

way to sway Horace's decision, as he was the head of design.

Camille spent most of her time back at the Simpson's mansion with Timmy while Armstrong Corp was

recruiting designers.

That afternoon, Fletcher, who had been busy recently, happened to come back from outside.

Fletcher told Camille, "The Chamber of Commerce of the City of Hance is holding a charity auction ball,

and I would like to ask you to do me a favor."

"Dad you are too polite, what do you want me to do, you can just say it!"

Camille hugged Timmy and looked at Fletcher with a light smile on her face.

Fletcher also did not beat around the bush and said, "I want you and Ayan to participate together,

because it's just been decided, so I haven't told him. I want to hear your opinion first. Do you want to


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