My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 578 Falling For Him?
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Chapter 578 Falling For Him?

Chapter 578 Falling for Him?

Old Simpson's hand holding the chess piece paused, his cloudy eyes looked to Camille with a gentle

smile in his eyes as he said, "There's only one boss, but the wind and water can turn, can't they?"

"Grandpa, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Have you ever thought about working in the Simpson Group?" the old Simpson got straight to the

point. He put down the chess in his hand, his whole body leaning back in the chair behind him, the

expression on his face serious, and he continued, "You are a very good project leader. If you join

Simpson Group, I believe Simpson Group will become better."

"Grandpa, thank you for your trust, but I never thought of that, so I don't have that intention either."

Camille turned around and sat up straight. She looked at the flowers and plants in the garden. The look

in her eyes was as warm and light as water. There was no interest in the old Simpson's words.

The old Simpson did not force it either, but just explained: "Well, it's all up to you. I just randomly asked.

If you do not like it, just forget about it, but don't get angry with me as an old man, OK?"

Camille nodded. Of course, she wouldn't be angry.

She didn't believe the old Simpson when he said it was a whim.

After all, the old Simpson was never the kind of person who would just talk about something without

thinking about it. Since he mentioned it, he must have thought about it for a long time or even already

had got a plan.

Camille silently said sorry to the old Simpson, for she was afraid that she could not do what he wanted

this time. Although she knew very well that the old Simpson would not harm her, she did not want to

join the Simpson Group. Then there would probably be more difficult times in the future.

Camille came out of Simpson's mansion in the afternoon, and before she left, the old Simpson told her,

"Don't take these words to heart, don't put pressure on yourself because I said them, you are a good

girl, but don't condemn yourself for being filial to me."

Camille nodded, "Don't worry, Grandpa, I know."

The old Simpson was then relieved, and instructed to come back when she was free, or that she

should treat the Simpson family as home and not have any out-of-touch.

Camille returned to Maple Leaves Mansion in the Simpson family's car, and Ayan received the news

that she had left Simpson's mansion immediately afterwards.

Camille thought that after yesterday, Ayan would probably not come to her in the near future, but

Camille did not expect him to come again tonight, and he went straight to her door.

Camille returned from Simpson's mansion not long after it started raining heavily. She wanted to have

dinner with Sienna in the evening, but the rain was so heavy that Camille messaged Sienna

complaining, "I can't even get a meal out of you, God is so biased!"

"What good is it for you to get a free dinner from me? Don't you forget that you are also a shareholder!"

Sienna hadn't gone to the restaurant either, and was currently lounging on the couch in the villa,

answering Camille's messages on her phone.

After that, the two talked about Ayan somehow. Camille mentioned what happened yesterday to

Sienna, and Sienna called her right away.

She asked excitedly, "So he's going to remarry you?"


"What do you mean no? Is it that he's trying to have a relationship with you?"

"He doesn't like me." Camille replied with certainty.

Sienna didn't think so. She said, "If he didn't like you, wouldn't he take advantage of the divorce to find

another woman? Although we can't see it, Rex is the best undercover, but he swore on his morality that

there is no one else around Ayan. Of course, Rex's morality is not very valuable, but this is still worth


Camille didn't say anything.

Because she had never tried to imagine what it would be like to have another woman around Ayan?

The reason why she didn't want to have such thoughts before was simple, because she loved him, so

she didn't have such thoughts, and because he was with Eileen at that time, she didn't think there

would be others.

As for now, it occured to her once, but since they had separated, then it was not her business.

Sienna continued, "Have you ever wondered, if he doesn't like you, why does he keep pestering you? I

think he just has the idea of remarriage, just wants to wait until you also fall for him before mentioning

it. If he has this idea, what about you? Would you also like to try?"

Camille didn't answer the question, but simply asked indifferently and rhetorically, "Do I have to say yes

if he wants to remarry?"

Sienna froze and asked, somewhat confused, "Have you become a cruel woman now?"

Camille pursed her lips slightly, her face was clear and cold, but she didn't see it as her change, it was

just a normal reaction.

Before she could answer Sienna, though, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Sienna heard it too.

She immediately asked, "Is there a knock at the door?"


"Do you want me to go over there now?" Sienna was worried.

Camille: "No, what's the point of coming over in all this rain? I'm going to check out ..."

HShe's got a lot on her mind. After all, she was alone at home, and it was raining, even if she

screamed, no one would likely hear her. Assistance from property management was probably not so


Camille took off her slippers and whispered to Sienna again, "I'm going to open the door now, so don't

make a sound."

Sienna hummed yes, and then Camille headed for the door.

She slowly slowed down to the door and glanced out through the cat's eye. When she saw the man

standing outside, her heart subconsciously sighed with relief and then opened the door.

Looking out, she asked in a light voice, "What brings you here?"

"Is that bothering you?" The man asked in a low voice, and then explained: "Kian said that the house

was ready and that I should come and see what else was missing in the preparation, but the key was

taken by him. And now, because it is raining too hard, it can't be sent over, socan I take shelter from

the rain here at your house?"novelbin

Camille stared at him in a daze without saying a word. Sienna's words on the other end of the phone

were also heard clearly.

When Camille didn't say anything, he said, "It's okay if it's not convenient, I'll just stand at the door and

wait for a while."

Sienna snorted out a laugh, and although it was through the phone, the laughter reached both of them


Camille then immediately lifted the phone to her ear and said to Sienna in a soft voice, "I'll handle first.

I'll call you back later."

After saying that she didn't wait for Sienna to respond and cut the call.

She let Ayan in and poured him another cup of warm water and put it on the table, then the two just sat

there without any conversation.

Because it was just about dinner time, neither of them had eaten yet, and now they couldn't order take-

out, Camille was a little hungry, so she politely asked, "Have you eaten anything? I'm going to cook

some noodles. Do you want some?"

"Yes, I haven't eaten either." Ayan responded.

Camille pursed her lips slightly, then went to cook for themselves.

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