My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 566 Movie
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Chapter 566 Movie

Chapter 566 Movie

Camille agreed.

She said, "Anyway, I'm not going to the office now, so let's wait until he gives up!"

But Austin did not give up. He did not only did not give up, but on the contrary, he did not stop pushing


Then now, there was a constant knock on the door in the middle of the night, so Camille couldn't even


Looking at each other, both Camille and the person who opened the door were stunned.

Camille was on the phone with it in her hand. Probably having heard the door open and checked the

surveillance, the property management's voice said with concern: "Miss Armstrong, she opened the

door and went in. She seems to have the key to your house."

Camille had not fully recovered when she heard the woman standing in the doorway say in surprise,

"Why didn't you open the door while you're standing here?"

Camille stared at her with a slightly scary expression on her face, then replied in a low voice to the

staff, "Sorry, the person who opened the door is a friend of mine."

Camille gave a simple explanation, then the property side was reassured, and after that they rushed to

inform the security guards that they did not need to come to the door.

However, Camille was told to contact them immediately if she needed anything, and that the property

management and security were available 24 hours a day.

Camille said thank you and hung up the phone. The coldness on her face did not disappear, but

deepened. She stared without too much emotion at Sienna: "Why do not you come to open the door

yourself? If you can't use the key, then give it back to me!"

Sienna blinked, completely confused.

Camille was really shocked, so she didn't pay any attention to her and went straight to the living room.

Sienna hurriedly closed the door and followed.

She asked, "What's wrong? I just wanted to surprise you, so that's why I didn't just open the door and

come in. What happened?"

Sienna came to Maple Leaves Mansion because she knew Camille was annoyed by Austin and didn't

want to go to the office.

Originally planning to give her a surprise, she did not call, and did not open the door directly. Instead

she knocked on the door waiting outside for her to open it.

Then she scared her.

It also looked like she was scared to death.

Sienna put down her bag and the cake she was carrying, then walked over to Camille and sat down:

"Say something. What's wrong?"

She was worried and anxious.

Camille took a deep breath, but she wasn't really angry with Sienna, just a little scared.

She confessed to Sienna what had happened between yesterday and now.

Sienna also heard and immediately said with certainty: "It must be Austin. It's 100% him. Who else but

him would bother to do that, ah?"

Camille put down the phone in her hand, then raised her hand and rubbed her forehead, "He's probably

been watching me for a long time and knows that Ayan and I don't live together, so I'm wondering if

he's holding something big back there."

"Are you worried that your divorce from Ayan will be broken by him?"

"I'm not worried," Camille shook her head, "but Austin is a devious and cunning man, with a mind full of


Even if Austin knew she and Ayan were having marital problems, he probably wouldn't have made it

public, after all, Cora was still hanging up on Ayan!

So that was something she wasn't worried about at all.

Camille now did not know what Austin was going to do next? That's why she felt so unsure of


Sienna was also very worried. She gave Camille an idea: "I think we should tell Ayan. After all, this

matter has something to do with him, and what is more important is that he has a wide range of

contacts, so it is easy for him to deal with Austin."

Camille didn't immediately respond. It occurred to her that she and Ayan had planned to go out last

night, but Austin had made her reluctant to go to work because of Cora's apology, so she refused to go

out with Ayan.

As for Ayan, he also did not force her, so they had not seen each other or spoken on the phone until

now except for that one message.

If he rushed to Ayan like this, would he think that she would only look for him when something was


Camille hesitated for a while, and when she said nothing, Sienna asked again, "What are you thinking?

This is about him, so don't feel embarrassed and say nothing, okay?"

Camille nodded her head, "Okay, I got it."

Sienna opened the cake and cut a piece for Camille and herself. The cake she bought today was a

mango mousse with a fresh flavor and soft texture.

Eating cake together with your favorite person would make one feel better.

Camille stared at Sienna for a few seconds and thoughtfully asked, "You've been doing well, haven't


"Well, that's good." Sienna savored the cake slowly, not paying much attention to the implications of

Camille's words.

Camille's eyes paused slightly. Her gaze at Sienna's became serious. The worry in her heart grew

deeper and deeper. She had probably forgotten that when she was at school, she ate mango mousse

for a week because her relationship with the King family changed and she was in a bad mood. Since

then, she had never touched mango mousse again, so now she offered to buy it to eat with her. Was it

just a coincidence or were there other reasons?

Camille did not ask the question in her heart, and could only pray that she was fine and that nothing

was wrong.

After eating the cake, it was almost time for dinner. Sienna said, "I have to go to the restaurant. The

restaurant's opening has been confirmed, early next month."

"Good, I will be there to count the money when the time comes."

"Hey! Be nice to me!"

Sienna left Maple Leaves Mansion and Camille was alone in the house.

Since she had eaten the cake, she wasn't going to eat dinner either, so she took her laptop back to her


Although it was still early and not dark yet, after last night and this morning, she felt a little insecurenovelbin

living alone, so staying in the bedroom was a bit better.

She sat down at the Frensh window and looked sideways out of the window, an angle that gave her a

full view of the afterglow falling.

This feeling made her feel a little relieved, but she couldn't help but miss Timmy.

Despite the video call every day, and seeing each other now and then, the thought of him only


Sienna asked her to talk to Ayan about what happened in the past two days, so where should she


Camille organized her words in her mind, and then dialed Ayan's number.

When the call was answered, Camille pursed her lips and spoke in a low voice: "Are you available

now? I'd like to ask you a favor!"

Ayan did not reply and asked in a somewhat anxious tone, "Where are you now?"

"I'm at Maple Leaves Mansion."

"Okay, I'm going over there now. Wait for me, huh?"

Camille didn't know why Ayan said that, but it was good that he was coming over, so he could tell him

about it in person, which seemed a bit more sincere.

Ayan came quickly, and it felt like he came right after hanging up the phone.

He didn't knock and called her directly to open the door.

When they met, the first thing he said was, "Change your clothes and come out with me?"

It was a bit sudden and Camille didn't react for a while.

But still subconsciously asked, "Now?"

"Well, now."

Camille still wanted to know where to go.

But seeing Ayan's slight seriousness, she did not ask it out.

Camille just put on a coat, grabbed her phone and went out with Ayan.

Leaving Maple Leaves Mansion, he drove his car, keeping quiet without talking the whole way.

Nobody knew how long it had been, but the car finally stopped in front of a shopping mall.

Camille glanced out the window before asking, "What are we doing here?"

Ayan turned off the car, his bony hand still on the steering wheel. He gave her a sideways glance: "I

heard from Kian that there is a new movie recently released. The box office and ratings are quite good.

I booked the tickets last night to see with you."

He didn't go on, just stared at her without blinking: "Since we're already here, why don't we see it


She was quite surprised. After all, from their marriage until now, they had not gone on a serious date,

let alone watched a movie.

So Camille was both surprised and unaccustomed to hearing that Ayan had brought her to the movie.

She gritted her teeth lightly and asked in a low voice, "Are you all right?"

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