My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 556 - Strong
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Chapter 556 - Strong

Chapter 556 - Strong

Ayan's pupils tightened and the contours of his cheeks were filled with tightness, his voice was muffled

and deep: "If I don't know you can tell me, I want you to tell me, Camille, we're a couple, we can just

come clean ...."

"We're divorced, aren't we?"

Camille drew her hand out, the expression on her face still cold.

She didn't want to continue the conversation, so she just got out of the car.

She wasn't running away, she just didn't know how to face him?

Because every time she faces him, she feels like her heart is suffocating like she can hardly catch her

breath, and this feeling causes her to be less and less willing to spend time alone with him now, and

even less willing to talk about any topic related to Cora.

As for what Cora did, as Dan said, since it's in the past and there's no actual evidence, let's just let it

go, she doesn't want to pursue it anymore, as long as she keeps a permanent guard against this

person in the future.

Because she really feels that more is better than less to make herself more relaxed.

As for her and Ayan, they don't know each other well enough, one is closed and the other has a strong

attitude, so naturally, they end up getting more and more aggressive.

Watching her back as she quickly left, Ayan sat in his seat for a long time and did not withdraw his


The heart is more like something stirred up for a long time can not get peace.

He felt from the bottom of his heart that Camille was becoming increasingly helpless, not light but

heavy, like a kite floating in the sky, a little force will break the line, but if she is completely released she

will fly farther and farther away without a second thought.

So what the hell is he going to do?

The car stayed here for a long time before starting to leave.

After a night out, the next morning was another regular weekly meeting of the project.

Everyone showed up except Cora.

We all sat in the conference room and Dan and Camille gave a presentation on the state of Fola today,

and Camille came back with a few photos to show the progress and general outline of the building


Kian took the photos taken before and put them together on the big screen, and the two photos formed

a stark contrast.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell kept raving, "Thank you Miss Armstrong for allowing us the privilege of seeing such a

wonderful scene."

Camille responded politely, "It's all a joint effort."

"Miss Armstrong don't be modest, if your proposal hadn't gone through it wouldn't be what it is now, it's

only natural that it's all your fault." Austin looked up at Camille with a faint smile on his face.

His words sounded like he was quoting Camille again, but they were actually full of connotations.

Camille just smiled lightly and met his gaze: "Since Master Norman has said so, I'll respectfully submit

and thank you all for agreeing to my proposal in the first place, I think it will probably bring a perfect

mark to my career as well."

Since Austin has set the mood to this point, it would be a little too disrespectful for her to continue to


The two men's eyes met, and a meaningful faint smile crossed Austin's dark eyes.

Ayan also saw it and spoke in a low voice: "Does Master Norman think there is something wrong with

the building as it is presented today?"

Austin's eyes fluttered, then he turned his head to Ayan, his face slightly light as he said, "What is

Master Simpson referring to?"

"Does Master Norman see any problems with the architectural drawings and design ideas for Miss

Armstrong's first phase as well as the second phase, and the outline buildings that we can see so far?"

Ayan handsome face expressionless, eyes indifferent to the great, cold sunken eyes flooded with

untempered questioning.

He's not happy.

Such a taste is becoming more and more obvious.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room followed the cold sinking.

Mr. Bell hurried to ease the atmosphere: "Master Norman is certainly satisfied, Miss Armstrong's design

we all look at, and the program is all unanimously decided to pass."

Austin did not say anything, his eyes always locked with Ayan, the two people have a kind of people

who refuse to back down.

The atmosphere is becoming more and more gloomy, we look at each other do not know what to say?

After nearly a minute of silence, Austin then slightly hooked his lips and smiled lightly: "Does Master

Simpson have some misunderstanding about me? I'm just praising Miss Armstrong, does Master

Simpson not even give me this opportunity?"

Ayan's face is still cold, and does not intend to take over Austin's words in response, but repeated: "So

Master Norman in the end is there an opinion or no opinion? It is better to talk about all the doubts

while everyone is now, if Master Norman has a good proposal now is not too late, even if the outline

has been built but as long as there is a more suitable program can be modified, as for the losses in this

by the Simpson Group is responsible."

If Ayan just asked just to get a result, then his attitude at this moment has made everyone completely

understand that he wants not only a result, more importantly, or make everyone must respect Camille.

And do not feel free to Camille's hard work with a joke meaning connotation, after all, you do not know

how much effort behind the efforts of others to throw paid?

Ayan's attitude is tough, and it's completely like he won't stop until he gets what he wants.

Maybe it's a little petty for some people, but he doesn't think so.

Finally Austin responded, with everyone watching, "Of course there's no problem, I'm on the same

page as everyone else, so Master Simpson got it wrong."

"Since it's just a misunderstanding then please don't let this happen again, Master Norman can do it,

right?" His perfectly defined jaw was still taut, but his tone was much gentler than before, except that

the bottom of those deep eyes always revealed a sudden brightness and darkness of strength.

Austin also smiled slightly stiffly, "Naturally."

"That's good." After saying that, he had moved his gaze to the document in his hand, and then

instructed Kian to distribute it to everyone here, and then spoke in a low voice: "This is the companies

and brands that want to participate in the sponsorship of this project, although there is still a long way

to go before the completion, but because of the fame of Mr. and Mrs. Bell has already gained hugenovelbin

attention, so you can What sponsorship is suitable for our project?"

Because of the development into a tourist attraction and the model of Modest Temple Hotel, there is no

shortage of companies and brands that specialize in sponsorship.

We discussed seriously, leaving the suitable ones and removing the unsuitable ones, and finally

decided on five sponsors.

The meeting also ended here, because of the episode just now, Austin got up and left as soon as it was

over, without even saying goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Bell.

As for the others, they did not continue what they had just done and left the conference room one after

another after exchanging pleasantries.

Camille also got a call from Ayan after she got in her car.

On the phone, he said, "Come to my office? Just because there are many people afraid that you do not

like the public and private do not distinguish so wait for you to leave with them before calling you, now

again trouble you to come up can you?"

There was a distinct caution in his question, a careful tentativeness that caused Camille to freeze for

two seconds.

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