My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 536 - Very Matching
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Chapter 536 - Very Matching

Chapter 536 - Very Matching

A few seconds of dead silence emerged in the air.

Ayan's face was as calm as a storm approaching: "So you're not going to keep your distance from


"Before it was Preston, now it's Dan, is it true that you won't allow me to be around but a person of the

opposite sex? Before we were a couple I can understand your bottom line as a man, but now we're just

ex-couples, don't you think that's a little boring?"

"It's all right how it is, but you deserve to be mindful of proportion."

Camille calmly replied, "Ayan, while you ask me to be discreet, what about you? You unilaterally keep

someone under your protection for what you call your former married husband's wishes and for what

you call your former responsibilities?"

Ayan's face was sullen, and the reflection was soaked with hoarseness: "Okay, I will keep my distance

from her, and I will not see her alone from now until she is discharged from the hospital, is that okay?"

"Could it be that you don't need to report your affairs to me at all, I thought we agreed unspokenly on

that point." She remained warm and cold, looking up at him with eyes that could not find the slightest

emotion other than wide-eyed.

Such a her made him feel an inexplicable wave of discomfort.

At the same time, he knew that some words would make the relationship between them more and more

stiff, but as soon as he thought of the image of her walking with Dan, the colder his eyes, his voice

indifferent: "Whether you want to or not you have to keep your distance from Dan, or Tucker Group can

be launched from the project at any time, I'll do it. "

He looked deeply at her the same, his eyes were full of reminders, his deep eyes revealed a firm look,

as if to tell her that he must not be just saying that.

When he finished, he turned around and got into his car, then stepped on the gas and left.

Camille just stood there for a long time without moving.

I don't know how long it took, but a white Mercedes stopped at the parking space closest to the floor


The man in the car saw Camille standing there and called out, "Camille?"

At the sound of Camille's voice, she looked up and saw that it was Rex, and then she said, "Hi!"

"Don't tell me you're here specifically to greet me?"

Rex smiled faintly as his pace drifted closer towards Camille.

She nodded her head and graciously returned, "Yes, I came down myself because I knew you were


The two talked and went upstairs together.

There is not much communication between them, because what Rex did to Sienna before made

Camille launch a lot of difficulties to him, so goodbye will always feel a bit unspeakably awkward.

It was hard to take the elevator back to the floor where Camille lived.

The door is open.

The two walk in one after the other, Dan washing dishes in the kitchen, Sienna still in the same sitting

position as when Camille left the house.

Camille swept her up and said with a serious look on her face, "I think Master Ward should probably

think about it? I suddenly don't think Sienna is good enough for you."

Rex hooked his lips and looked at Sienna with a doting smile, his voice gentle, "Thank you Mrs.

Simpson for your high opinion, but I also hope you won't bother with her for my sake."

A Mrs. Simpson made Camille shake her head, "Forget it, you guys are perfect for each other!"

Rex raised his eyebrows and looked at Camille with some confusion, but Camille ignored him again

and went straight to the kitchen.

Sienna saw this scene and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Rex walked over and sat next to him, asking lightly, "What's wrong with her?"

"He probably doesn't think you're good enough for me, but he can't say so because of your status as

Master Ward." Sienna said with a straight face.

But only she knew that Camille just didn't want to hear the words Mrs. Simpson, after all, Dan had just

said when he came up that Ayan was here, presumably because something had happened between

the two downstairs?

Sienna looks to the man next to her and asks, "You ran into Camille downstairs?"


"Didn't meet anyone other than her?"

"Who else?"

Sienna shook her head and didn't continue.

As for Rex's reason for Camille's separation from Ayan, Sienna only said it was because of Cora and

other conflicts, not mentioning their divorced state.

The meal was cooked by Camille, with Dan as a support, and Rex and Sienna were left to eat.

The five dishes and one soup were finished in less than two hours.

There was roast pork, which Sienna loved, and a boiled beef to suit Dan's taste, followed by the usualnovelbin

roast lamb that Rex had, and stir-fried pork with lotus root, plus a stir-fried sea bok choy with

mushrooms and dried scallop soup with winter melon.

After the food was served, Sienna picked up her phone and took a picture: "I'm going to send it to my

friends to show off!"

After all, it's a relatively rare opportunity for your best friend to cook the dish herself.

It was also the first time since Camille bought the suite that so many people were eating, so it was still

quite lively.

After being seated, Rex suddenly mentioned, "Why didn't you ask Ayan to come along?"

"He's busy!" Camille spat out two words indifferently.

Rex was slightly stunned, and the conversation was followed by Sienna's digression: "It's still my

favorite familiar flavor."

She ate so well that Camille couldn't help but smile.

Dan was also unstinting in his praise: "The cooking was excellent and the taste was great."

"Thanks! Have some more then!" Camille nodded her head, then picked up her glass of juice, "You're

welcome to be our guests."

Everyone immediately raised their glasses and clinked.

It was a nice meal and good conversation.

Dan and Rex both belong to the people who will not be cold, especially Rex, he has seen all kinds of

people in this circle, and he is the best at saying anything when he meets someone.

After the meal was over 2:00 p. m., everyone helped to clean up, even Rex, who never did any

housework, joined in.

But he also stole out his phone to take a video and send it to Ayan while everyone was busy, and

teased, "I'm at your wife's house for dinner, but unfortunately you're not! Tsk!"

After Ayan received the message, he simply replied indifferently, "I see that you don't want to

participate in the development case of the land east of Flento City."

"Ayan, I'm actually just a dabbler, I'm just getting a taste of Sienna and Dan."

Rex hurried to explain, but Ayan didn't reply to him again.

Ayan had just finished a meeting, and after returning to the office from Maple Leaves Mansion, he

couldn't even eat and had been in a meeting, but she had the leisure to cook for others.

The more Ayan thought about it, the heavier the coldness in his eyes, he raised his hand and squeezed

his slightly wrinkled brow, and then dialed the internal line: "Come in!"

Kian knocked on the office door and walked in the next second.

"Master Simpson, what are your orders?"

"How's the Dane City project going these days?" He asked indifferently.

Kian: "Everything is going well, Master Rapace is personally following up, you don't need to worry."

"Now that the project has been stabilized, contact Sophia to have her come to Hance City recently."

"Do you have any arrangement that requires the cooperation of Mr. Gu?" Kian asked subconsciously.

Ayan didn't answer, just narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Finalize with her to come to Hance City

as soon as possible."

Kian nodded his head and dared not ask more questions, and immediately went to contact Sophia.

After receiving a call from Kian, she said she would come to Hance City at the end of the month, just in

time to do a project overview with Ayan.

After today's scene, Camille and Ayan "marriage" heat because there is no more follow-up news will

only drop not rise.

But in just one day, the matter was overshadowed by other fervor.

Although the outside world is still curious about the relationship between the two, but only as a couple

of people have a small conflict, as outsiders are just eating melons can not really participate in the

problems of other couples.

It is reasonable to say that the current situation is almost under control, so there is no need to continue

to do more than that, but some people do not think so.

No, the next afternoon, Cora took the initiative to call Camille.

With a sincere apology, she said to Camille, "Camille, can we meet?"

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