My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 531 Companionship
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Chapter 531 Companionship

Chapter 531 Companionship

"Did you find out who made the post?" He asked with an expressionless face.

Kian: "I checked, it's a foreign IP, so there's no way to confirm who it really is?"

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly and said with an indifferent expression, "Get rid of it immediately."

"Yes." Kian nodded and left the office.

Ayan leaned on the leather office chair, a face without excess expression, deep eyes reveal the cold.

Was this intentional or was there an ulterior motive?

He was cold and silent for a long time, until Kian knocked on the office door again.

Kian immediately contacted the forum side to delete this post and the topic about this matter, the heat

also dropped over, but immediately the same content will appear again, in a short period of time, has

continued several times, as if it simply can not be deleted.

Kian reported truthfully to Ayan, and he said with some concern, "Master Simpson, is someone

targeting us behind the scenes? Could it be related to Austin?"

This is Kian's suspicion.

Because Cora is hidden by Ayan, for Austin this is a displeasing move, Austin wants to force Ayan to

hand over Cora in this way.

Ayan did not say anything, just sullen face a momentary pause.

Kian tentatively asked, "Master Simpson, what should we do next?"

Ayan looked gloomy: "Austin in Hance City does not have the ability to cover the sky, this matter can

not hang with him."

"Is it not him? But who else could it be but him?"

Yeah, who else could it be?

Who is it that has this ability?

He narrowed his eyes and said in a light tone, "Any movement from Mr. and Mrs. Bell?"

"Not yet, I guess I don't believe it?" Kian replied.

Ayan's eyes fluttered, and then he said slowly, "Don't bother anymore."

Since the withdrawal will immediately appear, it is impossible to control, but will also make people feel

too concerned, just as some celebrities' public relations statements are just bluster without practical


Kian nodded, "So we don't do anything?"

"There's no rush." He spared a glance at Kian, his thin lips pursed into a straight line, his handsome

face always cold as ice.

At first, I just thought someone was bored to send this kind of post, but since the post was withdrawn

and immediately appeared then it can not be just simple boredom.

Ayan's side is not deleting the post after a phone call across the ocean came in to some number in

Hance City.

The other person asked, "Now that he's not doing anything, what are you going to do next?"

"It's not that he's not doing anything, he just wants to wait until all the trump cards are released before

he makes a move."

"You know him well."

"Knowing yourself and your enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles."

The other person laughed at the comment, "You're not enemies."

The news of Camille and Ayan's marriage did not hit the Twitter blogs, but because of Ayan's identity in

the Hance City local forum has caused a lot of people to watch and discuss, and the post has gone

from a few hundred replies at the beginning to over 10, 000 now.

According to this speed, sooner or later will be transferred to the major forums and Twitter blog posts

hot search, by then will be known to all.

Around seven o'clock that evening.

A gossip reporter posted a video of Camille and Ayan each going home today.

One lives in Maple Leaves Mansion neighborhood and the other in Hanyama Mansion.

If the previous forums are only suspected, then this video has been confirmed, after all, the two from

the car when the appearance is high-definition, can clearly see Camille and Ayan's face.

Once the video was posted, the news of their separation was also instantly topped on the Twitter blog

post hot search.

Ayan also received a call from Kian at the first opportunity, then the Simpson Group website issued a

denial and posted a photo of Camille, Ayan and Timmy together, taken at the 100th day party.

The photo shows three people with different smiles on their faces. The exquisite and beautiful woman,

the handsome and handsome man, and the cute baby, all feel like a happy family of three no matter

which way you look at it.

Netizens said dumbfounded: "In the end divorced?"

"Couples don't live together even if they are not divorced nine times out of ten they are also separated."

"I have friends who live at Maple Leaves Mansion, and Camille has reportedly been living over here for

quite some time, so I guess the marriage has been long overdue?"

"Things in the world of luxury are not something we ordinary people can see, or think about what I'll use

to pay off my credit card this month?"


The matter is thoroughly rumored to be in full swing.

Mrs. Bell's calls to Camille were unanswerable, so she contacted Ayan again to ask: "What's going on

with the news online?"

"Someone is being deliberate, no need to worry." Ayan responded as if it were.

Mrs. Bell was still unsure, "Why can't Cami be reached? Are you sure you're okay?"

"Don't worry, we're fine. Cami's phone is out of battery, and there are too many people disturbed by this

incident, so she doesn't want to answer the phone for now."

Ayan's face is cold, his eyebrows are slightly knitted, floating obvious gloom, the bottom of his deepnovelbin

eyes as in the darkness of the night was splashed with thick ink like people dare not look directly at the


Because Ayan's answers were sincere and Mr. and Mrs. Bell trusted Ayan and Camille, they did not

pursue other questions.

Not only that, but also to voice relief: "This matter is also really bad, but do not need to put on the heart,

the clear, your relationship is very good, do not need to have too much explanation to others, I think it is

probably your competitors or those eyeing your relationship as a couple of people to make the ghost."

"Yes, you're right, so Cami and I are also unanimous in deciding that we don't want to explain or

respond too much."

After Ayan talked to Mrs. Bell on the phone, Rex also sent a message asking what was going on.

He did not reply, however, but grabbed his jacket and car keys and went straight out the door.

At the same time, Sienna also came to Maple Leaves Mansion, because she couldn't contact Camille,

so she drove straight over in Rex's car.

Once inside, Sienna asked worriedly, "Was your affair discovered?"

She was referring to the divorce, and knew that the reason the two did not disclose it was because it

was not the right time yet, so she was surprised to see the news come out.

Camille, by contrast, is much more relaxed and at ease.

She poured Sienna a glass of water on the table before saying faintly, "It wasn't found out, and I had

someone send out the online thing as well as the video of the reporter following it."

"What do you mean?"

Sienna was completely shocked.

She asked, "Why?"

Camille smiled lightly: "I made a request to him on Christmas night, but he didn't hesitate to refuse."

Camille told Sienna what she had said to Ayan at the time.

She continued, "He won't then I will use other ways to force him to agree to the conditions I want, after

all, he is very concerned about the marriage is known to the outside world has long been broken, but I

do not care, for me to know and do not know there are no pros and cons even if there I do not care."

At first she thought that if she didn't disclose it then she would give Timmy the illusion of a loving

parental relationship and maintain it until Ayan found someone else.

But these two days she thought carefully, compared to this nebulous persona, she thinks that the

mother's companionship to her children is more important.

Sienna didn't react to Camille's words for a long time, she hadn't digested them completely.

Because she felt that Camille was also pushing herself into the wind and waves by doing so.

Seeing her silence, Camille then smiled lightly and asked, "Am I being too heartless and ungrateful?"

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