My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 525 Resistance
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Chapter 525 Resistance

Chapter 525 Resistance

Camille guessed from the beginning that he was doing it because of this, so at this moment there is not

the slightest surprise.

But then she suddenly rang a bell with Ayan's words, and he said, "I don't want you to find out about

this from anyone else's mouth."

She was glad that Ayan had taken the initiative to tell her, otherwise she would have felt very

embarrassed and overwhelmed by Austin now, right?

Camille smiled lightly, with warm indifference under her eyes: "Since Master Norman said he hid it,

Master Norman should go directly to him instead of calling this number and asking me, don't you


"Does Mrs. Simpson mean to stay out of Master Simpson's business?" Austin indifferently questioned,

and his emotions unconsciously flared up: "Aren't you a couple? Shouldn't his wife advise him not to be

obsessed with an ex and refuse to let go? Or is Mrs. Simpson really generous enough to tolerate her

husband's involvement in other women's affairs?"

Austin kept questioning one after another.

Camille, however, did not have much reaction and expression, her face is also warm and light as water

can not see what she is thinking in her heart at the moment?

She narrowed her eyes and said in a nonchalant voice: "This is my business, it's not Master Norman's

turn to question me, right? I don't need Master Norman to tell me what to do, do I?"

Austin grunted: "Mrs. Simpson since I do not want to question then should properly advise Master

Simpson not to interfere in the affairs of other couples."

"Master Norman, if I were you, I wouldn't call to question someone who has nothing to do with me,

even if my wife is missing, I wouldn't ask someone else to claim it, instead, you should reflect on what

you did wrong to make your wife so resistant to get along with you?"

"Mrs. Simpson is really Master Simpson's good wife, even the former does not care, is it really so


Austin's mockery made Camille's face as cold as ice, she took a silent breath, her words were

indifferent to the extreme, she said, "Master Norman if you just want to teach me how to be someone's

wife, then by all means, I can't afford it."

After saying that, Camille hung up straight away.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and her face was ugly. novelbin

She couldn't help but think what she would do if she and Ayan weren't divorced at this moment.

Even if it was because she pitied Cora, would she really be willing for her husband to care for an ex, or

an ex that was engraved in his heart?

Camille looked out of the window with an expressionless face, and her mood had gone to zero because

of the phone call.

She put the phone down and took a deep breath with her hands over her face, then only then did she

reopen the computer to continue to look at the loopholes in the drawings and the areas that needed


But found that how can not read on, the brain is like being paste paste.

She kept her face expressionless in a motionless position, and her heart suddenly made a decision.

She didn't want to continue to be entangled in this matter and didn't want it to affect her mood. She had

already divorced Ayan, so she really, really didn't want to let her emotions stumble again because of

any of his decisions and what he had done.

Such a feeling is just too uncomfortable.

Camille looked out the window, her eyes unblinkingly transfixed.

It was after 6:00 p. m. when she left the office. She ordered her lunch and went straight back to Maple

Leaves Mansion.

What she didn't expect was that Sienna was there.

The two had met at the restaurant in the morning, and now that they had met again Camille asked in

disbelief, "What are you doing here?"

"Can't I come over and keep you company?"

"Haven't we only seen each other for a few hours?"

Sienna was upset: "Camille, do you resent me? What did you say when I moved out? You said you

could come back anytime, but I think you were just saying that to fool me, right?"

"You're overthinking it, don't you think it's a bit tiresome to see it twice a day? It's better to keep a sense

of distance."

Camille also goes along with the joke. With Sienna, the two of them are just as ready to play their part

as they are to act.

Sienna also packed some food, so the two of us could eat as we pleased.

After she ate, Sienna nestled on the couch and didn't move, before Camille asked, "Did you have a

fight with Rex?"

"Of course not, I've been Buddhist, too lazy to argue." Sienna shook her head in denial.

Camille added, "So you're kind of really together now?"

Sienna slightly pursed lips eyes constantly dodging, to the end has driven out is directly to the topic are

diverted: "Rex said the evening group a bureau piece of fun, you accompany me to go together, OK?"

Ayan was definitely in the Rex group, so Camille refused without thinking: "No, I have to go back to the

Simpson's mansion tomorrow, so you go!"

"But Rex is planning to introduce me to his best friend, so what if I feel a little panicky if you're not


"Friends are just that few, don't worry, there is no need for you to panic when he is there."

Sienna beamed with a little displeasure as she whispered, "Just go with me, okay?"

"Did Ayan send you?" Camille asked indifferently.

Sienna immediately denied: "Of course not, I'm not even in touch with him, it's just that Rex said I'm

only a girl and if I'm worried about being bored I can call you."

"I don't really want to go." Camille refused with a shake of her head, there was just too much going on

in the past two days and it really made her feel quite annoyed.

So she wanted to calm down for a while, and also wanted to completely clear all things related to Ayan.

She told the truth and Sienna understood.

The two nestled together and chatted for a while before Rex's call came.

He's already downstairs and tells Sienna to go down with Camille.

Sienna didn't say anything, just hmmed and hung up the call, then took out a delicate ornament box

from her bag, "This is a Christmas gift I bought for Timmy, you pass it to him for me, I'll come back to

see him after Christmas."

"Yes, thank you godmother."

"Good girl!" She lifted her hand and stroked Camille's hair.

Camille casually slapped her hand away, "Get out."

Sienna smiled, then got up and left.

Rex, who was waiting below, saw that she was the only one coming out of the front door of the building

and immediately peeked out the window and asked in a low voice, "Where's Camille?"

"She's not going." Sienna responded indifferently, then pulled the passenger side in the car, she looked

askance at Rex like, displeased, "Are you using me?"

Rex raised his eyebrows and immediately explained: "Of course not, it's really Ayan's idea to ask you to

invite Camille, I'm just thinking that the couple is at odds with each other and take this opportunity to

ease the relationship, and then Ayan can also bring some customers to our restaurant? "

"You should stay out of their business from now on, their relationship is not what you think it is."

"It's not what I think? Is it possible that the two of them are not at odds at all just acting?"

Rex frowned slightly, with an innocent look that made Sienna roll her eyes.

When the two arrived at the clubhouse, others were already there, including Ayan, naturally.

He sat in the corner of the sofa, the dim light shining on his handsome face can not see the slightest

emotion, deep eyes stared straight at Rex and Sienna who came in, but never saw the person he

wanted to see.

Rex took Sienna and greeted her one by one before leading Sienna to the seat nearest to Ayan and

sitting down.

Rex came over to Ayan and said, "Camille won't come, I'm doing my best."

Ayan's voice was muffled as he hmmed and then there was no more response.

After that he has not been involved in the topic, has been a few other people chatting and drinking and

having fun.

Around eleven o'clock, he lifted the glass of wine in front of him and raised it towards a few people,

"You guys continue, I'll leave first."

Rex: "Not for a while longer?"

"No, there's something else going on."

He responded lightly, then raised his glass and left with a single drink.

As soon as he left, Sienna immediately followed and sent a message to Camille: "He just left, I wonder

if he went to look for you?"

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