My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 505 Financing
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Chapter 505 Financing

Chapter 505 Financing

Ayan said, "Not necessarily, it depends on what the other side wants. If the other side wants to use this

project to make Armstrong Corp in Hance City to rise again or more, then the Armstrong Corp

afterwards is worth much more than 500 million."

the old Simpson also nodded in agreement with Ayan's meaning.

Camille lowered her eyes and thought quietly, then spoke: "Grandpa, I still think Armstrong Corp is not

suitable for this project, in addition to this five hundred million financing I also think it is not so simple,

you do not need to be difficult and do not feel embarrassed to refuse because of me and Timmy, you

just pretend not to hear do not care. "

"Cami, I just talked to Ayan as well, and this is something that Ayan is going to step up to the plate so

that you don't have any arguments with THE Armstrong family either."

The old Simpson finished in a gentle voice, originally did not intend to tell Camille, is just talked to Ayan

before deciding to tell her.

Ayan's thinking was simple: since this was a matter for the Armstrong family, Camille had a right to


As for the old Simpson's meaning Camille didn't refute or reject it, but she was a bit distracted after


After dinner, she left again in Ayan's car.

This time Ayan drove, she sat in the passenger seat, her eyes looking out the window, her face


Ayan drove down the empty villa avenue, he glanced at Camille and spoke in a low voice: "What's on

your mind?"

Only then did Camille turn back to look ahead as she said in a faint voice, "No."

Naturally, Ayan couldn't, and he asked, "Worried about Armstrong Corp?"

"Not worried." Camille shook her head, "Just wondering if the $500 million in financing is real or not?"

Him: "Since it has found its way to grandpa's side, naturally it can't be faked."

Camille frowns slightly as she asks, "What are you going to do about it?"

After saying this, she felt that it was not quite right, so she hastily explained again, "I did not want to

interfere with the Simpson Group's decision, but simply wanted to ask you what you thought."

Ayan frowned and his face lightened a bit: "I've asked Kian to ask your father to come to the Simpson

Group, do you want to come over and sit in?"

"No, but I still say to grandpa, don't make a difficult decision because of me and Timmy, Armstrong

Corp's situation I know very well, this project is also not Simpson Group alone, there are Mr. and Mrs.

Bell and Austin and Dan behind. "

"Are you worried that the Simpson Group will be implicated and talked about because of this? Or are

you worried about the pressure on you if I say yes to Armstrong Corp joining this project?" novelbin

Camille looked to Ayan in confusion, "What's the difference?"

"Of course there's a difference."


Aren't the results similar?

Ayan said, "The former is for Simpson Group and me, and the latter is because you want to distance

yourself from me so you don't want Armstrong Corp on board."

He said it bluntly, as if the words had been brewing in his mouth for many times.

Camille immediately turned her head away from continuing to look at him, and naturally, there was no

more response.

It was ten o'clock at night when Ayan drove Camille back to Maple Leaves Mansion.

When the car stopped, Camille said good night and pushed her way out the door.

She got out of the car, and a man suddenly got out of the car directly in front of her, his voice gentle

and distinct in the silent night, and shouted, "Camille!"

"Dan, what brings you here?"

Camille followed the voice.

Dan walked over slowly and he said, "I made some simple changes to today's drawing and brought it

over to show you, called your phone and no one answered, so I'll wait here for a while."

Camille then took out her phone and looked at it: "I didn't hear it, I might have accidentally pressed the


Dan approached and also saw Ayan in the car, "Master Simpson, good evening."

Ayan sat in the car and had no intention of leaving, responding lightly, "Master Tucker."

After they greeted each other, Ayan spoke, "Master Tucker is so dedicated, he is still concerned about

the artwork at this late hour."

Dan smiled gently: "Master Simpson is flattering, it's all part of my job."

Ayan gaze slightly light, eyes back to Camille, light voice: "You talk to Master Tucker first, I'll wait for

you, then Timmy call vaccine mother said need parents a piece accompanied, she mentioned to you?"

Camille slightly wrinkled her brow, although I wonder how Ayan just in the car did not mention? But the

matter of Timmy she did not continue to probe, just hurriedly said: "Then you wait."

Ayan nodded and then closed the window, not really wanting to hear what they were actually saying?

But the coldness of his face and the displeasure between his eyebrows is very obvious.

Camille spent a few minutes discussing the changes to the artwork with Dan, whose suggestions were

very original and whose help had recently made the artwork progress quite quickly.

After the discussion, Camille thanked me with the drawings: "Thanks to you, my work is less and less

stressful, and since I had the baby, I feel that my brain is more and more exhausted.

Dan just smiled, "You've been good."

The seriousness of his words made Camille feel a little less than kind, but he immediately said the next

second, "Well, it's getting late, so I'll leave you and Master Simpson alone."

Camille flinched slightly, "You're very kind."

Dan raised his eyebrows and casually asked again, "Is Master Simpson not too happy?"

"How? Don't overthink it." Camille shook her head, a polite, light smile guarding the corners of her


But it fell into the eyes of the man in the car but it was very harsh.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, his deep eyes revealing a cold indifference, this has been many times he

has watched Camille and Dan alone with each other.

So is what he didn't see appearing every day?

Also, Dan knows she lives here, does he also know about their relationship today?

Thinking of these, Ayan's face became more and more low and cold.

At this time, the car window from the outside was knocked, he raised his eyes to sweep see Camille

crooked head is staring, and then this lowered the window, face no also returned to the immovable

warm light.

Camille, naturally, didn't notice and simply said, "Master Tucker says goodbye to you."

Ayan nodded: "Thanks to Master Tucker for taking care of my wife, we'll treat you to dinner as a couple

sometime soon!"

"Master Simpson no need to be polite, we are all partners in this project and Camille and I have been

friends for many years." Dan looked at Camille and Ayan, then stopped continuing the conversation

and said, "Well, I'll leave you guys alone and go first, goodbye Master Simpson!"

"Master Tucker take your time."

Ayan said in a light voice.

Camille also waved to Dan and then saw Dan get in the car and leave before she looked back at the

man in the car and asked, "Timmy's vaccination is almost half a month away, are you available in the

morning or afternoon? If you're not available, it should be fine for me and mom to go with him."

"You very much don't want me to go?" He asked in a cold voice.

Camille was struck by the tone of the question.

She shook her head, "I didn't mean that, I was just worried you'd be busy."

"I can still spare this time if I'm busy." He didn't sound too good, like he was unhappy.

Is it because of what she just said?

Camille thought about it carefully, it does not seem to be much of a problem, right? But just said he did

not have time can not go, as for angry?

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