My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 494 Maintenance
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Chapter 494 Maintenance

Chapter 494 Maintenance

As for this gossip reporter is estimated to be just a pawn.

Ayan is not curious about who is behind this, since it is just a person who can't see the light, then never

give ta the chance to see the light.

His handsome face was cold, and after a brief moment of contemplation, he said, "Have the PR

department use the Simpson Group's website to send out a screenshot of the post, and send a letter to

the lawyers asking for an apology today, and contact Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Austin and Dan to issue a

clarification on their own company websites. ."

Since the other side is not yet to make a complete mess, he will be the first to directly poke the matter.

Instead of being reactive it is better to be proactive.

This way all the dominance is in his hands.

Kian immediately followed Ayan's instructions to contact Mr. and Mrs. Bell and others, Dan received

Kian's call and mentioned the matter to Camille, and then rushed to contact his secretary to deal with

the matter.

Camille finished reading the content of the post, and the content posted on Simpson Group's official

website had also hit the hotspots.

Sienna also sent a message saying, "What's going on with Master Simpson? Powerful and

domineering defending his ex-wife?"

Camille didn't reply, just fumed in silence.

Ayan did this is undoubtedly to tell everyone that this time the project is a charity project, the decision is

also the result of several partners to discuss the results of the joint turn not to the side to discuss

speculation to destroy the partnership.

Since the decision was made, she has been in a hurry. She has not even been to the Simpson's

mansion since she started drawing officially, and she has only had time to video with Timmy in the


At this moment, seeing such a situation, her heart has another touch of inexplicable disbelief.

Is he doing this because of her?

The thought spread through her mind and she followed it into deep thought until she came back to her

senses when Dan came in the office after a phone call.

Dan said, "I didn't think a small decision could still get you into trouble."

Camille sighed helplessly, the horror of public opinion is not something she has not seen.

Dan added: "But thanks to Master Simpson found early, or you would have had to quit the project."

Dan's bluntness caused the heaviness under Camille's eyes to deepen and the emotions in her heart to


She did not continue to talk about this topic, just an afternoon of emotions are a little out of the state,

resulting in the afternoon work progress also affected.

Near six o'clock Camille was the first to finish work, she said to Dan, "That's it for today, you've beennovelbin

working overtime with me for the past few days and you're tired, let me treat you to dinner?"

For the past two days, we have been eating lunch boxes together at the office, so we can have a meal

together today when we finish work early.

The two left the office by elevator and then walked side-by-side to the parking garage to get ready to

drive, but they had only just reached the garage when they heard a familiar man's voice: "Camille!"

Camille follows the sound and Ayan gets out of the black Mercedes.

He only wore a white shirt, the following is still the most classic black pants, because it is private time

so did not tie a tie, the neck button also unbuttoned two to reveal the white skin, handsome and cold,

all emitting the breath of the man is showing the perfect and reserved.

Seeing him standing there, Camille also stopped and stood still.

Dan's face was gentle and he bent his head slightly: "Master Simpson."

Ayan also responded in a light voice, "Master Tucker."

After the two men finished greeting each other, Ayan's eyes fell back on Camille, and he said, "I came

to pick you up and take you back to the Simpson's mansion, you've been busy with work these past

two days and haven't been back to see Timmy, I've told Grandpa to go back with you for dinner tonight,


Camille frowned slightly, she subconsciously looked at Dan, but wait for her to say anything, Dan first

said: "It's okay, we can make another date, Timmy is still young, it's better to spend more time with


Dan's understanding caused Camille to purse her lips slightly and respond.

She then handed Dan the keys to the car and asked him to take it. He hadn't been assigned a car

since he came to Hance City, but the Simpson Group had arranged for him to have one for easy

access, but for now the secretary was using it.

As he watched Camille reach out and hand Dan the keys, the back and forth between them was natural

and fluid, obviously not the first time, Ayan's eyes narrowed slightly and the intensity under them

deepened, but he said nothing, just watched as Camille walked toward her.

After getting in the car, when the car started, Camille then slowly spoke: "I didn't go back to see Timmy

in the past two days just because I was a little busy, but I've already talked to my mom and videoed

with Timmy in the evening, so you don't need to come over to pick me up in the future."

If he wants to go back, he can just go back, and so can she.

The meaning of her words is very obvious, Ayan naturally heard clearly, but he did not make any

response, as if he did not hear the same.

He was silent and speechless, and Camille couldn't repeat it, but only pursed her lips lightly before

whispering, "Thank you for the forum."

The phrase "thank you" made Ayan laugh lightly.

He said warmly, "Is there only a verbal thank you?"

In fact, she did not say anything, as if she did not know him also does not matter.

But what he didn't expect was that she would offer to say thank you.

His question caused Camille's eyebrows to wrinkle slightly and a slight stiffness crossed her cheeks,

and without waiting for her to speak, he added, "If you really want to thank me just buy me a meal,


The first time I've seen such an active thanked person.

Camille didn't say anything, and Ayan took it as her default.

After that, it was silent all the way back to the Simpson's mansion, and the food was ready and waiting

for them.

Looking around the table, the old Simpson called to Kit: "Go and get me a drink, I'm in a good mood

today and I want some."

Kit looked at Fletcher and Ayan with some difficulty, and Fletcher immediately said, "Dad, your health

has been better lately, why don't you have some tea?"

"Drink, it's a good day, you have to drink some wine on a day like this."

The old Simpson meant something, so Camille also immediately understood what his old man meant.

But thinking about his health, Camille also said: "Grandpa, happy does not have to drink, why don't I

accompany you to drink some tea? How is the white tea I brought back for you? Do you like it?"

the old Simpson laughed: "Of course I like it, it tastes very good, much better than those adult pu-erhs

and those Tieguanyin and Da Hongpao."

This comment is clearly an expression of fondness for Camille.

Camille smiled, "So you'll have a drink with me? I'd like one too."

the old Simpson said yes, and immediately instructed Kit to make tea, and only the drinking was

temporarily forgotten.

Fletcher gave Camille a look of praise, and the atmosphere was extraordinarily cordial.

Not long after, Kit came up with tea, and one of them poured a cup, the old Simpson took the lead and

raised the cup and said, "Come, let's clink as a family!"

Camille was slightly stunned, but still immediately raised his cup of tea and the old Simpson clinked

down, the old Simpson's words, the meaning of the words can not be clearer.

But it was just a small interlude, and after that the conversation was all about work, and there was no


After dinner, Camille accompanied Timmy to the shower.

Ayan is downstairs playing chess with the old Simpson, during which he receives a call from Kian.

Kian said, "Master Simpson, the gossip reporter sent an apology, do we need to do anything?"

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