My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 492 Congratulations
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Chapter 492 Congratulations

Chapter 492 Congratulations

Camille face did not change no extra expression, moreover, there is no intention to make a show

because of the crowd, just indifferently said: "I do not have any too good restaurant recommendations,

Manager Hayes can ask Master Simpson or Mr. Reid, they are more familiar than me."

Camille kicked the ball straight out.

Cora flinched slightly, seemingly somewhat unprepared for her to be so ungrateful.

But the heart suddenly thought of something else, and the stiffness on his face then turned into a

gentle light smile: "Yes, it's okay."

Without waiting for Cora to ask, Kian already took the lead and gave a few choices before Cora gently

said, "Then please ask Mr. Reid to book a private room for me, thanks!"

After chatting about dinner, Ayan spoke in a low voice: "It's time to start."

Once the recollections officially began, everyone resumed their serious faces as well.

Ayan's deep eyes swept around and finally rested on Austin: "Master Norman still stands by his vote

from yesterday, right?"

Austin: "Yes, I still stand by my decision from yesterday."

Ayan looked again at Dan, across from Austin: "Master Tucker too?"

Dan: "Well, no change."

Ayan nodded, then looked to Mr. and Mrs. Bell: "Mr. Bell, have you and Mrs. Bell thought about it?"

Mr. Bell nodded, then handed the note in his hand directly to Kian: "This is our answer."

Mr. and Mrs. Bell don't have to say it orally, then it gives the right to announce this directly to Ayan.

Kian took the note and gave it to Ayan. He didn't open it in a hurry, but first gave a precautionary note:

"No matter what the outcome is for this project, I hope neither Manager Hayes nor Miss Armstrong will

have any psychological pressure."

Cora: "Of course, after all, it's not a competition, so naturally there's no pressure. "

Cora is confident.

Camille just nodded lightly.

Ayan then opened the note, the whole process did not pass through the hands of a third person in

addition to Kian, so naturally there can not be any cheating behavior.

Ayan opened the note and read the words on it, then laid it flat and opened it, his bony hand holding

the note slightly raised to face the crowd: "Miss Armstrong."

Camille froze, thinking it was Ayan calling out to her for something to say, but when she looked up she

found he didn't mean to continue, but raised the paper in his hand.

Equally shocked was Cora, whose reaction was somewhat large, her eyes almost revealing disbelief.

But she was still assured of a last glimmer of hope and said with a somewhat uneasy stiff smile, "Won't

Master Simpson just announce the results of Mr. and Mrs. Bell?"

Ayan's expression was warm and indifferent, he just gave Cora a faint glance, then pushed the paper in

his hand straight over: "What Mr. Bell and Mrs. Bell agree on is Miss Armstrong's idea."

Camille did not react much, but her heart was very shocked because the chances were fifty percent,

and although there was no benefit or reward for her to approve or disapprove, approving of the opening

of the project in Fola would undoubtedly be a way to reward those enthusiastic villagers.

Camille crossed her arms and clasped them tightly, controlling her inner emotions without showing the

slightest hint of them.

Cora took Mr. and Mrs. Bell's paper and looked at it carefully for a long time, there was only one word

on it, Jane.

Cora's face was hard to see, but what was left of her sanity was reminding her over and over again not

to lose her temper.

She looked up with a slightly stiff face and said, "What about Master Simpson and who does Master

Simpson hold the deciding vote for?"

Ayan did not say anything, just handed Kian a look, and then Kian opened the computer screen, Kian

played a section in Fola he made during his visit to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the

chart, and then combined with Camille and Cora yesterday's comments, both good and bad are in thisnovelbin

advantage and disadvantage of the chart.

After looking at the chart, the answer is also clear.

Cora pursed her lips without any response, the bottom of her heart is full of questions, but the results

have been finalized what she said is useless.

Just such a result to her heart ready to be frustrated, she clenched her hands tightly, showing more

than crying smile: "Congratulations Miss Armstrong."

Camille met her gaze openly and without any avoidance, Camille said lightly, "Manager Hayes should

not congratulate me, but this project and everyone here."

A trace of stiff coldness slid across the bottom of Cora's eyes, then still hastily said, "Yes, you're right,

congratulations to all of us, this project can be launched."

The results were in, but the meeting wasn't over. Camille, as the architect, needed to refine the

preliminary design for everyone to participate in the discussion, and Ayan asked, "Is a week on Miss

Armstrong's side enough time to finish publishing the design?"

The project will not begin until Camille has completed the published design.

Camille did not respond immediately, but thought carefully before saying, "Yes."

The published design drawings only present the general outline in an architect's way. Camille had

already recorded the advantages of the area and the disadvantages to be avoided in her computer

during her visits, and she had sketched out the general picture in her mind.

Ayan raised his eyes to gaze at her, "Then it will be hard for Miss Armstrong, if you have any needs you

can just mention them."

"Hmm." Camille responded softly.

Dan also said at this time: "Master Simpson, we Tucker Group specialize in travel I can provide some

advice to Miss Armstrong, so I would like to apply to serve as Miss Armstrong's assistant to assist her

with the fastest time to the first version of the design first finalized, of course, but also perhaps I'd like to

apply to be Miss Armstrong's assistant to help her finalize the first version of the design as soon as

possible, but of course, I may not be able to help much, but the workload is on Miss Armstrong anyway.

Ayan looked at Dan without changing his face and said in a low voice, "Master Tucker's offer is

naturally well-intentioned, but doesn't Master Tucker have to go back to the Tucker Group while he has

some free time now?"

Dan: "No, I'm mostly in charge of this project now."

Ayan did not continue to say anything more, just faintly looked at Camille: "What is the idea on Miss

Armstrong's side? If you need a professional assistant Simpson Group can provide, there is no need to

bother Master Tucker in."

Camille didn't hold back in meeting his gaze. She certainly wouldn't accept Ayan's offer, and as for an

assistant she was dispensable, but this time it wasn't quite the same as previous projects, and it

seemed good to have Dan, a travel professional.

After thinking carefully, Camille said, "Then I'll trouble Master Tucker."

Dan immediately took over: "Trouble is not a problem, as long as we can work with Miss Armstrong."

The conversation between the two people made Ayan's face warm and indifferent, but he did not show

the slightest emotion, but only said warmly: "Then today's meeting is over here!"

Ayan was the first to get up, he seemed to have some hesitation, but in the end he didn't say anything

and left the room with Mr. and Mrs. Bell.

Cora was still sitting unmoving in her chair when Austin whispered a reminder, "Cora, we can go now."

But Cora did not move, just pursed her lips, her face slightly stiff, she looked at Camille who had turned

to leave, the look in her eyes was complex and contradictory.

After Austin and Cora were left alone in the conference room, Austin spoke coldly, "Where did you go

last night?"

Cora's eyes pause slightly: "Didn't I tell you I was just going for a casual stroll?"

She did not want to remember yesterday's events, especially when she thought of Mr. and Mrs. Bell's

decision, she felt like a slap on the cheek to make her embarrassed.

She couldn't help but ask herself why Mr. and Mrs. Bell's attitude was to support her, but why did it

become Camille again?

Did Camille also go to Mr. and Mrs. Bell?

With the end of the conference, Simpson Group was informed of the news internally, and the official

website also sent out a "stay tuned" message.

Mr. and Mrs. Bell's sensational fame in the circle made the news gain more and more attention, and

because of the status of the Simpson Group itself, everyone was even more excited about this


Both Mr. and Mrs. Bell and the Simpson Group carry a lot of clout, which makes for both good and bad

public discussion.

Halfway through the week, Camille and Dan had a perfect outline for the publication, and the next step

was to repeatedly find flaws and revise the final version.

Also at this time an alternative voice is slowly fermenting.

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