My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 484 Substitute
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Chapter 484 Substitute

Chapter 484 Substitutenovelbin

Cora's words seemed to mean something, but Ayan didn't think deeply about it, because in his mind,

she was a liar, she was good at disguise, and what she showed was just an illusion.

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly and indifferently swept her a glance, as if he was looking at a stranger.

This made Cora, who was already greatly suppressed, more and more unable to bear this indifference.

She raised her hand and wiped her tears, pursed her lips as if she had gathered a lot of courage, she

said: "In your heart she is very kind, right? But I'm telling you, she left me behind, she did it on purpose,

because she was jealous that I was your first love, so she left me so that no one else could find me,

and now you still think she's kind? If something had happened to me that night, she was the culprit, she


Ayan expressionless retracted his gaze, but also directly interrupted her words: "Yes is it, she is good

or not good and you have nothing to do, even if you say is the truth does not matter, this thing has

passed, now say what is not any use."

"Not to mention that I have already apologized for you on behalf of the Simpson Group and our couple

in this matter."

Ayan's words were a direct indication of his heart, and his indifferent expression and attitude made

Cora even more frustrated inside.

Cora's eyes were lost in a brief silence as she said, "Since Camille was the one who left me to get hurt,

it's up to her to apologize to me, you can't even take her place."

"Why not?"

"You didn't do it, so who are you to replace her?"

"Just because I'm her husband, doesn't Manager Hayes know what it means for a husband and wife to

be one?"

Ayan sketched out a cold intent and looked at Cora with an increasingly cold expression.

Without waiting for Cora to make a sound, he added: "We are a couple, whoever apologizes is the

same, if you think it is not possible you should have raised it at that time, not wait until things have

already passed to deliberately find fault."

"You think I'm deliberately picking a fight?"

Cora asked incredulously.

Ayan does not say anything, but the attitude he shows is already considered acquiescence.

Cora pursed her lips, her emotions running high as she questioned Ayan, "So in your heart, you believe

in her unconditionally and would do anything for her, what about me? And how have you ever been fair

to me?"

Ayan slightly narrowed his eyes, his eyes cold as ice: "Manager Hayes, you are now Mrs. Norman, do

you think if you ask such words to other men at this moment Master Norman will think you are a watery

woman if he heard?"

Cora's eyes were lost in thought, her face was pale and powerless, she couldn't believe Ayan would

say such things to her.

Not waiting for Cora to have any response Ayan has turned to leave, he walked without hesitation, not

to mention any stay.

She stood still and watched him drift away until he completely disappeared from sight.

She pursed her lips tightly, tears slid across her cheeks, and it took her a long time to calm her inner


She returned to her room while Austin was out of the shower, but all that was in her mind was what

Ayan had just said, and even though it had passed, she felt the man's voice always floating in her ears,

making it impossible to pause.

This is undoubtedly a relentless suppression for her.

The two men's conversation was clear for Camille to hear, until the two men left one after the other,

Camille then looked sideways at Dan beside her and said, "Let's go!"

Dan wrinkled his brow slightly and asked in a low voice, "Are you .... okay?"

"Well, it's good." Camille responded lightly, then sighed helplessly and said, "It's just that there are a lot

of mosquitoes, I feel like my hand has been bitten several times, how about you? Are you okay?"

She said naturally and calmly, can not hear half of the different emotions, so Dan can not find the

slightest loophole.

He wondered if she was really as she said she was inside?

Dan asked reassuringly, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Camille just smiled lightly, "Of course it's fine."

"They ..." Dan wanted to say and then stop, the heart of the question is naturally there, but on second

thought, he should not gossip about these, although not eavesdropping on others, but always heard, it

still feels a little less good.

So he shut up and didn't ask any more questions.

But Camille did take the initiative and said, "They had a moment before, but the past is none of my

business, so can we go now?"

She was emotionless, as if she was just saying, "Get up early tomorrow and go back to Hance City.

Dan's eyes pause slightly, and finally did not say anything else, just a low muffled sound, and followed

Camille back to the school one after the other.

When Camille returned from her walk, Ayan was there when she came back into the room, and when

he saw her enter, he subconsciously asked, "Where have you been?"

Camille doesn't say anything, just sweeps him away indifferently.

She didn't lie to Dan, what happened between Ayan and Cora did have nothing to do with her, and she

was really fine.

But the heart's dissatisfaction with Ayan is also undisguisedly expressed, so she does not want to talk

to him at this moment, and does not want to answer any of his questions.

Camille pursed her lips as if she hadn't heard, grabbed a change of clothes and turned to leave the

room again.

When she walked to the door of the room where she was bathing, the light was on inside but nothing

was moving, she casually knocked on the door, "Is anyone there?"

"Yes, hold on a second!" It was Cora's voice.

Camille subconsciously frowned and did not speak again.

It took about ten minutes for Cora to come out of it. The two of them looked at each other, Cora as

usual, but Camille had a touch more indifference under her eyes, as if she was looking at a strange

person who couldn't be stranger again.

She is not a saintly mother, she will not pretend that nothing has happened to a person who has falsely

accused her behind her back.

When Camille came back to the room after a shower, Ayan had already made the floor and when he

saw her enter, he immediately looked up at her: "What happened to you?"

Camille stood in the doorway without moving, just staring at the floor with a sullen face, there was a

moment when she really wanted to kick him out, but she didn't want to talk to him, so she held back.

Camille goes back to her room and lies down. She treats Ayan like a transparent person, but she can't

let out the anger she is holding in her heart, which causes Camille to have a relapse of the depression

she had during her pregnancy.

Her mind Ayan does not know, so when seeing her silent face slightly ugly, the subconscious thought is

that she is not comfortable?

She lies down on the bed, leaving a back to him.

Ayan got up and walked to the bedside and looked at her from above, after a few seconds of hesitation

he went straight to the edge of the bed and sat down, then his warm palm covered her forehead and

asked in a low voice: "Not comfortable?"

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