My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 481 - Ridicule
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Chapter 481 - Ridicule

Chapter 481 - Ridicule

Without thinking much about it, Camille casually asked, "Do you want to talk to him?"

Talia didn't have any hesitation saying, "No, I don't want to talk to him, I'm just asking casually, he

hasn't upset you in the past, right?"

Camille shook her head, her face light: "No, he came over for work stuff."

The implication was not that she was looking for her.

This obvious skimming response Talia, a smart person, naturally heard it.

After that, Talia stopped asking about Ayan and kept talking to Camille about Timmy, who is now more

than three months old and about to be four months old, and the little guy is getting bigger and bigger

every day, babbling his mouth off.

Talia also speaks of him with a doting smile, which makes Camille both grateful and happy.

I talked to Talia for more than half an hour, but I had to end it because of the signal.

Before hanging up, Talia asked, "You guys should be getting ready to come back too, right?"

"Well, I guess it's close, just a few days to set the time, I guess."

"Come home first thing when you get back and see the kids with us, okay?" Talia asked.

Camille nodded, "Of course, I miss you guys."

Talia smiled with satisfaction and added, "Grandpa also misses you and says you're ruthless, leaving

without a phone call."

Camille smiled, "Say hello to Grandpa for me and bring him specials when I get home."

She has long bought this side of the white tea with the township chief, is the villagers themselves home

grown, purely handmade, pure natural.

Talia laughed, "Then Grandpa can be happy."

The two smiled at each other, and then this hung up the video.

It was also getting dark, and everyone else had gone to their rooms or taken a shower.

Camille took a deep breath, then also headed upstairs.

But what she didn't expect was that when she returned to her room after showering, Ayan was sitting

on the chair in the room.

Camille frowned and asked in a light voice, "Why are you still here?"

Ayan put down the book in his hand and raised his eyes to gaze at her, "I'm staying here tonight."

Camille stared at him with an expressionless face, "I disagree."

He stood up from his chair and moved closer to her, his deep black eyes were slightly downcast staring

at her, his voice revealed hoarseness: "Today I came out of Kian's room and they saw me, I explained

for a long time, it will be exposed if we continue like this, the project has just started, you and I will have

to pay for the breach of contract."

"So are you going to threaten me with this?"

She raised her eyes and stared at him, without any emotion under her eyes, only a warm indifferent


She asked this rhetorical question even more without any ripples, as if asking him again if he wanted to

eat porridge for breakfast tomorrow?

Camille's indifference caused Ayan to narrow his eyes slightly as he said, "There was no attempt to

threaten you."

His denial didn't move Camille's senses.

She said, "Since there's no threat to be made, you can go to Kian."

"Camille, you asked me to go to a man, and the first night I could use the excuse that you were angry

with me and wouldn't let me in, so what excuse are you going to make me use this night? They've seen

me enter this door and now I'm being thrown out, they'll laugh at me in private, won't they?"

His eyes were slightly downcast, the corners of his mouth carried a hint of bitter aggression, and his

voice was low and mute, as if he had suffered much aggression.

Camille was also slightly stunned, then said in a light voice: "You just went to see Kian, Kian is your

secretary, if you don't want people to know, you could have just woken up earlier in the morning and

avoided it?"

"So you have to kick me out? Even if you let me sleep on the floor?" He asked in a low voice, his eyes

staring at Camille with a hint of expectation as he waited for an answer. novelbin

I wonder why?

It was as if Camille saw a humble prayer in his eyes.

She herself was shocked when this idea came to her.

Her eyes were dull and empty, and her thoughts drifted away.

At the bottom of my heart, I can't help but think, why would Ayan be like this?

And why is this necessary?

Is it really just because he is afraid that people will laugh at him that he is sticking around and refusing

to leave?

She did not want to continue to tangle with him, just a faint sweep him a glance, and then said:

"Whatever you want, but I do not want to argue, if you disturb me then get out, as for whether you will

be laughed at has nothing to do with me. "

With those words, Camille turned and walked to the bed, she was not interacting with Ayan in any way,

not even giving him a look anymore.

She laid down and then faced directly towards the wall leaving a back to him.

This made Ayan sigh helplessly, and then personally took the bedding put aside and began to make

the floor bed for himself.

How has Simpson Group Master Simpson, who is usually above the fray, ever done this himself?

Even he himself thought it was impossible, but now he had to face the reality.

After all, it is a parasite.

The slightest disobedience may result in expulsion.

After he had made the bed, he turned off the lights in the house again and then lay down by the light of

his cell phone.

Two people a room, the atmosphere is quiet can not hear each other's breathing.

Ayan's phone also sent a message in the next moment, a text content from Kian: "Master Simpson, are

you still coming over tonight?"

Kian has not dared to sleep until now, and did not close the door, afraid that later Ayan will have to

knock on the door, which if others heard the strange embarrassment.

That's why he didn't send a message asking after people.

Ayan remained silent for a few seconds before returning, "No."

When Kian saw it, his heart finally heaved a sigh of relief.

It's not clear if you'll be able to keep your job after you return to Hance City.

After all, there is that secretary who can let his own president sleep on the floor?

It's unbelievable when he thinks about it.

The next day, the first morning sunlight came in through the window and Camille was already awake,

but she didn't move because the person sleeping on the floor was still awake.

Of course, she was not afraid of making noise to him.

I don't know how long it took, but someone was already talking outside, and the man lying on the floor

woke up.

Probably slept on the ground for two nights in a row, he had a kind of backache, and there were

mosquito bites on the neck and arms, almost all night did not sleep too well, almost dawn before a little


He sat up and scanned the bed for Camille, who he knew was awake, but didn't bother him.

Ayan put on his clothes and put the bedding on the floor aside, then gently pulled open the door of the

room and went out.

He did not rush downstairs, but stood in the corridor and smoked a cigarette.

His hearing has been focused on Camille inside the room, she never seemed to move, the heart can

not help but ask a rhetorical question, is it because of him?

He narrowed his eyes slightly, the color under his eyes is cold and indifferent, a cigarette ended, he

also followed downstairs.

A few moments later, everyone washed up and came downstairs, the village chief was setting the table

and chairs, Camille saw immediately went over to help set the dishes.

Ayan stood on the sidelines stretching his limbs and craning his neck to try to relieve the body's aches

and pains, a scene that Austin saw and asked, "What's wrong with Master Simpson?"

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