My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 468 Video
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Chapter 468 Video

Chapter 468 Video

Cora's face stiffened slightly and she asked, "Are you upset? I'm really just looking out for this project,

so I hope you don't misunderstand me. "

"Manager Hayes, why do you have to explain so much to me? Since it's just work then there's no need

to explain, so end this conversation, okay?"

"I don't mean anything else, I just don't want to alienate you from me because of this."

Camille laughed, "Don't overthink it."

After saying that she lifted her feet and walked away.

Cora stood watching Camille's back as she left for a moment in silence, before then following towards

her room.

This scene was also seen by Dan, who just laughed lightly, then turned around and went back to his


As for Camille, she didn't take it seriously at all because it was just a normal working pattern for her, so

why should she have to explain it to her specifically?

Camille thought it was pretty funny.

This time the voice conference discussion somehow got to the ears of the township chief and Oliver?

Probably the villagers who were guarding their safety overheard the conversation, and Oliver and the

village chief came over the next morning while they were eating breakfast.

Oliver asked, "Is it that our place is not suitable for development?"

Several people also looked at each other, Kian spoke up and said, "Oliver you are too anxious, it is still

in the inspection stage, the specific results we still need to understand in depth before making a


"I'm not going to lie, we probably know what you guys said yesterday, and Miss Armstrong supports us,

but there are those who don't agree, so we wanted to ask for clarification, or have a bottom in mind." novelbin

Oliver and the township chief were kind to Camille, but somewhat reluctant to talk to Cora.

This led Cora emotionally a little excited, she said: "Oliver, the township, I am also business, and can

not say that I do not agree is not to support your place, I personally and Miss Armstrong's ideas, but I

represent not only me personally, so I hope you can understand me, besides, the answer is not yet

There is still a great chance that the answer is not out!"

The mayor was not as calm and thoughtful as Oliver, and the mayor said with some anxiety, "I don't

want to hear from you, I want to hear from Miss Armstrong."

Camille is also frowning face a little heavy, she thought carefully and said: "Mayor, you do not hurry,

now we have to continue the second round of inspection, this time the project to charity, as long as the

right I think there is still a good chance to take this time the investment development."

"Miss Armstrong, you're not lying to me, are you?"

"Of course will not lie to you, but there are chances that you can take it and there are chances that

there is no way to take it, so I also hope that you have to be mentally prepared, but I think it is better

not to be so pessimistic, no matter whether you can get this opportunity to visit, I think this is already a

great progress, do you think?"

Camille's words made the township chief also think carefully, and eventually nodded along: "What you

said is that I was too excited, maybe our side is too poor and too far from the city, so I wanted to be

impatient to seize an opportunity and not let go."

With Camille's forgiveness, both the mayor and Oliver were able to accept their second round of visits.

Cora, however, after the township manager and Oliver had gone to do the business of getting ready to

continue the walk later, she approached Camille alone and said, "I don't think you should have just

explained to the township manager like that."


"You will give them a chance this way, and when the time comes it will not meet their expected hopes

this will make their disappointment even greater."

"I didn't give them a chance, I just explained things more euphemistically to let them know that the

chances and the lack of chances are 50/50, so I don't see the problem with what I said, eh?"

Camille was a little tired, she didn't want to explain the matter again and again, but Cora seemed to be

very serious, probably too serious about her work, so she would listen to even a single word extra


Camille again stated, "Let's not spend extra time arguing about it, okay?"

Cora was silent for a moment, and she looked deeply at Camille before nodding.

After breakfast, the group started the second round of walking tour.

Camille ran around with Cora and the local village chief and villagers to learn more about the situation

and some customs.

Although it is a small village in the mountains, but they are kind and grateful, and they are also very

direct to people, without those sets and curves.

No matter whose house you go to, you are always entertained with the best wild fruits and your own

sun-dried melon seeds and walnuts.

This may be simple for them, but for the local villagers this is a treat that only comes with a holiday


Camille will take the initiative to ask the villagers some common topics, so basically, she quickly

mingled with everyone, she is understanding and does not mind the dirty and tired, people like her

more than Cora showed the gentle and distant.

But a day down almost two or three villages are like this, Cora heart will also produce a sense of fall,

but she did not say anything, just continue to seriously continue the work, record every unsuitable as

well as suitable advantages and disadvantages.

For two days in a row, we were all busy. In the evening, after dinner and a shower, we lay in bed and

didn't want to move a bit.

Camille chatted with Talia, watched Timmy, and then got ready for a break.

But Dan knocked on the door for her at this time.

Camille struggled to get up and Dan handed her a bottle of medicine: "I brought it back from abroad,

my legs must be uncomfortable after walking too much in the past two days, you can try it and see how

it works?"

Camille reached out and took it, "Thank you."

Dan wasn't about to leave yet, and Camille blinked, "You were thinking of coming in and sitting down?"

"No, if you can, you come out and talk?"

"Yes." Camille casually put down the medicine bottle and took another jacket to put on, it was really

cold in the mountains at this point.

The two stood at the end of the corridor facing the darkened mountains, and Dan asked, "How did the

expedition go in the last few days? Is this a good place to build a mountain development?"

"It's okay, but I haven't finished walking around thoroughly enough to give an answer right now."

Camille turned her head to Dan, and something suddenly occurred to her, and she asked, "Are you

supporting me because we know each other?"

"What makes you ask that?"

"So is it?"

"Of course not." Dan smiled helplessly, "Couldn't I have a little bit of judgment of my own?"

Camille explained, "I didn't mean it that way, just wanted to make sure once again."

"I know it's a job not a child's play, and besides, I said what I'm trying to do, so I want to do it better

than anyone else."

Dan's heartfelt response caused Camille to nod along.

The two stood side-by-side at the end of the very close, from the back of the past even some overly

intimate, when just returned to the Simpson's mansion Ayan saw this scene, the face as gloomy as ink,

deep black eyes as if seeped on a layer of broken ice.

He played with his phone, staring at the unfamiliar number that sent this photo over, the corners of his

mouth slightly rose to outline a trace of cold mockery.

With that, he dropped the phone on the couch, got up and left the bedroom and walked directly to the


The aunt who was taking care of Timmy had just finished dressing Timmy, and then I heard Ayan say,

"I'll take him to his room for a while, you take a rest!"

Auntie froze, then still hurriedly instructed not to flash to the waist and neck, and then only then not too

relieved to stare at Ayan carried Timmy back to the bedroom.

The heart can not help but think, this is to cultivate the father-son relationship?

Ayan took Timmy back to his bedroom, where he held him in his arms, stared down at him and asked,

"Do you want to see Mommy?"

Timmy blinked and didn't seem to understand what he was talking about?

But the next second, I heard Ayan say, "Okay, then I'll send the video for you."

Then took the phone and tapped directly on an avatar and dialed the video call over.

Camille, who was far away from Fola, heard the bell and immediately went back to her room. She was

a bit stunned when she saw that it was a video invitation from Ayan.

What is he going to do?

She frowned slightly and pressed accept after a moment of hesitation.

Because it was a bit stuck, it took a few seconds of post-acceptance respite before the screen over

there appeared.

When she saw Timmy in Ayan's arms, her heart melted, her eyes stared straight up, and the corners of

her mouth curled up in a smile.

She waved her hand, "Hello, baby, have you seen mommy? Mommy's network is not good, so it's a bit

stuck. What are you doing?"

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