My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 466 Cold Feet
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Chapter 466 Cold Feet

Chapter 466 Cold feet

Dan glanced at her and asked in a low voice, "Does Sophia know?"


Camille was even more curious.

He took the initiative to confess: "She is my cousin and she pulled the strings for this project, plus I only

came back six months ago and although I took over the Tucker Group, there are many eyes on me and

they all want to drag me out of this seat, so I need a project to solidify my position in the Tucker Group."

He said it so clearly and explicitly that Camille couldn't help but laugh: "You're not worried about me

selling you out when you say it so clearly?"

Dan was completely indifferent and said, "You're happy!"

The smile on Camille's lips deepened as she looked at him, and she said, "You really haven't changed

a bit."

"I don't know if you're complimenting me or belittling me." Dan blurted back.

Camille gave him a look, as for the words just now is only a joke, naturally.

She is not that gossipy and boring.

The two continued to walk in silence, looking ready to reach the entrance of the school, Dan suddenly

spoke up, "I always thought you would be with Preston, but I did not expect that the last person

standing beside you was Ayan."

Camille frowned: "I'm still young, isn't it a little early to say the last?"

"Don't let a second person hear you say that, or Master Simpson will probably kill someone."

Dan smiled.

Camille didn't explain much, just couldn't help but sigh, she already didn't care at all who would be

standing next to her at the end?

Long past the age of love visions.

Camille waved goodbye to Dan and went back to her room. She had just changed her clothes when

there was a knock on the door, and it was Kian.

Kian said, "Ma'am, this is the oil Master Simpson asked me to bring you for a soothing foot massage,

we'll be taking a long walk tomorrow, you can use it early tonight."

Camille actually wanted to refuse, after all, the distance Ayan can not help her, but Kian is not so easy.

So she reached out and took it anyway, "Thank you."

Kian: "You're welcome, it's all I should do."

Camille wasn't talking, but Kian didn't seem to have any intention of leaving either.

Camille stared up at him, "Is there something else?"

Kian hesitated slightly, but asked more, "Ma'am, you know Master Tucker?"

Kian had wanted to ask this question when he was at the captain's house, and when he had just

returned he had noticed that Dan and Camille seemed to be talking a lot.

The two people obviously know each other, so that's why he asked more questions.

But Camille didn't want to respond, just asked lightly, "Mr. Reid, did Ayan tell you to keep an eye on


Kian froze and shook his head hurriedly, "No, madam you should not misunderstand Master Simpson,

it's just me asking myself, it's not Master Simpson's business."

Camille just smiled lightly, "Then don't ask."

Kian was uncomfortable by such a look, and naturally, he immediately said, "Then you take a good

rest, madam."

Kian finished and immediately turned around and walked away, Camille then closed the door.

Of course she and Dan have nothing to hide, they just don't want to say much about it. It doesn't matter

if Kian's inquiry was made for Ayan, it's not like she did anything anyway.

As for whether you know Dan or not?

The answer is naturally recognition.

She went abroad as an exchange student for half a year in her last year of college, because of the cost

problem so with the help of teachers to reduce half of the time, is also at that time to meet the study

abroad Dan, although did not get along for a long time, but Dan gave her a lot of help, at that timenovelbin

Camille knew that he is a rich second generation, but did not know that he from Tucker Group of Dane


After coming back from abroad, the two of them also kept in touch, but then they hardly interacted with

each other after they entered the workplace, and this time they met in this project is really unexpected.

Camille rubbed the oil Kian had sent her on her feet and massaged them, and Talia's video call came

at the same time.

But unfortunately the signal is not strong enough video is very laggy, and finally can only be changed to

chat mode.

Talia was very concerned about her and kept asking her if she was used to being here. How is her


Camille naturally answered very well.

Afterwards Camille talked to Sienna for a few more minutes.

Sienna gossiped, "How's it going with that one?"


"I know you read it." She said.

Camille said, "We're working, not on vacation, so I'm not sure what you mean by getting along?"

"Just work with on ah!"

"It hasn't officially started working yet, we won't know until tomorrow, we're just catching up today."

Camille indifferently reminded, "I'm chatting with you with traffic deep in the mountains, are you sure

you want to spend all my traffic on something unimportant?"

"Okay, I know I'm wrong." Sienna apologized, but did not have the slightest intention to stop, she

added: "There are only two of you girls over there, why don't you live together or have some company!"

"Seeing how concerned you are about her, do you need me to get her contact so you can talk alone?"

Camille casually tapped down a paragraph, and then put the phone aside to single-handedly leave

Sienna alone.

Sienna apologized for half a day but did not receive a response, and then sent another voice also by

Camille directly hung up.

At that moment, there was another knock at the door.

Thinking it was still Kian, Camille casually asked, "What else is going on?"

"Miss Armstrong, it's me."

It's Cora's voice.

With a slight frown, she returned Sienna's two words, "Busy."

Then it was a rush to put on shoes and answer the door, "Manager Hayes what can I do for you?"

Cora asked in a low voice, "Are you comfortable? Can you go to the bathroom with me? It's so dark

and I'm a little scared to be alone, so ..."

Camille frowned slightly, she didn't quite understand why Cora would seek her out for this opening?

With their status, it really doesn't seem to be appropriate for them to get along in this way, does it?

But Camille did not say it, just a faint look at her, probably really scared, plus it is indeed already dark

outside, in Hance City is everywhere street lights, so compared to this side of the almost invisible light

is indeed a big difference.

Camille pursed her lips slightly and said in a light voice, "Yes."

She is not something nosy, but a person's psychological fear is out of control, in addition here only the

two of them are girls, so this kind of hand to help her no reason to refuse.

Camille accompanied Cora to the bathroom, and Cora thanked her again and again, adding, "You can

call me if you want to go too, anytime."

"Hmm." She responded with a warm face, but in her heart she had no such intention.

It's not because she's bold, she just doesn't really want to.

She lifted her feet and headed for her room when Cora behind her suddenly asked, "Miss Armstrong,

can I call you by your first name? Because I think it's a bit awkward to call you by your work nickname

even though it's not during work, so I'll call you Camille, okay?"

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