My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 464 Unwilling To Give Up
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Chapter 464 Unwilling To Give Up

Chapter 464 Unwilling to Give Up

Camille stiffened, but he never let go of her either, and he held it like this for a while.

Until Austin on the sidelines could not help but exclaimed: "I thought a man of action like Mr. Simpson

wouldn't get caught up in his love. but only after recent understanding, I slowly found that Mr. Simpson

cherished and cared Mrs. Simpson a lot, it could be said that you hold Mrs. Simpson in the palm of

your hand!"

Cora stiffened slightly and tried to pull away from Austin's grip, but she didn't make any move after

Austin gave her a meaningful look with his eyes downcast.

A few gaze from the others made Camille realize that Ayan probably wouldn't let go until he heard the


She pursed her lips lightly and said in a low voice, "Well, I know."

That's the answer.

In the next second, the man's hand loosened, and she followed a step back to pull away.

Their gaze locked for a moment, then she turned to follow Kian towards the security checkpoint.

Ayan stood at the same spot to see a few people who were passing through smoothly, and then until

they disappeared from sight, his gaze never retracted.

Until Austin spoke up: "It's not that Mr. Simpson giving up Mrs. Simpson?"

"It's the first time she's traveled since she had the baby." And the conditions were not good for a long

time, but when he thought about it, it wasn't just the first time she had traveled this long since giving

birth to Timmy, it was also the first time since they had been married that she would travel this long.

His heart had an inexplicable feeling of emptiness that was becoming more and more pronounced and


Austin smiled lightly, "If Mr. Simpson is so worried about Mrs. Simpson, how come he didn't have any

instructions for her just now?"

"Worrying and believing are two different things." He replied faintly, and the rest of his light also looked

askance at Austin without much warmth, and the two also happened to walk out of the airport and get

into their respective cars.

As for why there is no command?

But because she has this confidence in her, and moreover because of the child, there is a tie, so she

will naturally everything without incident to protect herself, not to serve to let herself suffer any harm.

But his words made Austin's face iron blue, until after sitting in the car only gradually emitted, a face

gloomy as ice, the emotions under the eyes although extremely collected, but there will still be a little

hidden can not flow out.

On the plane, Camille sat next to Cora, but she didn't want to have any communication and exchangenovelbin

with Cora, so when the plane took off she put on a blindfold to make an appearance of rest.

Naturally, so did Cora.

But this quiet did not last long, although the blindfold has been put on, but Cora still feel fear and panic,

her whole body shrunk into a ball as close as possible to the seat, but she sat in the window seat, even

with the blindfold but still in the mind a very clear picture.

The air pressure in the plane made her whole body more and more uncomfortable, and she kept

holding back, but one loses one's mind and control when one enters the space of one's fantasy.

Her body kept shaking, her hands clutching the sides of the seat, a face tense to the extreme.

But all this Camille did not notice until Cora's hand suddenly clutched her arm at some point, with such

force that Camille immediately reacted, she subconsciously uncovered the blindfold and turned to look

at Cora.

Cora also wears a blindfold, but her face is pale and her forehead is still covered with cold sweat.

Looking at her like this, Camille's heart hesitated for two seconds and then couldn't sit back and do


She moved closer to Cora, reached down to remove the blindfold, and asked in a low voice, "You ...

what's wrong?"

There was no response, and Cora's eyes were tightly closed, as if tormented and tortured.

But her body was shaking, making Camille worried and asked again, "Manager Hayes, are you not

feeling well? Do you need to call help for you?"

Cora never had any response and could not ask for any results at all.

Camille saw that she was in a bad state, so she took it upon herself to press the service light, and the

flight attendant quickly came over to inquire about the situation, then saw Cora's appearance and was

ready to ask if there was a doctor or nurse on the plane for help?

But before the flight attendant could say anything, Austin's secretary Jeremiah also noticed the

situation and came over immediately.

Jeremiah took a look and immediately opened the bag Cora was carrying, then took a white bottle from

it and poured two pills for Cora to take.

Then took the initiative to explain to the flight attendant: "I am her secretary, she has nothing to worry

about, and thank you for your help."

The flight attendant confirmed again and again before this left.

Jeremiah then looked to Camille and said, "Mrs. Simpson, can we switch seats? Mrs. Simpson is not

feeling well, so I can sit over here and take care of her."

"Yes." Camille nodded, then grabbed her backpack and got up to leave, but she still looked at Jeremiah

with some unease and asked, "Is she really okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry, Mr. Norman has explained to me in detail about the wife's situation, so I'm well

aware that nothing more will happen."

Jeremiah nodded gently, and with his repeated assurances, Camille didn't ask any more questions.

But as she left her seat, her gaze took a deep look at Cora, and although Cora's whole person had

calmed down a lot, Camille couldn't help but think about that scene just now, and it really seemed a bit

bad, so what was wrong with her?

Back at Jeremiah's seat, next to Kian.

Kian asked in a low voice, "Ma'am, is Mrs. Norman okay?"

Camille glanced lightly at Kian: "It should be fine, but you can go over and see for yourself if you're not


Kian blinked subconsciously at Camille's words, which sounded no different from the normal tone of

voice, but he tasted less than pleased.

Kian hurriedly shook his head, "If you say it's okay, it's naturally okay."

Camille stopped talking and thankfully nothing more happened until she hit the ground.

The Simpson Group had arranged for a car to be waiting at the airport, so the four of them could get in

their suitcases and leave for Fola.

After getting in the car, Cora took the initiative to walk to Camille's seat and sat down next to her, she

initiated the conversation, "Mrs. Simpson, thank you for just now."

"You're welcome, I didn't do anything, it's all Jeremiah's doing." Camille responded with a warm


Cora: "Thank you anyway, but I'm sorry too, I must have scared you."

Camille said, "It's okay."

Cora sat up straight, her gaze leveled in front of her as she said softly, "Mrs. Simpson should be

wondering how my body reacted the way it did on the plane, right? Actually, I am afraid of heights and

a little bit afraid of airplanes, that's why I had that kind of situation, you see I am completely fine now."

Cora's explanation made Camille feel a little too desperate to confirm something?

Was she afraid of thinking too much or did she suspect something?

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