My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 454: Pushing Out
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Chapter 454: Pushing Out

Chapter 454: Pushing Out

In the evening, Camille ate out with Sienna before coming back to the Simpson's mansion.

She knew Ayan was back when she drove into the garage, and his black Mercedes, which he always

drove, was parked there.

She sat in the car and sighed silently before pushing open the door and walking in.

Ayan was the only one in the hall, and their eyes collided in the air. Camille had no intention of

speaking up, but Ayan thought otherwise.

He asked with inaudible emotion, "Are you making preparations to move out?"

He had received the news from the time Ayan went shopping with Sienna at the mall. He had asked

Kian to keep an eye on Camille after their argument last night, but he didn't expect her to be so


By his knowledge Camille also did not have the slightest tension, just lightly said: "Since you already

know, and why do you need to ask again?"

Ayan snorted coldly, his face as cold as ice and his voice full of coolness, "Camille, you're determined

to move out, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm moving out."

"And what if I have to keep saying no?"

He asked back in a light voice.

Camille was also stunned, then pursed her lips and thought about it, and finally gathered the courage

to speak: "If you don't accept my offer, then I think we probably have to settle this matter through legal

authorities as well."

The two words "legal authorities" made Ayan's face stiffen to the point of coldness.

But he didn't have any anger or discontent, he just outlined a cold smile and stared at Camille lightly:

"Well, if the final result is a legal solution then why don't we start now, Camille, you can try, you see if

there is anyone in Hance City or even other cities who dare to take this case for you. Of course, I know

you have the skills, you have a lot of big names in your circle, but you have to think about it, the

Simpson Group has come to this position, it is impossible not to have a team of lawyers of their own,

what do you think your chances of winning are?"

Along with the persistence of the two men the topic is getting heavier.

Ayan's response to Camille's offer to settle the matter through legal means was always fearless.

He is not afraid at all.

Camille was suddenly stunned.

She did not want to make Ayan afraid, just thought he would be more or less concerned, once this

matter through the law to deal with, then they must be between the court, but now it seems that he did

not have any concern.

Camille gritted her teeth lightly, still holding on for the last time, she said, "So what if you have a great

team of lawyers, Timmy is still so young, naturally he will be awarded to me as a mother, ask yourself,

do you take care of him as much as I take care of his company?"

He doesn't have much contact with Timmy, so he doesn't even think he has too many feelings for her.

After all, she was the one who spent more time with Timmy from the beginning of her pregnancy.

No matter how you choose, it shouldn't be him.

But Ayan said, "It's true that he's still young, but it's also true that he has to make a choice because ofnovelbin

your insistence. Do you think you can give him the best environment and background compared to the

Simpson Group and the Simpson family? The law doesn't just look at who is there for the child, it also

looks at the future, and the word the Simpson family means the best conditions for raising a child. "

His words left Camille speechless.

Because he's right.

As long as the Simpson Group and the Simpson family were there, there was nothing he could do if he

insisted on not allowing it, so what was she going to do?

Camille looked at Ayan lightly, she wondered since when had they become so contentious with each


Obviously, they used to respect each other, but how did they become like this now?

Camille kept her composure, her eyes glowing with coldness as she stared at Ayan and said, "You

think it's because of my insistence that Timmy has to make a choice at such a young age, but how

about you, Ayan, how much better are you? If you really insist on it, then I won't be afraid of you!"

After that, Camille went upstairs with the clothes she bought for Timmy and the gift for Talia in her


Every step she took was very heavy, but did not want to and would not show a hint of weakness in front

of Ayan.

If it really comes to that, then she is willing to go along with it, after all, before the results are out, she

and Ayan have a 50-50 chance of winning.

But does it really have to be that way?

She fell into a deep meditation in her mind.

Watching her stubborn back disappear at the stairs, Ayan's face was as gloomy as ice as if frozen.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, his thin lips pursed, and sat there for a long time without moving.

Some time later, Kit came out of the old Simpson's room and walked up to him and said, "Ayan, the old

Simpson wants you to come in for a minute."

"Well, I know."

He still had great respect for Kit, and after nodding he got up and headed for the old Simpson's room.

There were only two people in the room, the old Simpson leaned back in the recliner just after taking

his medication and was a little tired at the moment.

Ayan looked over and asked in a low voice, "Grandpa, are you uncomfortable again?"

"Same old story, sit down and talk! "

the old Simpson nodded to a side chair, Ayan then went over and sat down.

the old Simpson asked lightly, "Just had another fight with Cami?"

Ayan smiled lightly: "You are concerned about this through the wall?"

the old Simpson looked at him with displeasure.

He said, "There was no quarrel, just a normal conversation."

When he thought about it carefully, it really wasn't a quarrel.

But the old Simpson does not care about this, just a light hum: "You better not use such a strong way to

talk to Cami about this, you will only push her further and further away, Ayan, have you ever thought

that if this continues the consequence is that you die together? Even with Timmy's involvement, there's

no way you can go back to the way things were."

the old Simpson's words made Ayan's face slightly sunken, his eyes were also with a let's not see

through the cover, he then smiled faintly: "Grandpa, the problem now is no longer the matter of pushing

her far away, if obedient to her wishes to let her take Timmy to move out, Timmy will be with the

Simpson family more and more distant."

He would never allow such a thing to happen.

But the old Simpson just lightly asked, "Is it really just Timmy and the Simpson family that you care

about getting further and further apart?"

Ayan's eyes narrowed and his pupils tightened.

The old Simpson's words seemed to lift the dusty bottom of his heart, he narrowed his eyes slightly and

said in a low voice: "Grandpa, these are not the point, the point is that I will not allow this to happen,

Timmy must stay in the Simpson's mansion."

As to whether he only cared about Timmy's relationship with the Simpson family alone he did not


Because of his insistence the old Simpson also has nothing to say, because Ayan stubbornness is also

no one can reverse.

But the old Simpson finally stressed: "Ayan, strong-arm tactics will only make Cami's inner resistance

to you more and more, so you have to think this through, if you really just for Timmy that you just mean

naturally can be foolproof, so you really just Timmy? "

Is it really just Timmy?

These words echoed in his ears like a movie clip on a loop.

Strong power politics will only make Camille more and more resistant, and how could he not know this?

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