My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 451: Scars
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Chapter 451: Scars

Chapter 451: Scars

Hearing Austin's voice, Cora reacted immediately, and her clenched hand relaxed subconsciously.

She turned her head to look at Austin and responded lightly, "I didn't, you don't talk nonsense, this is

the Simpson family, it's not good for others to hear."

"Heh!" Austin sneered, then picked up his phone and handed it to her, "Am I talking nonsense or can't

you help yourself?"

The video screen that Camille had seen that day was playing on her phone, and Cora's eyes were lost

in disbelief.

Austin said, "So you're still fantasizing about having kids with Ayan, right?"

"I didn't."

She responded in a low voice, but not at all convincingly.

Their eyes locked, Austin looked at her coldly, his eyes full of hidden anger, and he said, "Don't you

forget what we came to Hance City for this time? If you cause any disclosure in this project, Cora, not

only you, but also me and Norman Group will be dragged along with you, the consequences of which

you cannot bear."

Cora stopped talking and just kept silent with lightly pursed lips.

Austin added: "The marriage between you and me was begged for by your mother abroad, and I will

not forgive you for any disadvantage or gossip you may bring to me if you break it."

His every word was full of harsh coldness, and his dark eyes revealed a very obvious sulk.

His every word was filled with threats and warnings, which Cora naturally heard loud and clear.

She pursed her lips slightly and said in a low voice: "Don't worry, everything you imagine can't happen,

and don't think of others with those dirty thoughts of yours, not everyone is like what you think!"

"Heh!" Austin cold laugh, her mouth of other people refers to who Austin naturally heard, he said with a

cold indifferent displeasure: "What? It has been separated for so many years, still such a let you fondly

maintain? Even if you say a word bad you also refuse? "

She doesn't say anything.

Austin just assumed she had sort of acquiesced.

The coldness under his eyes deepened, and the sulk in his voice got heavier as he said, "Cora, don't

you forget who made you be locked up in a room without seeing the sun? And who was the reason for

your tormenting days? Are you now forgetting the pain of your wounds? If you are really like this then I

really despise you!"

Austin's words were like a slap on Cora's cheeks, her expressionless face was filled with fury, and her

eyes were staring a bit dimly, she clenched her teeth in silence for a while before saying faintly: "Of

course I won't forget, I know I'm your wife now, so you don't need to remind me all the time, I haven't

forget and will not forget, so are you satisfied?"

Cora's emotions were always in a state of agitation, and her tone of voice was naturally no better.

The two men stared at each other, their eyes full of displeasure and concealment.

Finally Austin indifferently said: "Since you know, now take up your Mrs. Norman's accusation, do not

let Mr. and Mrs. Bell and others see that there is any discord between you and me, which will bring

discussion and trouble to the Norman Group as well as to you and me. "

After saying that, he raised his hand to make a gap for Cora to go over and take his hand voluntarily.

This episode didn't last long, so there was little suspicion.

The two returned to the party and everything went back to the way it was.

Mrs. Bell probably thought Cora was not feeling well, so she has been helping to take care of her as


Timmy's 100th day party lasted until around 9pm when the guests slowly dispersed.

But as the main character Timmy has already showered and ready to go to bed, Camille and Sienna

helped him to finish the shower, and then handed over to the nursery aunt before the two went


The guests had all left, and the only ones left were Rex and the others who were still playing cards.

When Camille came down with Sienna, Sienna snuck in and said, "I'm leaving."

"Won't you wait for him?"

"Waiting for who, Mr. Simpson? No, I can drive myself."

Sienna pretended not to understand.

Camille couldn't bear to poke her, but just smiled lightly.

The smile made Sienna feel weak and immediately spoke out to stop it: "Don't you smile, you look

awful when you smile."

Camille just gave her a meaningful sweep and said, "I'm not comfortable at this point either."

"It's okay, I'm used to it, I came over every day when you were having your month and left at this


Sienna was in a hurry to leave, so she didn't care if Camille said yes or no, so she took her hand and

walked out, pretending to see her off.

But the two had just arrived outside in the garage when Rex followed.

Rex volunteered, "Camille, I'll go with her, you talk to Ayan for me."

"Good." Camille stepped back and then looked at Sienna with Rex as she said, "Then please help me

get Sienna back."

She then instructed Sienna to send her a message when she arrived, before standing aside to see the

two get into the car, naturally one very willingly and the other very reluctantly.

However, Rex and Sienna is the cut and dry, cut the bones and tendons, so Camille is not going to

intervene, the two of them to talk on it.

After sending Rex and Sienna away, she returned to the house and relayed Rex's words to Ayan, then

she walked to the backyard party venue.

Although it is in the open air, but the surroundings are exquisitely decorated and decorated, bright

lights, directly opposite and Timmy's happy 100th day party a few big words.

Everything was so harmonious and beautiful, but the mind could not help but think of the mouths that

showed on their faces this evening, making her feel very hypocritical.

She even felt very funny, laughing and laughing as tears slipped from the corners of her eyes.

If from the video footage that Austin deliberately showed her only to hear Cora's questioning of Ayan,

everything was answered by Cora's reaction when she saw Timmy tonight.

She had asked Ayan if there was anything to lie to her about. novelbin

How did he answer?

He said, "No."

Such a firm tone made her heart question but still choose to believe.

This moment, she felt ridiculous ah!

A time bomb also exploded in her mind, and her heart ached at the thought that the baby she held in

her hands was a name that Ayan and Cora had come up with together.

Ayan took her and Timmy as a joke, right?

Just the thought of this, the bottom of the heart stirred up a thousand waves for a long time can not


Just when she was in deep thought, there was suddenly an additional familiar scent in the air, and then

without waiting for her to welcome it, the man's low voice slowly sounded: "Why are you standing here?

What's on your mind?"

Camille did not respond, just a faint sweep him a glance, but the eyes clearly crossed a trace of warm

indifference, and even reveal a very obvious hidden tolerance.

Ayan also noticed her distancing and indifference, since the last time she came to him on her own

initiative the relationship between the two seemed to have eased, but nothing seemed to have


Because of Timmy's 100th day party, Ayan would come back often and also talk to her, talk about the

guests of the party and so on.

So her silence at the moment made Ayan ask, "Why don't you say anything?"

Camille lightly pursed her lips, she looked at him indifferently, and a very firm determination rose up in

her heart.

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