My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 447: The Truth
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Chapter 447: The Truth

Chapter 447: The Truth

"Curious about what? Curious about their relationship?" Camille asked bluntly, and then also smiled

indifferently: "What is there to be curious about? We're all adults now, can't we have an ex?"

Camille speaks very frankly, but is her heart really the same as what she shows on the outside?

Austin said, "Is Mrs. Simpson really that generous? Seeing Mr. Simpson with other women buried in

the heart for years and not forgetting the feelings can also act like nothing?"

Camille: "It's his business, and since he doesn't want to forget it, what does it have to do with me?"

Austin narrowed his eyes and looked at her incredulously, he thought Camille answered this way

because she loved Ayan so much that she could tolerate everything to him?

Why else would he tolerate his entanglement with other women?

His pause and silence caught Camille's eye, then asked in a cold, mocking voice: "What does Mr.

Norman mean by this? Is it because he is not confident in front of him? So when you see your Mrs.

Norman and his frequent interactions, you have an inferiority complex? Then you took the initiative to

find me in the hope that you can use me to achieve your goals?"

"Mr. Norman, if you're hoping to start trouble with Ayan through me then you're playing the wrong

game, I'm not going to be upset with him at all over this, so don't you waste your time on me."

She doesn't care, and it's not her turn to care.

Even if there is an uncomfortable feeling in the heart, but that is just uncomfortable, her identity today

does not have any qualifications to interfere with him doing anything, so what is the role of telling her?

Camille's questioning made Austin's face look harder and harder, but she said no more and just gave

Austin a deep look before lifting her feet in the direction of the door.

Austin's voice rang out at this moment and he asked, "Camille, do you really not care or are you afraid

to care? You're not afraid to be angry because you're worried that Ayan will be upset, are you? Are you

really willing to accept a man who is hiding someone else in his heart? Can you really do that?"

Camille paused briefly to listen to him and make sure he didn't continue before she continued on her

way out of the apartment.

She kept her expressionless indifference the whole time, took the elevator to leave the building, and

also accidentally bumped into someone else as she exited the elevator, the pain coming from her arm

sobering her up a little.

She hastily apologized, then lightly pursed her lips and headed out.

Camille came out of the building and she just stood straight in the doorway gazing at the building

across the street, people coming and going, each with their own goals and directions.

And she, at the moment, was full of countless questions just want to get an accurate answer.

She took a silent breath, then walked across the street. Instead of going straight into the Simpson

building, she found a seat in a side cafe.

She ordered a cup of coffee, clutching her phone in her hand, and after half a minute of hesitation, she

then dialed a series of numbers.

The man's voice came without waiting for her to speak: "Why are you calling me all of a sudden?"

She didn't answer, but simply asked, "Are you free now? Can we meet up? I'm in the cafe downstairs at

Simpson Group, come down if it's convenient for you now, if you're busy ...."

"Free." He interrupted Camille directly, then asked, "Why don't you just come up? I'll have Kian pick you

up, huh?"

"No, you can come down."

She refused.

She didn't want to go to the Simpson Group at this time, and as for why?

She doesn't know, she just doesn't want to anyway.

After she finished, she didn't wait for Ayan to say anything and already hung up the phone directly.

In Ayan down this process, probably a few minutes, I think.

She adjusted her emotions and mood, but when he saw Ayan walking quickly towards her, his heart

still felt an indescribable feeling.

She watched him step closer with a warm face, he wore a white shirt today, the following is still the

classic black pants, hair slightly messy, because in the rooftop was blown by the wind?

Her mind subconsciously floated out of the image of him and Cora on the rooftop just now, and the

coldness under her eyes gradually surfaced.

Ayan walked to the seat across from her and sat down, gazed at her and asked, "Why won't you go up

even though you're here?"

Camille looked at him lightly: "Nothing important, just happened to pass by, suddenly thought of some

words to ask you."

"What's the word?"

"I'm just suddenly curious about Timmy's name, did you give it to him?"

She asked, staring into his eyes.

She watched him with unblinking eyes, not missing any of the emotions and reactions under his eyes.

But no one knew how tightly Camille's hands were clenched in front of her, asking the question seemed

to require no courage, but her heart was trembling beyond measure.

After Camille's question, Ayan's eyebrows only frowned subconsciously, and then asked lightly, "Why

are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Can you answer me?"

"Yes." He didn't know why Camille was suddenly asking about it, but it wasn't anything, so he answered

without changing his face, "I took it."

"Why did you suddenly take this name? Is there any significance?"

She watched as he stared unblinkingly into his deep Black and Tandi eyes.

He said, "Not suddenly, but grandmother mentioned a long time ago that she wanted the Simpson

family to be reunited for generations without the act of calculating for the sake of inheritance."

Camille wrinkled her brow, and for a moment, she believed Ayan's words completely, but only if she

hadn't heard Cora's questioning of him.

But she didn't feel that Ayan was lying, but if it was true what he said, then why did Cora say that?

Camille was in a daze.

Ayan asked, "What about you? Why did you suddenly think of asking this and come over here?"

"I saw the note you pinned to the album, so the reason you had to rush back from the office to stop us

from using that album was because you were worried I would see that paper?"

"Why does Cora know this name? Does it have something to do with her?"

She asked the question hidden in her heart word by word.

She looked at Ayan in a daze, she felt that obviously he was sitting right in front of her, but she had a

feeling that he was getting farther and farther away from her.

She sighed silently and waited in silence for Ayan's answer. novelbin

He deep eyes slightly pause, short black hair handsome face silently watching her, thin lips lightly open

faintly open: "She has nothing to do with, not to mention afraid you see the note, just some things are

not as complicated as you think."

"I'm thinking complicated? I don't think I'm thinking complicated, I'm just trying to figure out the

questions in my mind, you just need to tell me if it's the truth?"

"What are you suspecting?"

"Ayan, now you're the one running away from something?"

The two gaze locked, neither moving away first.

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