My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 443: Jealousy
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Chapter 443: Jealousy

Chapter 443: Jealousy

Hearing the old Simpson's voice, she immediately slowed down to look back at the old Simpson

walking over to her and she said, "No, just kind of need to think about it."

"It's the Simpson Group with this Mr. and Mrs. Bell project?"

"You know about it too?"

"Although I'm not in the Simpson Group anymore, I still pay attention to the Simpson Group's projects

especially such big ones." The old Simpson smiled gently as he stared at Camille and asked, "What do

you think?"

Camille raised her eyebrows and whispered: "I'm a little hesitant, the prospects of this project as well

as other aspects are naturally needless to say certainly very good, probably because I just gave birth to

Timmy a little bit of a lack of confidence? "

She smiled faintly.

But this is obviously just an excuse, the old Simpson such smart people naturally will not believe.

The old Simpson didn't beat around the bush with her, but simply went straight to the point and asked,

"Are you hesitant because you want to draw a line in the sand with the Simpson family?"

"Grandpa, of course not, what makes you think that?"

She immediately denied that she naturally would not draw a line with the Simpson family, not to

mention Timmy and the Simpson family is broken blood, the old Simpson's love for her alone she could

not have done it.

the old Simpson smiled gently: "I'm just afraid you'll give up a good job opportunity because of

concerns about your relationship with Ayan."

"Grandpa, I don't mean that, I'm just worried about my lack of experience in this area, because in the

past, I just did all the work independently, this time the cooperation is required to discuss with several

companies throughout the cooperation."

"You're young, don't have any worries and don't give up on what you're interested in, and as for

experience, no one starts out right away."

the old Simpson words finished, he also did not bother Camille's consideration, just let her not think so

much, like to go for it, as for can not do the most perfect does not matter, the important thing is to try

hard, in the process to get a good experience process.

Camille nodded and watched the old Simpson go to her room, and she had the result in mind, then

immediately called Mrs. Bell, her soft voice with a firm tone: "I think about it."

Meanwhile, back in the bedroom the old Simpson made a phone call out.

His eyes with the characteristic cloudiness of the elderly, looking out the window of the imminent

darkness of the sky, the gods some hoarse said: "I for you to want to say all conveyed to her, but you

also incomparably have to promise me, since to work together that will not allow her to suffer any hint

of aggravation."

The man on the other end of the phone laughed in a low voice, "Grandpa, you're still biased after all."

"That's not eccentric, that's what you should do as a man."

the old Simpson's voice carried a commanding tone, and the tone of voice was invariably aggravated.

The man on the other end of the phone put away his smile and said in a low voice, "I understand what

you mean."

"It's good that you understand." the old Simpson said faintly, cheeks followed by a charitable light smile:

"Timmy's 100-day party is almost ready to start, what are your thoughts and plans on your side? "

"He is the Simpson family his generation's first child, it is natural to do well, it just so happens that the

Simpson family has not been lively for a long time, do you think we should do a big event?"

Ayan asked the old Simpson in a shallow voice what he thought.

According to the old Simpson to Timmy's degree of favor, naturally, is to boom a hilarious.

the old Simpson said: "If you have a big event have you thought about what to do between you and

Cami? You're divorced now, and if the big event is the equivalent of trying to tell everyone you're not

divorced, do you think Cami will agree?"

Ayan: "Grandpa, it's not about the two of us, it's just about giving Timmy a status and a name, so I don't

think Camille would say no, right?"

the old Simpson lightly hummed, seems to guess what, but did not directly poke through, only faintly

said: "Since we want to celebrate the lively then make early plans to arrange everything, Hance City

business people are naturally to invite all, the location is set in the Simpson's mansion it, just backyard

can also be The backyard can also take advantage of this opportunity to renovate it."

The location is in the Simpson familythe Simpson's mansionwhich means the importance of Timmy for

the Simpson family, in addition the Simpson familythe Simpson's mansion although only a separatenovelbin

villa, but the location is wide The Simpson's mansion is located in a spacious location, and the garden

behind it is as spacious as a huge golf course.

Ayan nodded in response, "Good, I will arrange for a professional team to prepare to start decorating

the site after the project launch ceremony in the next two days, and I will also prepare the invitations for

the guests in advance."

"Well, you look at the arrangements, but is the invitation going to be in your personal name or in the

couple's name? You need to have a good talk with Cami, you can't just decide without permission,


The old Simpson repeatedly stressed that it was incomparable to keep Ayan in mind.

But whether it is in the name of an individual or a couple Ayan already has plans and ideas in mind.

As for having a conversation with Camille?

He's still thinking about how he's going to open that mouth.

The following day was the official launch of the charity project, named "Triumph", this time in addition to

the Simpson Group and Norman Group also need to recruit two three-party companies to cooperate

with the development of the pre-evaluation and follow-up projects to carry out cooperation.

This time the Simpson Group was responsible for the overall project, and the Norman Group was

responsible for all the financial aspects of the project, which was designed not only for Hance City, but

also for many worthy mountainous areas and surrounding areas or more cities.

The kick-off event was held at the Simpson Group's hotel. All the companies that could attend the kick-

off event wanted to join the program as a tri-party company, so they all scrambled to put together a

PowerPoint presentation on their company's capabilities and past achievements and sent it to the

Simpson Group's recruitment team this time.

Ayan led Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Austin to give a formal introduction, and then a free


Mrs. Bell took the initiative to mention to Ayan: "I contacted Cami last night and invited her to join us in

this project."

Ayan asked, "Thank you so much for your love for her."

"Let me say first, the reason why I invited her to join this project is not only because of the generous

love, the main thing is that those achievements and experiences you showed me, she is really a very

good architect, besides she is so capable, so I don't want to miss such a good partner, after all, I want

to have more contact time with her."

Mrs. Bell's meaning is very straightforward.

Ayan echoed with a smile.

Mr. Bell joked, "You're saying that Ayan should be jealous, right?"

"How come? I am very happy that she is appreciated by you two, it shows that her outstanding ability

has been recognized by you two, and I am lucky to be her husband."

Ayan's response also made Mrs. Bell nod repeatedly, after all, many men are very macho, and there

are not many who can answer like Ayan.

Mrs. Bell said, "She said yes to my invitation, and we are now official partners, but she made one


"What's the request?"

Ayan asks.

Mrs. Bell: "She's not going to join the project as an architect with the Simpson Group, she's going to

join the project as a firm under her own name, did she tell you that?"

Ayan raised his eyebrows and a trace of depth crossed his eyes, but he still responded immediately,

"We didn't talk about work, after all, the confidentiality of this project still existed before today, so I don't

know yet."

"Haven't you asked her what she thinks? And what do you think of this request of hers?"

Mrs. Bell asked with some curiosity.

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