My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 441: Sense Of Propriety
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Chapter 441: Sense Of Propriety

Chapter 441: Sense of Propriety

Camille frowned and said with some displeasure, "No."

was that what he came over at this point to ask?

He's crazy, maybe?

Camille was sleepy because she drove the two boys and then sent Sienna back and had to let her

change before coming back. She could have stayed over at Sienna's place, but there was Timmy at

home, and although she had gone to bed, she still wanted to come back and stay.

At this moment by Ayan this fuss, she feels that her head hurts.

She said, "If you're done asking are you ready to go out? I'm going to rest!"

She was indifferent.

When he finished, he was ready to turn around and go back to sleep in a different position.

But just as she was about to turn around, he suddenly bullied her and held her down, forbidding her to

move, and a bony hand pinched her chin with force, asking in a low voice: "Is it no or dare not say?"

This reaction of his said it all.

Camille slightly narrowed his eyes and said faintly: "You already know, why do you need to ask again?"


He almost gritted his teeth, but the emotions that were about to erupt were always being held back.

That said, it had been a long time since she had seen him in such an emotional state.

The next second, his cold voice sounded again, "So you don't think there's any problem with going to

that kind of place and finding that kind of man?"

He used a questioning tone.

Camille just laughed lightly: "What kind of place is that? Don't you go there all the time? Besides, they

are making money by their own efforts and not doing anything against the law, aren't they?"

The anti-sneer at the corner of her mouth became more and more obvious, and her expression was as

cold as ice: "Besides, what does it matter to you what place I go to look for? We're already divorced,

can you just leave my business alone?"

She was cold and thin like ice and didn't have any euphemisms, instead she said what she could think

of as bluntly as she could.

Their eyes collided in the dimness, and she reached out and pushed him, but to no avail.

She said, "It's late, it's not appropriate for you to barge into your ex-wife's room at this hour, although

this is the Simpson familythe Simpson's mansion, but didn't we agree? Since I live here now, this is

also my room for the time being, so I hope you can pay attention to the proportion, okay?"

She didn't have the same sharp reminder as just now, but there was no warmth or temperature in the

coldness of her words.

Ayan has been holding back, a face cold and stiff enough to show how bad his mood is at the moment?

There was a moment when he actually wanted to tell her directly where the divorce certificate in her

hand came from?

He would like to see what her reaction is again?

But the words finally stopped such an impulse.

He said in a low voice, "You already have Timmy, you shouldn't do those things, you will make people

talk about Timmy like that, do you want Timmy to carry the accusations of others when he is so


Camille blanched, what did he mean?

Moral kidnapping?

Camille pursed her lips in silence for a while before saying indifferently, "These words should be said to

yourself, after all, you should mind your own business more than anything else."

She won't let Timmy be talked about for anything.

So she hopes Ayan can too.

She will not interfere with any of his private life, it does not matter who he has dealings with, it has

nothing to do with her good, but do not discredit Timmy.

After her words, the air became quiet.

Ayan's brow was covered with a clear layer of haze, his pale eyes looked at the woman in front of him,

his low voice spoke slowly and deliberately, "You think I did the same thing you did tonight?"

"I didn't say that."

"But isn't that what you mean? In that case, why don't you assume the position of Kian to follow me

from tomorrow to see if it's there or not?"

He said in a cold voice.

Camille declined: "It's not my duty to keep an eye on you, and I have no interest in doing so."

She didn't want to go on, especially since she could feel each other's breathing and heartbeats, and the

close proximity made her really uncomfortable, so she could only ask, "Do you really want this time to

still make a scene for everyone to know?"

It's not like she couldn't do it if he wished.

Ayan paused only briefly and eventually let her go, but he didn't get off the bed right away, and the

atmosphere became low and strained as Camille got off the other side of the bed.

She said lightly, "It's getting late, I'm going to rest."

Camille finished, and worried that he made other moves, so simply went straight to the bathroom, and

by the way also closed the door and locked it.

Her series of actions made his handsome face as cold as gloom, her rejection of him was all too


When did it start?

He can't seem to remember.

His deep eyes sunken eyes, the final natural is not to continue to stay, so far, he does not want to make

a complete standoff, or he can not predict what she will do?

From the room, Ayan did not stay at the Simpson's mansion, even though it was late, but he drove


The sound of the car is particularly clear in the silent night, even through the window Camille can hear.

Watching the body disappear in sight, her eyes were retracted. She was really angry at Ayan's series of

actions, obviously there was no more relationship, why did she still want to meddle in her affairs under

the banner of Timmy now?

Couldn't she have her own social circle and friends of the opposite sex even after the divorce?

Camille didn't mention what happened this night, but the next morning at breakfast, Talia was still a little

curious and asked, "Did Ayan come back last night? I thought I heard a car, and I don't know if it was?"

Camille also shook her head and said faintly, "I don't know."

She said the staged calm without any dissimilarity.

Naturally, Talia didn't think much of it.

Ayan, however, came back at night like a ghost.

This time he came back not alone, it was Kian who sent him back, he drank too much and was sent

back by Kian, Kian said, "Mr. Simpson lives in the company's lounge, he is now drunk there is no one

to take care of the lounge side, it is not too convenient, so I took the liberty to send Mr. Simpson back

to the Simpson's mansion."

Kian spoke carefully, and since it was getting late, I let Kian leave first.

It was only once in a while, but it didn't occur to him to do this for several nights in a row, and now not

only does Camille think he did it on purpose, but even FletcherTalia and the old Simpson think he did it

on purpose.

At this moment, seeing him lying on the sofa with his eyes closed and his face downcast, Talia hurriedly

asked the maid to prepare sober tea for him, and then said to Camille, "It's late, Cami, you go upstairs

to rest first!"

Camille nodded, then got ready to go upstairs.

But she had just taken a step when she heard Ayan suddenly say, "Where's Timmy? I want to see


Camille just faintly swept him a glance, then continued to walk to the stairs, but she was just about to

lift her foot up the stairs a sudden surge of strength from behind to hold her tightly in his arms, the

unique scent of the man's body also mixed with a faint smell of alcohol, his voice low: "Take me to see

Timmy, huh?"

Talia saw this scene and immediately went forward and slapped Ayan: "What are you doing? Let go of

Cami, it's late, keep your voice down, if you wake up grandpa, you'll look good!"

Talia tried to pull away, but it didn't do the slightest bit of good.

Camille was about to lose her breath from his hug, because the more Talia blocked it, the heavier he


Camille stopped Talia and said, "Mom, I'll take him upstairs to see Timmy while you make him some

sober tea!"

Probably heard Camille's words, he slowly relaxed the strength of his hand.

Camille said indifferently, "You let go of me first, or how am I going to take you upstairs?"

He didn't move a muscle, and neither did Camille.

Chapter 440: Sister

Camille frowned slightly and looked at Sienna and Annie, Sienna was already guessing and chatting

with the handsome guy beside her and drinking wine, she just felt uncomfortable and a bit awkward

and said lightly, "No, I don't drink."

"Sister is still not used to it, right? If you don't drink then have a drink?"

When he finished, he had reached out and offered to pick up a glass of juice and handed Camille half a

glass, followed by a glass of wine for himself, he raised his glass and clinked it together, introducing

himself, "What's your name, sister? My name is Jamie Wise, I'm 20 years old and I'm in college."

College students?

This is also too good at playing.

Camille was not much older than him, but she was always the one who had become a mother, and she

felt a bit out of place.

But just chatting to pass the time, so as not to be ridiculed by Sienna later.

The two of them had very limited topics, basically Camille was asking and Jamie was answering.

For example, "What's your major?"

"Are you guys okay with not going back to school at night?"

"Do you come out to work as a work-study?"

"Are these all your classmates?"

The brother responded patiently, completely is the sister's words obedient, what the sister said is what?

But compared to Camille's side, which was simply chatting, Sienna and Annie were having more fun,

drinking and having her brother perform a dance, playing as if they had known each other for years.

Camille can't help but shake her head and think she's probably getting old?

The trio stayed in the booth until after midnight, but when it was over Annie insisted that her two

brothers go with Camille and Sienna, adding, "I paid for it, so of course I'm going to make the most of


Annie's chauffeur arrived, so she also took the people around her to get in the car first.

As for Camille and Sienna, they looked at each other, Sienna was a little dizzy from the wine, but

Camille was sober, she looked at the two people around her and said, "You can go now, you should be

off at this hour, right?"

"Sister, you paid for it."

"It's okay, consider it your hard work tonight."

After saying that, she was ready to take Sienna away, but Sienna was not happy and took the initiative

to hold the two boys: "I haven't had enough fun yet!"

Camille felt that this is not to take her out to relax? It was clearly to bring her out to finish up!

However, this time Camille was too late to speak, and then the light noticed the man standing not far

away, he looked like he had just come down from the car for a short while, with a lit cigarette in his

hand, a face cold and sullen looking this way.

Sienna seemed to see it too, raised her finger in the direction of the man and turned back to her and

said, "I saw Rex the dog, why is he everywhere? It's like a ghost."

After saying that, she directly pulled the boy who was drinking with her and got into the car, leaving

Jamie alone standing in the same place waiting for Camille.

Camille sighed silently and went up to say hello to Rex, despite the standoff between Rex and Sienna.

Rex asked tentatively, "She's in love?"

Camille naturally knew who he was asking about?

She wasn't going to tell the truth, though, and just pragmatically said, "You should ask her yourself if

you want to know about her love life."

Rex blushed slightly, then asked, "Who is he? Waiting for you?"

"Well, a friend, it's late, we'll go first."

She didn't talk much and didn't make a point of clarifying anything before turning around and walking

towards Sienna's car.

Jamie saw the situation is naturally immediately followed, the atmosphere in the car is a little quiet,

Camille lightly spoke: "Are you back to school or find a place to live outside?"

Jamie immediately understood: "Our school is nearby, sister just put me down in the front."

Camille hmmmed, then drove seriously and stopped talking.

The car soon disappeared into the darkness, Rex stood still, tonight he also temporarily received a

phone call from his secretary to learn that Sienna came over here to play again, so this is why he

rushed over.

But I didn't expect to meet Camille again.

He slightly narrowed his eyes for a brief moment of silence, this big night can not just him a person

upset, right?

So he just picked up his phone and dialed a string of numbers out, and it was answered quickly, "Rex,

you better have something heavenly."

"I think it should be bigger than the sky for you." Rex responded softly.

The person on the other end of the phone, "Say?"

"There's going to be a fire in your backyard! Tsk!"

Rex looked like he was watching the show.

Ayan did not react immediately, but Rex said no more, said good night and simply cut off the phone.

Ayan was woken up naturally without a trace of sleep, a face gloomy to the extreme, he repeatedly

Rex's words several times, and finally picked up the phone to Kian call over.

He said, "Find out where Camille is."

Since a fire is going to start in the backyard, it is naturally related to Camille.

He narrowed his eyes, lifted the covers from the bed, went to the window and lit a cigarette and

smoked a mouthful.

Kian was fast and checked it out in less than 10 minutes.

Kian called to tell the truth: "Mr. Simpson, madam went to a private club today with Miss King and a PR

manager from Yuancheng, then ..."


"Then left taking two .... boys and met up with Mr. Ward at the door."

Kian deliberated before saying the word boy, because he thought the president of his family should

mind the word man more than boy, right?

But after he said this, Ayan is also several seconds are silent, a face in the dark night gloomy like

broken ice, deep eyes as if seeped on a thick layer of cold, he almost gritted his teeth and said: "I do

not want such a thing to repeat, do not need me to teach you how to do it?"

Kian actually did not know, but still nodded bravely, "I know, I understand."

He added, "Where is she now?"

Kian was slightly stunned, this is to catch personally?

Kian immediately replied, "The lady has returned to the Simpson's mansion, is driving back in Missnovelbin

King's car, just arrived a while ago."

Ayan hung up the phone without responding, but Kian was in trouble.

What do you want to do if you don't want to repeat such a thing?

After deliberating, Kian personally contacted the heads of Hance City's clubs on this big night, not to

allow the presence of some warbling boys around his wife.

At the same time, a black Bentley flying in the wide road, the car is extremely fast, almost a flash so

that people can not capture the shadow.

In about half an hour, the car was parked in front of the Simpson's mansion.

But the man in the car did not immediately push open the door to go down, he did not say a word to sit

in the driver's seat, from the center control picked up a cigarette and lit, he has forgotten from when the

smoking habit began to frequent again?

During Camille's pregnancy, he hardly ever smoked at all.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his head slightly to look at a certain window on the third floor,

and his mind subconsciously recalled her contact with other men at the clubhouse tonight, even

laughing with other men, and the bottom of his eyes were instantly covered with gloom.

A cigarette has not been smoked, he has pushed the door down directly toward the house.

At this point, the Simpson's mansion was quiet and there was no sound.

He took the spare key to the room and went straight to the bedroom where Camille lived, looking at the

woman already lying on the bed before he could make any move, Camille, who had not yet fallen

asleep, also suddenly opened her eyes and woke up.

Their eyes collided in the dimness, and he moved closer to her, questioning her condescendingly,

"Where have you been tonight?"

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