My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 431 Destruction
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Chapter 431 Destruction

Chapter 431 Destruction

"Yes, I have no problem with that."

Ayan responds.

Austin: "I don't have a problem with that either."

Seeing the conversation between the two, Mr. Bell also couldn't help but nod his head: "I can work with

both of you, I already see the success of this project."

"You're welcome." Ayan replied in a light voice.

Austin smiled lightly: "Then let's have a good cooperation!"

The three shook hands with each other and then met for lunch together.

After lunch, the Simpson Group had other things to do, so Ayan left first.

Austin and Mr. Bell were staying at a hotel, so they went back together.

Austin returned to his room, and as soon as he entered, he saw Cora sitting on the sofa with a heavy

look on her face. The guilt and self-blame under her eyes were very obvious, and with her recent

depressed mood, the whole person was floating with the four words of bad mood.

Austin frowned and walked over to sit in the empty seat across from her and asked indifferently, "Cora,

what's wrong with you? If it's because of him, then you should quit this project before it starts and go

back to Campole first, I don't want to see other problems appear in your already-healed body!"

Cora had severe depression, but it was largely controlled by medication and mood mediation, but

recently she has been having insomnia day and night, and her depression seems to be returning to its

original form.

Austin had a face full of worry and displeasure.

Cora said, "No, since I'm already involved in this project, I don't want to quit, not to mention that we

have already signed a contract with Mr. and Mrs. Bell, it's not the right time to quit."

She said it with certainty, but she was afraid Austin wouldn't believe her, so she reassured her again

and again, "I'm fine, I'm fine, I just might have been stressed recently, that's why I'm like this, don't

worry, I'll adjust well."

Austin wasn't saying anything, just giving her a meaningful look.

But Cora's eyes were clearly covered with a heavy heart, so how could this be nothing?

Austin narrowed his eyes slightly and contacted his secretary that evening after Cora had gone for a

walk with Mrs. Bell.

He ordered indifferently, "Find a way to find out from the Simpson Group whether they have been in

contact during the recent period?"

The secretary of who they are referring to understands that it is Cora and Ayan.

The secretary immediately went to check the next, although in the Simpson Group they are at most

considered guests, many things simply can not be found out, but the Simpson Group is crowded, some

things as long as a little set of words how much there is the wind.

So it didn't take long for Austin to receive the news, and when he learned of it a face that was gloomynovelbin

and cold to the extreme.

He lit a cigarette to smoke up, a face cold if gloomy very difficult to see.

Cora also returned at this time.

He stood by the window and didn't move, and she didn't get any response even after shouting several


Cora thought he was still worried about her, so she took the initiative to go over to him. Only just as she

approached, before she could speak, her whole body was suddenly pushed against the glass of the

floor-to-ceiling window, and the man's cold gaze stared at her questioningly: "Camille's premature birth

had something to do with you, didn't it?"

Cora's eyes were lost in thought, she had been restless since this incident happened, and she could

not settle down inside.

But Ayan's side never held her accountable, let alone did anything to her, or even asked her to quit the

project, but the uneasiness inside her about Camille and their child grew, and she couldn't convince

herself not to keep thinking about it as long as she thought about that scene.

Cora's reaction says it all.

Austin sneered, "So you're admitting it?"

She pursed her lips and her eyes kept dodging to escape.

He said, "Are you still unable to forget him?"

Her: "I didn't."

The voice was soft and unconvincing.

Austin's sneer got heavier, and under his eyes was a cold indifference: "Cora, don't you forget that he

Ayan now even has a child, what do you think you still love to forget? Are you planning to rekindle your

old relationship with him as a third party to destroy other people's marriages and families?"

"I didn't!" She retorted emotionally as she said, "I didn't, I didn't think of it that way, and I didn't mean to,

I didn't do anything to Camille, I just ...."

"Cora, I'm sure you didn't, so don't let me down, okay?" Austin's emotions were slightly under control

as he whispered soothingly, "We're already married, aren't we getting along just fine? So don't break

this peace and let bygones be bygones, huh?"

Cora did not speak.

Austin took that as her default.

His face is slightly light, leaning closer to her, his voice is low: "He no longer has you in his heart,

otherwise he would not have married someone else and had a child, so forget him completely, as for

the past is in the past, now we are the couple."

Austin's voice echoed in Cora's ears over and over again, and she was even right when he said that

they were the couple, that she and Ayan were over, completely over, and now it was just a partnership.

Cora convinced herself in this way, but as for the heart, I do not know if it is convinced?

But she hasn't been talking, so Austin took it as a sign that she was listening, reached up and lifted her

chin, then leaned down and kissed her.

Just as her thin lips were about to fall on hers, she suddenly turned her head sideways and a warm

kiss landed on her cheek.

The man's face immediately turned cold and sullen as Cora said in a low voice, "Austin, I'm tired and I

want to rest, okay?"

Austin did not stop, just gently stroked her cheek voice gentle like water: "Good, you go rest."

Cora came out of his arms, the whole person can not help but greatly relieved, and then this just

quickly back to the bedroom.

It was a suite, she was in the master bedroom, and he was in the second bedroom.

No that normal couple will live in separate rooms, but she was depressed for nearly six months before

slowly getting better, Austin did not want her to be sick again, so this has been indulged.

Austin narrowed his eyes slightly and looked out the window into the darkness, he looked at the time

and casually picked up his phone and dialed out.

The answer there was quick.

Austin said with a smile and a polite smile, "Master Simpson, good evening, I'm not disturbing you so

late, are I?"

"No. Is there something wrong with Master Norman?"

Ayan has been living in the office recently, and has just taken a shower at this moment.

Austin: "Here's the thing, do you have time tomorrow night? I'd like to invite you and Mrs. Simpson to

dinner. We've been in Hance City for quite a long time, and Master Simpson and Mrs. Simpson have

been taking care of us, so it's my turn to host you, and Mr. and Mrs. Bell will be there too. Master

Simpson and Mrs. Simpson will agree, right?"

"Master Norman you are welcome, not to talk about care, just a handful, and we are a partnership, you

in Hance City naturally by the Simpson Group and I take care of it is only right, as for dinner ...."

Ayan raised his hand and wrinkled his eyebrows, but finally said, "Let's skip the dinner, my wife may

not be available, the child is still small, more sticky her, so next time!"

"The child is small understandable, but Mr. and Mrs. Bell side has promised, just afraid that by then

because Master Simpson and Mrs. Simpson are not available will be lost, since Master Simpson and

Mrs. Simpson do not have time, then we will change the next time! "

After Austin's words, he was already mentally prepared that Ayan would not say yes.

But before hanging up, Ayan responded lightly: "Master Norman has a heart, since he has already

made an appointment with Mr. and Mrs. Bell, I will see if I can find the time."

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow night at the Ruby Seashore Hotel." Austin was afraid that Ayan would

back out so he agreed immediately.

Ayan wonders why Austin is suddenly buying dinner?

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