My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 429: Family Photo
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Chapter 429: Family Photo

Chapter 429: Family Photo

Because of Talia's voice, everyone looked over here.

Including Camille, who was holding the baby, still wearing his shirt, because the shirt was big enough,

so she didn't wear pants. Seeing her white and slender legs moving, Ayan was having some

uncomfortable movement, and then hurriedly get up to hand Timmy to the nursery teacher, and then

she took an outdoor jacket on the side and put it on.

Ayan faintly averted his gaze, then also at this time raised his feet and walked into the house, he

walked directly to the nursery teacher looked at Timmy, reached out and gently pinched Timmy's face:

"I came back and ask dad to borrow a painting for Mr. Bell to view for two days."

This comment was in response to the question which Talia had just asked.

His eyes looked tenderly at Timmy, and the little one could probably sense that the person in front of

him was his father, so he opened his mouth and babbled, and his hands were dancing.

The childcare provider laughed, "Timmy is welcoming Daddy!"

Ayan also laughed when he heard that.

At this point, Talia said, "Want to take a couple of pictures with your son? The photos at this stage are

the most memorable."

Ayan slightly narrowed his eyes, he did not say anything, only his gaze seemed to sweep Camille, and

then this faintly said: "You guys shoot just fine, I still have things to do first back to the company."

When he finished, he dropped the hand that was squeezing Timmy's cheek, and then he was ready to

turn around and leave.

Talia added, "You're leaving now? Let's take a family photo together before we leave." Talia looked at

Camille and asked softly, "Cami, what do you think? Call Grandpa and we'll take a picture together in

the garden, it's the first picture of four generations of the Simpson family!"

Talia's suggestion had the photographer nodding in agreement, "I think it's good and memorable."

Although the photographer has seen a lot of handsome and beautiful people, there is no shortage of

stars or other celebrities, but this is the first time such a dream linkage like Simpson Group, which adds

a perfect glow to her photography path.

But Camille hadn't responded yet, and Talia looked on with an expectant face. Eventually Camille

couldn't bear to lose Talia, so she nodded: "Yes!"

Everyone turned downstairs to the garden, the old Simpson holding Timmy sitting in the front chair,

Fletcher and Talia are standing behind the old Simpson, Camille and Ayan are standing beside Talia

and Fletcher.

This scene was just framed and filmed.

Talia then suggested, "Let's take a picture of the three of you."

The three refer to Ayan, Camille and Timmy.

Everyone watched, Ayan did not speak, the decision seemed to fall into her hands.

Camille pursed her lips and looked a little hesitant as Talia said, "This is kind of Timmy's first time

taking pictures with mom and dad!"

The words took Camille out of her mind to say no, and she hugged Timmy while Ayan stood by her


The photographer said, "Mr. Simpson lifted his arm around Mrs. Simpson's shoulders!"

Camille was slightly stunned, Ayan next moment raised his hand to land on her shoulder, then his gaze

was also subconsciously looking at her, a handsome face without too much emotion, but the deep eyes

were unblinkingly watching.

The three people did not take many pictures, Camille immediately stopped: "Well, Timmy is also

hungry, auntie first take upstairs to feed milk it!"

The nursery aunt immediately said yes, and carried Timmy upstairs.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while, but it was good that Ayan didn't stay longer and took the

painting that Mr. Bell wanted to see and left.

Talia went with the photographer to pick out the photos while Sienna accompanied Camille to sit and

chat in the garden.

Camille took the initiative and asked, "Did I just going too far?"

Sienna was slightly stunned, "To Ayan?"


"It's okay, after all, you two are geting a divorce, it's good to keep some distance, but ...."

"But what?"

Camille asked with a frown.

Sienna said lightly, "Do you feel that Ayan has changed a lot?"

"Changed? We haven't had any contact since the hospital, and even when we came back to the

Simpson's mansion, he just saw Timmy a while and left, so I don't have that feeling."

Camille can't help but follow Sienna's words down the line... Has he changed?

But she really didn't feel it.

Sienna said, "You've been talking about divorce for a long time, right? Why did he suddenly say yes? Is

it really just because you brought it up at that time that he agreed to it? But you know him better than I

do, you know the kind of man he is if he does not want to no one can influence his decision, so you do

not think he can not see you like that because he feels sorry for you?"

Feel for her?

Camille's eyes narrowed slightly and her face was warm: "I think you are hungry and dizzy from not

eating lunch, right?"

Camille didn't want to continue the conversation and just got up and tried to go back inside.

Sienna grabbed her hand and asked in a low voice: "Well, I also just hope you can be like a normal

divorced couple, do not carry a deep hatred, this is not good for Timmy's future growth environment,

although you are separated, but you can't never see each other for the rest of your life, with Timmy in,

you are bound to meet often and even have to cooperate with play the role of loving mom and dad,


Camille was deep in thought.

She knew that Sienna was right, Timmy was the fuse that held the two together, and there could never

be any communication and contact. She couldn't be as uncomfortable as she was today or be

deliberately distant from him every time, which would only make Ayan different from the others in her


If you want to completely forget him then you have to treat him the same as anyone else, so she has to

learn to look forward and let herself go even more.

She seemed to get it somewhat, and then she didn't quite get it yet.

But she thought she would be able to learn.

The next morning, Sienna arrived at the door with the developed photos.

Talia had almost all the finished films selected and washed out, a total of fifty or so, most of which were

Timmy's alone.

The three of them sat in the sofa in the living room, and you went through all the photos one by one.

Finally Talia picked up the picture of Camille and Ayan holding Timmy and kept staring at it. She sighed

softly, causing Camille and Sienna to look at each other, and then Camille asked, "Mom, what's wrong

with you?"

"It's okay." Talia shook her head, although her mouth said it was fine, but a face all lost.

Camille frowned slightly, "Was the photo unsatisfactory?"

"Of course not, come on, let's hurry up and put all these photos in the album. "

"I haven't prepared the album yet, so I'll get it tomorrow."

"No need to buy, you go to the room to look for it, Ayan has a photo album of his photos, just so you

can put Timmy's also in a piece, their father and son stay in a photo album is also quite good."

Talia said so, and Camille went straight upstairs to find it.

After Camille left, Sienna couldn't help but inquire, "Auntie, what was that sigh you were making?"

"Hey, I am feeling sorry for such a good daughter-in-law Ayan does not cherish, this is not my son I

would hate to spit on him every day."

Talia held up the photo in her hand and handed it to Sienna to share. She pointed to Ayan in the photo

and said, "Look, you keep staring at people in a photo shoot, why did you agree to a divorce if you

knew that?"

Sienna swept the three people on the photo, Ayan's drooping eyes are indeed full of Camille, this is

probably the photographer captured, yesterday's photo selection is also Talia and the photographer

two, this is probably if Camille is also present to select the estimate will not be seen.

Sienna laughed lightly, "Take it easy, look how cute Timmy is!"

"Yeah, the looks totally combine the best of Mom and Dad."

Talia couldn't care less about her grandson, but she took a picture and sent it to Ayan via WeChat.

She didn't say anything, she just sent a picture.

After Ayan received this photo, a touch of tenderness emerged subconsciously between his eyebrows,

and then directly saved the album to set the desktop background of his phone.novelbin

He had just put the phone down when Kian knocked on the door after him, "Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Norman

is here, she says she wants to see you, should I invite her in now?"

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