My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 418: Selfishness
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Chapter 418: Selfishness

Chapter 418: Selfishness

Mrs. Bell was so happy, her eyes turned red, and she was so excited: "Oh my God, this is amazing."

Mr. Bell could not help but nod his head when he saw it, and then said to Ayan, "Mrs. Simpson is a very

caring person, and Mr. Simpson must be very lucky to have such a wife."

Ayan nodded his head in agreement.

The four then went into a private room in the hotel, as they were chatting happily, the door of the room


It was Cora and Austin who came.

Ayan introduced Mr. and Mrs. Bell, and then shook hands with Austin.

Cora volunteered to introduce, "This is Mrs. Simpson, Mr. Simpson's wife."

"Hi Mrs. Simpson, I'm Austin, Cora's husband."

"Hello Mr. Norman."

Camille responded warmly.

The three couples were then seated, and the dinner basically didn't revolve around the collaboration,

but words for words, they were preparing for it.

Mrs. Bell kept dragging Camille into conversation until Mr. Bell interrupted: "My dear wife, let's eat first,

Cami needs to eat too, she's a mother, and the little one in her tummy is hungry too, if you like talking

to Cami, there's plenty of time for that in the next few days, Mr. Simpson, don't you think so? "

"Of course." Ayan responded in a shallow voice, then offered to serve Camille the soup, and peel the

shrimp for her, his gestures were clear for all present to see.

Austin couldn't help but exclaimed: "Mr. Simpson treats Mrs. Simpson so well, it seems that I have to

learn more from Mr. Simpson about how to be a good husband who loves his wife, so that when Cora

has our children, I can also be a responsible husband and father. "

Cora's face froze slightly, and an unnatural faint flicker passed under her eyes: "You are doing just


Austin obediently took her hand, put it to the corner of his mouth, and kissed it, while whispering,

"You're the one who put up with me."

Mrs. Bell laughed, "Mr. Norman and Mrs. Norman are also very loving, I am actually really happy to see

that you young couples still love and respect each other like this, because nowadays many young

people are not willing to enter into marriages, and just want to play all the time."

"Mrs. Bell is right, in my opinion, as long as you meet the right person, there is no change even after

marriage, see Mr. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson, aren't they the best example, even though the child is

about to be born, but they still feel like they are in an initial relationship with each other."

Austin's gaze was full of smiles and his words were full of heartfelt appreciation and envy for Ayan and

Camille's relationship as a couple.

He asked, "Mr. Simpson, can you share something about how you and Mrs. Simpson get along with

each other? So that newlyweds like us can learn from it."

Ayan's face is gentle: "Mr. Norman overpraised, there is no way to get along, as long as you meet the

right person, there is no need for any learning, everything is a subconscious reaction."

Ayan's answer made Mr. and Mrs. Bell and the Austins' eyes fall on him and Camille.

Although he and Camille did not have much interaction, but everyone can clearly see that his eyes are

all Camille alone.

But Camille's reaction was always lukewarm, she didn't want to be deliberate about it.

If Ayan hadn't counted on her, she couldn't be sitting here right now.

After the meal, Mrs. Bell took the initiative to leave her contact information with Camille, and invited her:

"I may disturb you a lot in the last few days, Cami, don't mind me?"


Camille responded with a light smile.

After sending the Bell couple back to the hotel to rest, Austin looked at Ayan and Camille and spoke

up: "Thanks to Mr. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson for their hospitality tonight, we had a two-day delay

before we had time to come to Hance City. for taking care of Cora."

"Mr. Norman is very kind, Simpson Group and Norman Group are cooperative enterprises, Mrs. Mr.

Norman will naturally not be neglected when she comes to Hance City."

Ayan's response clearly informed Austin that he was only taking such good care of Cora for the sake of


His words also drew a smile to Austin's face, only for Cora's face to flash with a stiff bewilderment.

Camille saw it clearly, but she probably noticed Camille's gaze and immediately returned to her natural

self with a faint smile: "Thank you Mr. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson for your care."

"Mrs. Norman is joking, this is only the second time we have met, I don't take half care of you, you'd

better thank him."

This he refers to Ayan, and the atmosphere has become cold.

Camille's deliberate pointing out made the already somewhat awkward atmosphere even more

uncomfortable. Austin's lightly smiling dark eyes glanced lightly at Camille, then had a feeling: "Mr.

Simpson and Mrs. Simpson really do get along differently, there is an indescribable intimacy. "

Camille is silent, and so is Ayan.

Austin added, "Cora, what about it? I'm jealous of Mr. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson, how about we have

to have a baby sooner too?"

Cora's face stiffened, she subconsciously looked at Ayan, then gently said, "It's late, let's go back to the

hotel early, and don't disturb Mr. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson's rest, okay?"

Austin's handsome face slightly pause, then still nodded yes, the four said goodbye after each got into

the car.

Ayan sat with Camille in the back seat and remained silent, Camille's face had sunk since she had sent

Mr. and Mrs. Bell away.

He thought of Talia's words last night, hesitated for a few seconds and then took the initiative to say, "I

did ask you to come over today because I had a personal desire for you to accompany me to see Mr.

and Mrs. Bell, I didn't want to set you up, I was just afraid you wouldn't agree, so I didn't tell the truth."

He came clean, which Camille hadn't expected, but what was the point of explaining after what he'd


Camille just faintly looked at him, and then revealed a cold smile: "Your methods are consistently full of

calculations, in fact, I have also gotten used to it, so you can not need to make a special explanation

like this, originally our marriage from the beginning by calculations laid the foundation, so there is no

need to expect any sincerity."

Ayan tightened his eyebrows: "I did not want to calculate you, as for our marriage at the beginning you

and I did not come from the heart, this is not a thought that I alone have."

"How do you know I don't have one?"

Camille dislikes back.novelbin

Ayan asked, "What do you mean?"

"No, just wanted to tell you that even though none of it was sincere at first, I wasn't trying to count you

out, so we're not of the same nature."

He does not believe that she has sincerity, so let's pretend that she does not, but even if she does not

have sincerity, but it is not a calculation, and he is completely different.

Her words made Ayan's eyebrows wrinkle tighter, and his deep eyes stared at her: "I know you're not

happy about this, but I have no choice, you're my wife, I can't just find someone to replace you, right?

So I can only ask you to come over and face it with me, if you don't want to participate in such a social

gathering, then the next one will not be an example, okay?"

Camille smiled lightly: "Whether you want to find someone else is your own business, no need to

explain anything to me specifically, I'm tired and do not want to talk about this matter."

After saying that, she did not give Ayan the opportunity to speak directly to the side of the car window.

Her refusal made Ayan's face stiffen, but there was no movement, only a momentary gaze at her.

Back at the Simpson's mansion, the two got out of the car one after the other and walked towards the


But just as she reached the door, Camille suddenly stopped and turned to face him, "So you're officially

moving back into the Simpson's mansion now, right?"

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