My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 415: Commissioning
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Chapter 415: Commissioning

Chapter 415: Commissioning

Camille didn't say yes or no, just looked faintly at the woman behind her.

Ayan noticed, then took the initiatives to take her hand and lead her forward as he spoke, "This is

Camille, my wife."

"This is Cora Hayes, whose husband is working with Simpson Group on securing a commission

partnership and is now a partner with Simpson Group."

He explained succinctly, and Camille nodded slightly in a polite manner, "Hello."

Cora's eyes fell on her abdomen, but only for a moment before responding with a quick, "Hello."

The two smiled at each other, the smile was very light and faint, but because it was the first time they

met, it was enough.

But Camille from Cora just when hearing Ayan introduced her identity, Cora's eyes under the floating a

not quite natural strange, although a flash, but she still clearly noticed.

But Camille didn't probe, nor did she keep gazing at Cora to gawk, she pretended not to see.

After greeting each other, the atmosphere was quiet.

Ayan's low voice asked again, "You're eating with me?"

"No, after all, you and Miss Hayes to talk about cooperation, I no longer too convenient, the company

side is still waiting for me together!"

Camille is smiling, but her tone is one of detachment and rejection.

Then she also didn't give Ayan any response at all, her eyes went straight to Cora and smiled, "Miss

Hayes, then I'll go first, you guys talk."

When she finished, she had already pulled her hand away from Ayan's hand and walked in the

direction of the private room.

Her figure had already entered the booth, but Ayan's gaze was always on, and the handsome face was

somewhat vaguely tense.

Cora saw this and asked softly in a low voice, "Did you have some kind of conflict?"

"No." He briefly denied, indifferent gaze to Cora solemnly said: "We have a good relationship as a

couple, so we do not bother Miss Hayes concern."

His sentence Miss Hayes let Cora eyes stunned, instantly no courage and bottom of the speech.

She held her breath and remained silent, just when Kian came over and she and Ayan didn't have to

be alone.

After the meal, Ayan asked Kian to take her back to the hotel and reminded her, "Do you want me to

arrange a driver to pick up Mr. Norman from Hance City tomorrow? "

Cora shook her head, "No, I'll drive myself to pick him up."

"Good, there is a driver in instead of disturbing you couple, then the evening by me to buy a dinner

together, I will bring my wife a piece to attend, also as a formal acquaintance, I hope the futurenovelbin

cooperation happy."

Ayan's expression was warm and light, without the slightest hint of laughter, and after he finished he

didn't wait for Cora to respond he passed a look directly to Kian and then turned around and walked

back to the restaurant to wait for Camille.

Cora could see his indifference and disregard, if not for this cooperation, he probably would have

ignored her, right?

She pursed her lips, a face stiffened beyond recognition, and a look that seemed like grief slid across

her eyes.

Kian's voice rang out slowly, "Miss Hayes, I'll take you back to the hotel."

Cora then came back to her senses and hurriedly responded, "Yes, please."

Kian: "You're welcome. That's what I should do."

Sitting in the car, Kian drove the car smoothly down the road.

Cora sat in the back seat and looked out the window at the roads passing by, all were very familiar

places once, but she haven't seen them for many years, everthing has changed a lot, so much less

about the people?

She remained silent for a long time before she spoke in a low voice: "Mr. Reid, please allow me to take

the liberty of asking, are your Mr. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson a good couple? Have they been fighting


Kian smiled lightly: "Miss Hayes, I am just a secretary, these are Mr. Simpson's family matters, I have

no rights to interfere."

Cora said in a shallow voice: "Well, I understand, I didn't mean anything else, I just saw Mrs. Simpson

today and she seemed a little upset, so I couldn't help but ask a few more questions."

She saw Camille's slightly bulging abdomen and held back from asking at the time, but now she

couldn't help but say, "Their baby should be born soon, right?"

"Well, very soon."

Kian's answers were always ambiguous, not particularly definitive or certain.

This was the professionalism of a secretary.

Cora murmured, "He must really like her, huh? "

She sketched out a faint smile, so faint that it was almost hard to see.

Kian scanned through the rearview mirror and saw her expression seemed a little different, and couldn't

help but ask, "Miss Hayes, is there something wrong with you?"

Cora shook her head: "No, I just wanted to know more about it because I was ready to work with him.

Without thinking much about it, Kian casually responded, "Madam is very talented and powerful."

This answer left Cora with a somewhat complicated expression on her face. She couldn't help but

think, "Naturally his wife should be powerful and talented, otherwise how can she be worthy?

The corners of her mouth rose, sketching out a light smile of self-deprecation.

But it soon dispersed as her phone rang at that moment.

Looking at the caller ID, she immediately picked it up with a gentle face, "Hi Austin."

"How are you getting used to it in Hance City?"

Austin Norman was concerned.

She said, "Well, it's not bad, the Simpson Group is very caring, what time do you arrive tomorrow and

I'll pick you up?"

"I can meet you directly at the hotel around 4 p. m."

"Well, see what's convenient for you."

"Is there something wrong with you? Why does it sound breathless?"

"No, it's probably because I haven't been away from home for too long, so I miss the food at home a

bit." She casually found an excuse.

But Austin asked meaningfully, "Is it really just because you miss the food at home and nothing else?"

Cora naturally denied it, and because Kian was there, she immediately ended the conversation and

moved on to work.

After Kian dropped Cora off at the hotel, he immediately drove to the restaurant and left the car for


It was after 9:00 p. m. when Camille and her group came out of the restaurant.

Because Ayan also booked KTV, so everyone had to transfer over, but Camille was pregnant, so

naturally she didn't plan to go over, but let Sienna accompany her instead to have a good time, relax

and unwind, and then go all out to put all her time and focus on the competition.

She had just finished instructing Sienna when she saw Ayan standing by the black Mercedes in the

parking garage.

It was obviously waiting for her.

The crowd waved and walked away, but Sienna didn't move, just looked at Camille and asked, "What

are we going to do?"

Camille pursed her lips faintly: "You go play with them."

She said so, and Sienna walked away this time.

Camille walked over to the car and asked lightly, "Did Grandpa send you to pick me up again?"

She wanted to tell him that Grandpa didn't know she was having dinner tonight, and even if he did, he

didn't know where the restaurant was, so how could he have called him to come pick him up?

Camille was close to poking him in the heart, but Ayan didn't change his face without the slightest


He said, "I'm the one who doesn't feel comfortable with you going back alone, I'll give you a ride, just as

I'm going back to the Simpson's mansion."

Camille did not immediately make a move, but stood still and silently took a deep breath, she had

reluctance, but did not want to argue with him more.

After getting into the car, they drove towards the Simpson's mansion.

Ayan took the initiative to ask: "I have something that I need your cooperation."


Camille gave him a look.

He said, "The cooperation mentioned to you in the restaurant, which is still in the campaign period. It's

a rural resort developed by a famous foreign philanthropist in his wife's name. On one hand, it's a gift to

his wife for their silver wedding celebration, on the other hand, the resort is used to bring revenue to

remote mountainous areas, but he has conditions, we can only win this deal if we meet his terms "

"What are the conditions?"

Camille asked casually.

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