My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 411: Creating A Disturbance
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Chapter 411: Creating A Disturbance

Chapter 411: Creating a Disturbance

Before Ayan returned from Dane City, a time was set for the finals of the Architect competition.

From now on, there was still a full week or so.

Camille put all her focus on this competition, she told Yessica and others: "Go all out in this finals

without any pressure, don't forget the original intention, as for the ranking, we could't guarantee. If the

champion is ours, it would be, and that's something others cannot take away from us. But my only

requirement is that we need to complete good preparation, the reward will come naturally. "

Even though Camille was pregnant, but she was working as hard as ever, trying to accompany Yessica

and the girls in their quest to get a desired ranking.

Although she told everyone not to be too stressed, but sh was running for the top three, and only after

entering the top three, it could bring the most direct benefits and shortcuts for them in the future


When Camille got really busy, she spent her days between the office and the Simpson's mansion.

She left early and came home late, and Talia and the old Simpson were especially worried.

Talia started out by following the driver every morning to accompany her to the office, then watched her

enter the building after which she was relieved, then brought her lunch at noon, and then came back to

pick her up in the evening.

This went on for two days and Camille was just a little embarrassed.

In the evening at dinner, she took the initiative and said to Talia, "Mom, you don't have to accompany

me to work every day, just have a driver take me, you could go about your business."

"It's my business to take good care of you." Talia naturally took over.

Camille laughed, "I really don't need it, I'm not at the point of being born yet so I don't need it at all, if I

do need it I'll let you know, okay?"

Camille gently persuaded, and the old Simpson listened and agreed.

But Talia murmured, "Ayan will blame me."

Camille didn't hear it, but asked, "What did you say? No one will blame you, don't think about it that

way, okay?"

Talia, afraid that Camille would know, nodded her head, "Well, I know."

But the old Simpson looked profoundly at Talia, and there was a vague smile under his eyes.

He silently sighed inwardly, some people have to suffer.

After dinner, Camille went back to her room to continue revising her drawings, and Talia took

advantage of this time to call Ayan.

When she got through, she told Ayan about the night and she said, "It's not that I won't help you, it's

that your grandfather has agreed to it, so if you don't feel comfortable, come back and pick up


Ayan didn't say anything, just a low mmm.

His reaction was so calm that Talia couldn't help but ask, "Don't you have anything to say?"

"What would you like me to say?"

"You don't want to think about it?"

"Grandpa has promised, what can I do?"

Talia said unhappily: "What do you mean? Do you really want to sign and sign? I'm telling you, I only

recognize Camille as my daughter-in-law, if you let her go, then you can get out too!"

"Heh, you are really my good mother." Ayan couldn't help but laugh low, then said lightly, "Well, I still

have work, I'll take care of this matter."

Talia grunted coldly, just hung up the phone and turned around to go back to the hall, when she saw

Fletcher who was standing not far away at some point.

She was startled and frowned in displeasure, "What are you doing without any sound at all?"

"What are you doing again?"

"I didn't do anything, don't you dare talk nonsense." Naturally, Talia refused to admit it.

Fletcher just smiled lightly, "You, ah, just indulge him."

Talia retorted, "If I didn't indulge him, would you have grandchildren to hold? I'm not doing this for your

own good."

Fletcher has nothing to say in return, just a helpless smile.

Camille also feels much more relaxed without Page's transportation.

On this day, after a busy day of work, she met Sienna and Yessica for a meal together to reward them

for their hard work and encourage them to work harder.

Several people walked out of the company building together and Sienna immediately pulled her and

then passed her a look.

She subconsciously looked over and saw the man who had been standing by the car on the side of the

road at some point.

He has a long, handsome body, a light-colored casual style, standing there doing nothing is also a

landscape that people can not ignore.

This point is the end of the day, the surrounding are office buildings or company offices, so to and from

many little girls have issued a tight gaze and adoring appreciation of the chatter.

But his face that most people know, so you can only look at it.

Camille's side of the line stopped and did not continue to walk forward, in fact, she wanted to leave as if

she did not see, the bottom of her heart can not help but scold Sienna why to remind her?

Because she didn't move for a long time, he came straight towards her.

His dark eyes were fixed on her, and he said in a shallow voice, "I came to pick you up for dinner at the

Simpson's mansion, and Mom said she prepared the soup and snacks you like."

After that, he looked at Sienna and nodded slightly as a greeting, and then swept aside to nod to the

three Yessica.

The three Yessica saw this and immediately found an excuse to leave first, because the pressure in

front of Ayan was too much and a bit overwhelming.

Following that, Ayan said, "Miss King, do you need a ride?"

Sienna shook her head, "Cami, you guys talk, I'll go to the car first."

That means tell her again to call directly if she needs to.

Camille nodded her head in agreement.

With several people gone, it was just Camille and Ayan left.

She never said a word, just looked at him with an indifferent expression.

He said: "You do not have pressure, I just came to pick you up for dinner, as for what I promised younovelbin

will do, and you are now pregnant, I came to pick you up just for the sake of safety, not deliberately to

influence your circle of life. "

His explanation didn't seem perfunctory, and the expression on Camille's face eased just a little.

But honestly, if she could choose, she still wants to draw a line with him is better, recently and he does

not see and contact, she felt much more relaxed.

Camille pursed her lips and hesitated before getting into the car with him.

In fact, she was going to refuse, but this is the downstairs of the company, there are a lot of people

coming and going at this point, she did not want to have any argument with Ayan to make too much of

a scene.

On the way, neither of them spoke much.

Camille naturally won't take the initiative, so Ayan can only take the initiative: "How have you been

feeling the last few days? Has the baby been messing with you?"

He said, he subconsciously reached over and put his hand on her belly and gently stroked it, Camille's

entire body instantly stiffened and stunned.

With that, she said with an expressionless face, "I don't like the look."

Her resistance was very direct, especially since Ayan's hand was still on her belly through the dress, so

he could clearly feel her stiffened reaction.

The two gazed at each other, and Ayan's hand was withdrawn in the next second.

He asked in a low voice, "Do you .... don't you hate me a lot?"

"No, you should not overthink it."

She responded indifferently.

The two didn't have any further conversations after that.

Ayan's face is heavy and gloomy, Camille is also expressionless can not see the slightest emotion and


She wondered what was the point of getting along like this?

And she wondered if it's really not in love anymore, that's why it reacts this way?

She was a little confused, not quite sure what it was like to not love?

She fell into contemplation, turning her head to look out the window, and her mind drifted away.

In less than ten minutes from the Simpson's mansion, Ayan's cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up casually, "What can I do for you?"

She didn't know what the other end of the phone said to Ayan, the next moment, Ayan suddenly took a

emergency brake to stopped the car.

Because of inertia, people in the car were subconsciously leaning forward, fortunately they all wore the

seat belts, so there was no accident.

He remained only briefly silent, then immediately looked at Camille who was in the passenger side and

asked in a hoarse voice, "Is everything okay? Did you get hit by anything?"

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